Actually, that's a little unture. I have made a bard, and played to fourth level, but deleted her in favor of a monk.

Regardless; I'm not " in the know " when it comes to building bards. So what I'd like is a useful build for endgame, that meets the following criteria;

1) Halfling. Sorry folks but these little guys are my favorite race.
2) Warchanter
3) TWFing with khopesh

I'm thinking 1 level of fighter for feat ( going to need WF:slashing, Imp. crit:slashing, GTWing, Extend, and Power attack I'm thinking ). One thing that concerns me is the Dex for GTWing interfering with the amount of Str. ( on a halfling no less ) I'm going to need for to-hit on a lower BaB class with non-finessable weapons. Although I'm guessing my bard buffs are going to come in to play.

Gear is not an issue. I have access to the best. However, I'd like to leave +2 tomes out of the equation from the start, until I'm comfortable with the build, I won't be dropping any on this toon. +1s are np. Also, I'm a little short on larges after equipping two min IIs on my tempest build, so I'd like to leave tier III GS items as a must out of the equation. They should enhance the build, not be a requirement from the get-go.

So, thanks in advance.