Keep in mind, nothing stops a Virtuoso from maxing his/her IC song enhancements. It's tight, but it's possible.
Add in the fact that 90% of WCs multiclass at least 1 Fighter level, it means that at 20 with only the Tier I PrE benefits, the WC will have a mere +1 damage over a Virtuoso. That's it.
Also, at the current 16 cap, a 2 Fighter splash means you miss out on Inspire Heroics and level 6 spells. That's a huge loss.
Also, if you want to use the "raid party" scenerio, assuming the mobs aren't immune to Enthrall and I can pull it off, all mobs hit will be at -2 to hit when they wake up. Or, another way to to look at it is everyone in the raid just got a free +2 to AC. That's invaluable too. And with the upcoming changes, you might even have a half-dead enemy by the time they wake up from Enthrall, which saves invaluable amounts of healing.
There's plenty of ways to look at this. And yes, Tier II and III Warchanter may put the nail in the coffin for Virtuosos. We'll have to see, I guess. But then again, Tier II and III Virtuoso may suddenly make it the most appealing Bard PrE. Who knows.
*edit* - good to hear on the bard, Bandy! You won't regret WC. I just get a bit defensive regarding Virtuoso because 99% of Bards on the boards rule it off as useless, but when you weigh the stats and/or pros and cons, it's not a huge difference at all. Noticeable, yes, but not a "useless" vs. "useful" change. Drives me nuts! Didn't mean to hijack the thread, haha