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  1. #81
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by creithne View Post
    All true, however, I believe the post I was responding to was referring to the dwarf's +2 CON bonus...which appears to have been the basis for the Dwarven toughness enhancements...just sayin...warforged have that very same +2 CON bonus... I'd say getting bonuses to AC vs Giants...the ability to get more AC than any other race out of any suit of armor...and like you said...Higher CON...also make you...Tough so why do the dwarves need a toughness enhancement so much more than the warforged?
    I don´t believe that just because x or y race has a higher possible CON it entitles them to an Enhancement of said attribute.

    You can ASSUME that...true. But I wouldn´t claim it the "Basis".

    You seem a strong defendant of WF and all I can point out is that they are a VERY impressive Race for many possible builds. The price they pay is AC.... other races pay other biggie.
    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
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  2. #82
    Community Member Drinkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    I'll quit the game the day they do that.
    First off I am ok with that. Second the reason for a paid expansion is not because I want to spend more money. It is because I would love to walk into my local game store and see someone pick up the box and say 'my goodness I didn't realize that was still out there!!'. I don't care if it's $9.99 or $39.99 Not only that but with the thousands of dollars ddo has saved me I feel I owe them at least a few more $$
    Trelizar16sorc,Slipry14wiz/2rog, Augment16bard,Xiled15rgr/1ftr

  3. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    An alternative way to fix it, by nerfing very severly, is to change it to +1 crit mult on natural 20s. Tier 2 would be +1 on 19s. That modification would remove any bias towards weapons with puncturing/banishing properties (as they're not boosted by multiplier) and towards weapons with a particular crit profile (since the boost would be the same for everything, so long as you were already able to crit on a 19)
    True, and not a bad idea. The problem is that it would reduce barbarian's DPS further under ranger's..., #1 source for DDO information.

  4. #84
    Community Member creithne's Avatar
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    Sorry, was just looking for the "basis" of giving dwarves the racial toughness enhancement, since that seems to be one of the big reasons that people are saying Dwarves are over powered. And yes...I like warforged...and while it may have come off as "Wah, Warforged SHOULD get a toughness enhancement too!", I was really just trying to find a reason that Dwarves have a toughness line. I think ANYONE (any race any class) should be able to take toughness enhancements if that's how they want to spend their enhancement points...the enhancement should be tied to the feat, not to a race and/or class, IMO.

  5. #85
    Community Member Drinkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laith View Post
    some people seem to think that an expansion would automatically equal "more".
    IMO, an expansion means that either Turbine hires more developers, or they take away work from free content.
    which do you feel is more likely?

    They also seem to ignore the fact that expansions posess a "have" and "have not" quality. If they include quests, it quite literally makes 2 seperate sub-populations out of each server. DDO already has a low population.

    I do agree that DDO should put a box on the shelves again, though. This could easily be done by following the CoH model of re-packaging the same game in "special edition" type formats.

    Quite possibly a better solution to the low server populations. I think that releasing a new special edition would work fine. When I think of paid expansion I think of two or three new races and three to five new classes not to mention the lvl cap going up as well as a ton of new content. I could have a different view than the devs. If there is a paid expansion I would expect a lot more out of it than just a shiney new box. I've read and heard people talking about wanting another server merge. That is the last thing I want. I want more people playing so that they can afford to release monthly content again.
    Trelizar16sorc,Slipry14wiz/2rog, Augment16bard,Xiled15rgr/1ftr

  6. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryavin View Post
    All I have read are complaints about the best game out on the market.
    While I disagree with the intend of the thread, saying we should not give feedback is simply silly.

    Yes, this game is the most awesome game on the market, in my opinion, but it is not perfect. Feedback is impportant, it helps Turbine improving the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drinkin View Post
    How much more is needed?
    Skill, class levels, stats.

    Why? 'cause there are so many good options that are avoided becuase it'd **** too many people off. It'd riddiculously weaken their character and it's a non-respec part of their build. The lack of some respec options limited the enhancements and feats Dev may be incline to add in the game. Say they add Combat Expertise in the next patch (ie it wasn't there before), how many players would be upset to not be able to get it?

    A lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drinkin View Post
    Agreed that 5% is a waste although there are plenty of quests that see only 5% should we redo them all? I want new content and I assume you do as well. Lets cut our losses and move on.
    Yes, but the Abbot is a raid. It's slightly different, and I hope you understand why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drinkin View Post
    It's not 'creating' anything it's making people run quests they don't want to. I run them anyway I try to get 1750 favor on each of my toons. Necropolis is a lot of favor!!
    There are a lot of quests that are fun, but their reward is poorly balanced. Whether it's XP or loot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drinkin View Post
    Freeloading on 1 quest? Well I guess I'm ok with that when I do hound and two Tumbleweeds, Breastplate of destruction. and Lorrik's Necklace drop I've had far more runs with 4+ items dropping that I have with 0 maybe I'm just lucky.
    Standing still in reaver and not doing anything is not fun.

    As for the loot, it's frustrating to get 0 items. Maybe that is not the case to you, but it applies to a lot of people., #1 source for DDO information.

  7. #87
    Community Member Drinkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    While I disagree with the intend of the thread, saying we should not give feedback is simply silly.

    Yes, this game is the most awesome game on the market, in my opinion, but it is not perfect. Feedback is impportant, it helps Turbine improving the game.
    I agree on all points.

    Skill, class levels, stats.

    Why? 'cause there are so many good options that are avoided becuase it'd **** too many people off. It'd riddiculously weaken their character and it's a non-respec part of their build. The lack of some respec options limited the enhancements and feats Dev may be incline to add in the game. Say they add Combat Expertise in the next patch (ie it wasn't there before), how many players would be upset to not be able to get it?

    A lot.
    Here is my problem with this. What you are suggesting I could literally lvl every toon up as a cleric. Then totally redo him from the get go as a fighter. Clerics are a bit more expensive to level but easiest to find a group around the clock. That is too much there has to be a limit. Or a cost that is so great that I would rather reroll.

    Yes, but the Abbot is a raid. It's slightly different, and I hope you understand why.
    I think that there needs to be harder quests out there to keep the 'uber' population happy. I myself am not uber I have never actually completed the abbot raid but I keep trying and I keep having a great time!

    There are a lot of quests that are fun, but their reward is poorly balanced. Whether it's XP or loot.
    In a perfect world there is perfect balance and harmony devs are only human so a few quests out there are off... big deal.

    Standing still in reaver and not doing anything is not fun.
    agreed but looting four chests is fun and I wante my Head of Good Fortune!! If I can't stand being bored for 15 min here and there I will do a different quest and you should too.
    As for the loot, it's frustrating to get 0 items. Maybe that is not the case to you, but it applies to a lot of people.
    very frusterating I agree but on the other hand over 20 runs by the old method 40 raid items would have dropped and I think over 20 now it would definately be an improvement plus I get that random list to choose from. Still not a perfect system but I for one am ok with the change.
    We could argue about whose opinion is right all day or we could just simply agree to disagree.
    Trelizar16sorc,Slipry14wiz/2rog, Augment16bard,Xiled15rgr/1ftr

  8. #88
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oogly54 View Post
    Or how when Enraged you can stop, open your backpack, drink a few pots, and then continue your destruction. Oh, don't barbarians HATE magic? When getting huge bonuses to STR, CON, Crit range, Crit Damage, ETC. There needs to be some negative. Same goes for a twirling ranger duel weilding. How can you strike for huge damage when you can't put your weight and strength behind an attack because if you do there is no possible way you could continue to attack 9 more times in a round.
    Wow, we've been over this. But let's do it again for the forgetful.

    ICRI and II make a lot of sense if the barbarian focuses his training (ie APs) into being accurate when they rage (Tyson, anyone?) The downside, for barbs, is that these enhancements have been spread out among higher levels so that multiclassing isnt really much of an option.

    As for the lesser restoration pots, I don't think that they should get rid of the 1 min rage cool down. I do, however, feel that certain named items should remove the rage, like the Manacles of Ceasless Toil, or an item not yet introduced.

  9. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by Drinkin View Post
    Here is my problem with this. What you are suggesting I could literally lvl every toon up as a cleric. Then totally redo him from the get go as a fighter. Clerics are a bit more expensive to level but easiest to find a group around the clock. That is too much there has to be a limit. Or a cost that is so great that I would rather reroll.
    It's all about balancing the cost. The problem is not releveling the character that is a pain, but getting all the progression you had on the character, whether we're talking about favor, raid loot or attuned character. There are ways to avoid the whole "Cleric one day, fighter the other" issue. It's designable.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drinkin View Post
    I think that there needs to be harder quests out there to keep the 'uber' population happy. I myself am not uber I have never actually completed the abbot raid but I keep trying and I keep having a great time!
    The 'uber population' doesn't attempt this raid. None one does, except to say they did it once.

    The loot is horrible, and it's horribly PuG unfriendly. It takes a close group of individuals that are minded for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drinkin View Post
    In a perfect world there is perfect balance and harmony devs are only human so a few quests out there are off... big deal.
    Really? A couples off? How many quests do you run on your way to level 16?
    Not that many. You'll probably rerun a lot of the same ones.

    Yes, they are humans. Yes, they do make mistakes. And honestly, I don't mind them mistakes. As you said, they are human and thus they are bound to mess up one day or another. As we say here, those who never make mistakes are those who do nothing. What is important, however, is to fix their mistakes... at least, when it's a clever thing to do.

    Making existing content appealing rather creating new one is a clever thing to do...

    Quote Originally Posted by Drinkin View Post
    agreed but looting four chests is fun and I wante my Head of Good Fortune!! If I can't stand being bored for 15 min here and there I will do a different quest and you should too.
    Yes, but wouldn't it be more fun if you'd not be bored for 15 minutes?
    Quote Originally Posted by Drinkin View Post
    As for the loot, it's frustrating to get 0 items. Maybe that is not the case to you, but it applies to a lot of people.
    Still not a perfect system
    Which is why AD wants to improve it., #1 source for DDO information.

  10. #90
    Community Member Ryavin's Avatar
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    Default I agree

    [QUOTE=Borror0;1847820]While I disagree with the intend of the thread, saying we should not give feedback is simply silly.

    Yes, this game is the most awesome game on the market, in my opinion, but it is not perfect. Feedback is impportant, it helps Turbine improving the game.

    I agree with you, when the feedback is constructive. Feedback is just that-feedback, not complaining. The OP is complaining in a belligerent manner that will get him/her nowhere. My point was that potential subs read these forums and posts like this simply turn those people off. Any constructive critism is always appreciated, otherwise how do we get better as a population?

  11. #91
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Shattergod to be extremely honest with you if I were as unhappy with the game as you I wouldn't play it any longer. Many of the things you mentioned I actually like and is what keeps me playing.

    Solo content - Bah, I think it should be kept to a minimum after all this is a D&D based game. Player's depending on other players is what D&D is all about.

    Something however keeps you playing. I have a few things I do not like 100% in this game also but I focus on a lot of what I like about it. I have played many other MMO's and compare this game to them when I feel like complaining. This game is by far superior to any other MMO I have played.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  12. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryavin View Post
    The OP is complaining in a belligerent manner that will get him/her nowhere.
    I know. I even said it myself. Anyway, Shattergod is banned, so...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryavin View Post
    My point was that potential subs read these forums and posts like this simply turn those people off.
    That's very unlikely, actually. People will try the game, buy it or not.

    If the playerbase is hostile, it will turn a player away... but thread like this... not really. The only issue with this htread is that the OP was too negative., #1 source for DDO information.

  13. #93
    Community Member oogly54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga View Post
    Wow, we've been over this. But let's do it again for the forgetful.

    ICRI and II make a lot of sense if the barbarian focuses his training (ie APs) into being accurate when they rage (Tyson, anyone?) The downside, for barbs, is that these enhancements have been spread out among higher levels so that multiclassing isnt really much of an option.

    As for the lesser restoration pots, I don't think that they should get rid of the 1 min rage cool down. I do, however, feel that certain named items should remove the rage, like the Manacles of Ceasless Toil, or an item not yet introduced.
    Think you quoted the wrong person Gunga. i didn't metion anythng about being able to train fro ICRI or II. I mentioned I belive a barb should not be able to drink ANY pots in the middle of a rage, NONE. They are enraged with the thurst for blood, not thinking too clearly. And I like your example, Mike Tyson truely doesn't think too clearly when he is enraged.
    Ooglys Pet WF 18Wiz/2Rogue, Oogli 18 Bard/2Fighter, Ooog Ly 12 fighter/6 Ranger/2 Monk, Ogly 20th Cleric, Oogly 20th Rogue, Ooogly 20th Paladin, Oooogly 20th Fighter , Gallion 20th Sorcerer

  14. #94
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default yes

    it is time for more server merges IMO

    it is getting very difficult to log on & get a quick group during peak hours

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyromaniac View Post
    My biggest beef is the overpowered nature of Dwarf toons, especially Melee and how the game is catering at the end game to those dwarf melee players.

    DDO is still a great game, because the combat is amazing, and I do love the Auction House as well. I would say we're still around in spite of some of the bad design decisions because of that.

    For those people who think there's no need for any negative feedback in the forums - the game would be a thousand times worse if there wasn't criticism in the forums. People are criticizing to make the game better (and to vent). If you criticize - you still care, and if you still continue to pay your sub.

    If criticizing DDO wasn't allowed the forums would be a wasteland.

    Is it time for another server merge?

  15. #95
    Founder Riot's Avatar
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    Mana Pots,
    Rez Shrines,
    and Rest Shrines.

    3 things that make playability just ridiculous.

    The change from negative XP is also a contributing factor.
    it makes the game dumb. Not challenging.
    Riott Ad Infinitum ~20 Fighter ~ 67 AC unbuffed ~ "Riott, AC Intimi-Tank Build"
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    "Build a man a fire, keep him warm for the rest of the day. Light a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life."

  16. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by Riot View Post
    Mana Pots,
    Rez Shrines,
    and Rest Shrines.
    Agreed on SP pots.

    However, I liked Rez and Rest Shrines... beore they changed the Shrines into reusable..., #1 source for DDO information.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    True, and not a bad idea. The problem is that it would reduce barbarian's DPS further under ranger's...
    Really, the best fix for that is to nerf ranger damage to the D&D rules, and the DDO rules.
    1. Not all favored enemies are the same bonus. You don't get +8 damage on all four of them, just the "first favored".
    2. The Ram's Might spell gives +3 damage like it says in the in-game text, not more.
    3. Restrict the max number of attacks from GTWF to requiring either 19 dex or 15 ranger levels (which wouldn't nerf every ranger build, only some of them)

    (Obviously, nerfing features to rely on class level or ability scores that way is one of the changes Turbine could only easily make if they had a good way for players to respec those choices, as I explained in my first post)
    Last edited by Angelus_dead; 09-03-2008 at 03:03 PM.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    However, I liked Rez and Rest Shrines... beore they changed the Shrines into reusable...
    The reusable rest shrines are not a problem, because the reuse cooldown is so large that anyone who waits that long is essentially penalizing his XP because he's doing the quest very slowly.

    In effect, it's similar to a suggestion I made when DDO was very new: allow someone to use a rest shrine multiple times, but getting a confirmation dialog box for a literal XP penalty after the first time. (The actual suggestion was a bit more complicated than that, to account for numerous problems it could raise)

    The biggest problem from the re-usable shrines turned out to be what happens to specific new quests when the designer assumes shrine re-use is a given, like Coalescence Chamber. That mistake caused too great a disparity between the Normal and Hard modes.

  19. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Restrict the max number of attacks from GTWF to requiring either 19 dex or 15 ranger levels (which wouldn't nerf every ranger build, only some of them
    That one is just a pointless nerf, but I agree with your other points., #1 source for DDO information.

  20. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    The reusable rest shrines are not a problem
    I was mostly refering to reusable Rez shrines. As for Rest shrines, I never saw the point in adding a 15 minutes timer on them..., #1 source for DDO information.

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