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  1. #21
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    Default Enhancement

    Possible Enhancement for Artificers:

    Artificers Transmutation Manipulation IV
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Spent: 32 action points
    Requires All of: Wizard Transmutation Manipulation III
    Available to Artificers class level 10
    Grants an additional 10% increase to the damage or effectiveness of your inflict, disable and repair spells, bringing the total increase to 40%.

    Artificers Improved Metamagic III
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 6 action points
    Spent: 30 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Improved Metamagic II
    Available to Artificers class level 10
    Using any of the Quicken Spell, Maximizing and Empowering feat costs you 3 fewer spell points (for each of them).

    Artificers Energy of the (Artificers) IV
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Spent: 44 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Energy of the (Artificers) III
    Available to Artificers class level 13
    Grants an additional 20 spell points, bringing your total increase to 80 points.

    Artificers Wand Effect IV
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Spent: 36 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Wand Effect III
    Available to Artificers class level 11
    Grants an additional 20% increase to the effectiveness of your wands 100%.

    Artificers Wand Heightening III
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 3 action points
    Spent: 37 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Wand Heightening II
    Available to Bard class level 11
    You add an additional +1 to the DC of your offensive wands, bringing the total increase to 3.

    Artificers Wand penetration III
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 3 action points
    Spent: 37 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Wand penetration II
    Available to Artificers class level 11
    You add an additional +2 to the spellpenetration of your offensive wands, bringing the total increase to 6.

    Wand Creation
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Spent: 8 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Repair I
    Available to Artificers class level 4
    When purchasing Wand from vendors, an Artificer use his Repair skill in place of his Haggle skill.

    Artificers Charisma II
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Spent: 24 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Charisma I
    Available to Favored Soul class level 8
    Grants an additional +1 to your Charisma score.

    Artificers Intelligence III
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 6 action points
    Spent: 30 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Intelligence II
    Available to Artificers class level 10
    Grants an additional +1 to your Intelligence score.

    Artificers Concentration IV
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Spent: 40 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Concentration III
    Available to Artificers class level 12
    Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Concentration skill, bringing the total increase to 4.

    Artificers Repair IV
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Spent: 40 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Repair III
    Available to Artificers class level 12
    Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Repair skill, bringing the total increase to 4.

    Artificers Disable Device IV
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Spent: 40 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Disable Device III
    Available to Artificers class level 12
    Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Disable Device skill, bringing the total increase to 4.

    Artificers Open Lock IV
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Spent: 40 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Open Lock III
    Available to Artificers class level 12
    Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Open Lock skill, bringing the total increase to 4.

    Artificers Search IV
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Spent: 40 action points
    Requires All of: Artificers Search III
    Available to Artificers class level 12
    Grants an additional +1 bonus to your Search skill, bringing the total increase to 4.

    Improved Homunculus attack I, II, III, IV

    Improved Homunculus AC I, II, III, IV

    Improved Homunculus saves I, II, III, IV

    Improved Homunculus speed I, II, III, IV

    Improved Homunculus hitpoint I, II, III, IV

    Artificers Wandmaster I
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 4 action points
    Spent: 16 action points
    Requires All of: Wand Creation, Artificers Wand Effect I, Artificers Wand Heightening I,Artificers Wand Penetration I, Artificers Repair I, Wand Mastery(feat)
    Available to Artificers class level 6
    Wand Mastery increase DC and spellpenetration of wands with +2

    Artificers Wandmaster II
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 2 action points
    Spent: 42 action points
    Requires One of: Artificers Wand Effect II, Artificers Wand Heightening II, Artificers Wand Penetration II
    Requires All of: Artificers Wandmaster I, , Artificers Repair II, Improved Wand Mastery (feat)
    Available to Artificers class level 12
    Wand Mastery II grants aadditional increase of DC and spellpenetration of wands with +2

    Artificers Wandmaster III
    Usage: Passive
    Cost: 2 action points
    Spent: 66 action points
    Requires One of: Artificers Wand Effect III, Artificers Wand Heightening III, Artificers Wand Penetration III
    Requires All of: Artificers Wandmaster II , Artificers Repair III, Greate Wand Mastery (feat)
    Available to Artificers class level 12
    Wand Mastery II grants aadditional increase of DC and spellpenetration of wands with +2

    Homunculus Master I
    Homunculus Master II
    Homunculus Master III

  2. #22
    Community Member
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    LunaCee mabe a realy creative though about how to add item creation as Artificer:
    Quote Originally Posted by LunaCee View Post

    Just work it like the paladin's special weapons. The magic items they can make last for the duration of the quest and consume a material component so as not to flood the market and make it so that they aren't forced to spend massive amounts of money and XP as per PnP item creation. So they can wander in and make a temporary ring of Freedom of Movement for example if the quest has a lot of hold spells being thrown around for example and the meet the requirements to make it... and then hand it off to the barbarian or fighter that needs it.

    Basically it would be a class with a few hot-bars of per shrine clickies.

    And hey its an INT based class that has UMD and can disable traps!

    Basically at low levels they can produce a few pots per shrine of various useful stuff. So if fighter needs a little more STR to open a door the artificer whips up a temporary bull's potion. Maybe a lesser restoration potion... maybe when they have a few more levels under their belt some potions of remove curse, blindness, neutralize poison...

    A little higher they would maybe at the start of the quest give the fighter a temporary STR boosting belt.

    A little higher than that they might cook up a 7th level resist energy wand (or better) and spare the regular caster's SP.

    The thing that would be grand in my book is when they hit 14th they would be able to make temporary rings! Hello ring of Freedom of Movement or something of similar situational value that lasts an entire quest.

  3. #23
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    Modifing LunaCee suggestion:

    lvl 1 feat: lesser Scribe scroll
    You can scribe x scrolls of spells that you know.
    The scrolls that you create disapear ones you leave the instance.

    lvl 2 feat: Brew portion:
    You can create y portions of a 3rd or lower spell that you know.
    The portions that you create disapear ones you leave the instance.

    lvl 3 feat: craft least wand
    You can create z wands or 2nd or lower spells that you know.
    The wands that you create disapear ones you leave the instance.

    lvl 5 feat: craft lesser wand¨
    (The effect replace craft least wand)
    You can create z wands or 3nd or lower spells that you know.
    The wands that you create disapear ones you leave the instance.

    lvl 7 feat Craft Wand:
    (The effect replace craft lesser wand)
    You can create wands even if you don't have the spell on you spell list.
    To be able to create the wand you need to have the same UMD that is need it create the item.
    You can now craft z wands of 4nd or lower spells.
    To create the wand you need to have one scroll of the same type as the wand you like to create.
    You target the scroll in the same way as when you incrible a spell. But the scroll is still there after the wand is created.
    The wands that you create disapear ones you leave the instance.

    lvl 9 feat improved Craft Wand:
    You can now create z wands with caster lvl 10.

    lvl 13 Scribe scroll
    You can now create scrolls even if you don't have the spell on you spell list.
    The scrolls are created in the same way as "Craft Wands".
    The scrolls that you create disapear ones you leave the instance.

    Have removed the option to create none consumable items for two reasons:
    1) There allready exist a process for crating in DDO even if I could see a limited use like creating a weapon for himself (same way as paladin).
    2) I think many player will feel it takes to much take to swich out the armor, rings, weapon that they have for the stuff that the Artifacter hand over to them.

    But as you in the end will have the option to create every possible scroll in DDO the item-creating-only-to-use-in-instance can still be a intresting option.

  4. #24
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Default Artificers as a prestige enhancement then?

    Ive been thinking about it since this game is good with veering from complete traditional dungeons and dragons and adding their own touch instead of Artificer being a established class release it as a PRE for Wizards

    Give them amplified crafting ability thus giving us options to create potions, wands and rods even limited charged ones.

    Amplified reconstruction and construct forging- by this I mean reconstruction would be a way to raise warforge instead of raised dead, repair and the like would be raised as well anyone barring the marks of making (dont laugh I have a wizard and sorc with these they come in handy in raids) benefit from this as well. Construct forging allow us to summon sentient constructs (give the animation maybe a hammer hitting an anvil and a chance at a random construct no bigger then an defender but change it up a bit maybe an iron imp or small mephits that are made of metal/live wood).

    Rune forging this ties into the crafting the ability to design traps via runes and lay them about, it would be faster then casting spells and require material components and be completely random from a sleet storm trap to a hole opening up and swallowing the enemies into spikes or forever trapping them. Potions made with this technique would range from beneficial oils and elixers to flasks of fire that do serious damage to the enemies.

    Im not sure how to break down the ap's and stuff i'll give more thought to it but I really feel that if they cannot make the class viable due to some of the factor's given in this thread they can change it some and make it a welcomed arcane prestige line. Now I wont lie I have wizards more in mind for this then sorcerors but I wouldnt care if they opened it up to any arcane wizard or sorceror Id still be happy.

    *Edit* another ability I thought of is "craft body" which would allow the caster to give themselves natural fortification this to would require components (expensive) and threw expert knowledge a arcane who is under this line can give themselves a natural boost to fortification magic armor basically. (I have to work on this more but I can really see this as a viable way to bring an artificer like template to the game)
    Last edited by Kalari; 12-22-2009 at 03:27 PM.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  5. #25
    Community Member Xenus_Paradox's Avatar
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    Random ideas I've had kicking around in my head for a while re: Artificer-

    -Grant Iron Companion/Adamantine Companion/Mithral Companion as class features, add ability to summon Shrieking Defender, Ancient Warforged and miniature Titan (hezrou-sized, with powers scaled down, ie Improved Trip instead of AoE knockdown) at higher levels. Allow multiple lower-level pets to be summoned instead of one higher-level (ie at 20th, can summon 1 mini-Titan, 2 Ancient WF, OR 3 Shrieking Defenders)

    -Bonus to Haggle checks (or straight percentage discount) when buying scrolls, wands, potions, and other consumables.

    -Magic Weapon and Magic Vestment. Replaces existing enhancement bonus on ally's weapons/armor (if higher) with bonus based on caster level.

    -AoE buff that adds elemental damage type to all allies' weapons (possibly with accept/decline dialog box ala Raise Dead to prevent griefing).

    -Spell that gives equipment temporary Durability (works like temp HP).
    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    if you want a challange, grab 5 strangers, park them at the quest entrance and then solo the quest

    if you want even more challange, let those 5 help you

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