WTT/S +1 Bodyfeeder Rapier of Puncturing
Larges (Scales/Stones)
+2 Tomes
Generous Plat Offer
Also have a +2 dagger of the same
WTT/S +1 Bodyfeeder Rapier of Puncturing
Larges (Scales/Stones)
+2 Tomes
Generous Plat Offer
Also have a +2 dagger of the same
Khyber: Hallz Halliebree Redfivest Halspex Halleez Haltrain Hlx Hlz Hallion Halson Halls Halbot Haleas Halkaline Haluminium Haligula - Prophets of the Newb Republic
Thelanis: Hallea Halsup Haliea Halrust Ricroll Riconic
100k Plat, 1 large shrapnel and 1 large chain sound ok?
Golyat, Thelonies, Mavete, Uzziah
Khyber: Hallz Halliebree Redfivest Halspex Halleez Haltrain Hlx Hlz Hallion Halson Halls Halbot Haleas Halkaline Haluminium Haligula - Prophets of the Newb Republic
Thelanis: Hallea Halsup Haliea Halrust Ricroll Riconic
1 LArge Stone & 50k plat if your interested.
Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3
Khyber: Hallz Halliebree Redfivest Halspex Halleez Haltrain Hlx Hlz Hallion Halson Halls Halbot Haleas Halkaline Haluminium Haligula - Prophets of the Newb Republic
Thelanis: Hallea Halsup Haliea Halrust Ricroll Riconic