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Thread: In Need Of...

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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Exclamation In Need Of...

    A Untainted / Cleansed, Unbound Green Steel Cloak!!!
    I will give you my GS Cloak for you to Untaint it next time you run the shroud if you have the cleansing item to spare.

    What will it cost me to get either one of the above? Have 500K plat, and some items such as +2 Tomes (DEX, WIS), +1 Banishing Rapier, Spectral Gloves, Vorpal Kukri, Smiting Kukri, Vorpal Sickles...

    Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    R.I.P: MALAGHEA NAR'KOSIS (Cleric20)
    The Chinese PlatFarmer of A.O.K.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Unfortunately cleansing the taint from an item now binds it as well. Your only chance is that someone has one from before they made this chance (3 months back? something like that).

    Considering that these are impossible to make anymore, expect to be taken to the cleaners for one
    Star Firefall
    20 Rogue Assasin
    Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Really?... ****! guess no more shrouds until my Hound and VoD hits 20 and (prays a +3 WIS tome drops from either)!!! sigh...
    R.I.P: MALAGHEA NAR'KOSIS (Cleric20)
    The Chinese PlatFarmer of A.O.K.

  4. #4
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by TheHolyman View Post
    Really?... ****! guess no more shrouds until my Hound and VoD hits 20 and (prays a +3 WIS tome drops from either)!!! sigh...
    Why no more shrouds? Your 20th run will net you the cleansing item you want, and you can cleanse it on your 21st run.
    Star Firefall
    20 Rogue Assasin
    Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Ah, cos I have a +3 WIS tome and the cleansing item both on my reward list... I need both :P, so if I can get a +3 WIS from hound or VoD, then i can take the cleansing from shroud. sigh... unless of course, the chance of +3 tomes are low in Hound and VoD rewards... oh dear!
    R.I.P: MALAGHEA NAR'KOSIS (Cleric20)
    The Chinese PlatFarmer of A.O.K.

  6. #6
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by TheHolyman View Post
    Ah, cos I have a +3 WIS tome and the cleansing item both on my reward list... I need both :P, so if I can get a +3 WIS from hound or VoD, then i can take the cleansing from shroud. sigh... unless of course, the chance of +3 tomes are low in Hound and VoD rewards... oh dear!
    I expect they are the same rate as the reaver. Had no +3 tomes on my end rewards list for 20th runs of those quests. Nor have I ever seen a +3 tome drop in either quest. Folks say they are there though. Good luck!!
    Vorn, 30 Fighter

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