I have the following items to trade for large ingredients:
For any 1 large ingredient (no horns):
+4 holy burst quarterstaff weighted 2% (+4 DC) ML 16 rr:elf/drow
+4 holy handwraps of enfeebling ML 14
+3 holy quarterstaff ML 8
+4 bodyfeeder rapier of puer good ML 14
+4 transmuting khopesh of shattermantle ML14
+4 transmuting longbw of parrying ML 14
+1 crippling composite longbow of greater evil outsider bane ML 8
+1 paralyzing dwarven axe ML 10
+2 vorpal greataxe of shatter ML 12
+2 vorpal greatsword of shatter rr:elf/drow ML 12
+1 vorpal battleaxe of shatter ML 14 (traded)
+1 vorpal dwarven axe of vertigo +2 ML 12
+2 vorpal dwarven axe ML 12
+1 cursespewing heavy mace of vertigo +10 ML 16
+1 anarchic greatsword of greater lawful outsider bane ML 10
+2 crippling rapier of enfeebling ML 8
+2 holy burst greatsword of pure good ML 12
2 x Siberys Dragonshard
Cloven Jaw War Beads (CON 2 No ML)
+1 paralyzing handwraps ML 12
+1 true chaos shortbow of disruption
For 1 large stone or scale:
+3 paralyzing darkwood quarterstaff ML 14
+2 banishing dagger of deception ML 14
+4 icy burst handwraps of weigted 2% (+4DC) ML 14
+4 transmuting longbow of puncturing ML 14
+4 transmuting falchion of pure good ML 12
+4 holy burst greatsword of shatter rr:ef/drow ML 14
+2 paralyzing longsword of righteous rr:elf/drow ML 12
+1 paralyzing kama of parrying ML 14
+3 acid kama of greater monstrous humanoid bane ML 12
+4 wounding greataxe ML 12
+1 shock quarterstaff of disruption ML 12
+2 quarterstaff of disruption ML 12
+5 shocking burst composite longbow of righteous ML 14
Helm of Free Will SR 17, immune to fear ML 11
Dex 6 boots ML13
Str 6 belt rr:dwarf ML 11
For 2 large stones or scales:
+1 thundering falchion of smiting ML 12
+4 shock greataxe of greater lawful outsider bane ML 14
Daggertooths belt
For 2 large stones or scales, and 1 more large:
+1 transmuting kama of greater evil outsider bane ML 10