You are correct this build should be modified for dwarf. Your enhancement should include all the following: Tempest 1, dwarven axe attack 2. dwarven axe damage 2, Dwarven toughness 3, Fighter toughness 3, Dwarven spell defense 2, favored enemy damage and to hit enhancement as high as you can get it, favored enemy defense 1, ranger sprint boost 1, fighter haste boost 3, dwarven con 1, fighter strength 2, ranger dex 2, way of tortoise enhancement monk 1. You can have more toughness enhancements, spell defense, etc. depending on your preference.
Next question is will you have access to any tomes? I will assume that you can buy a +1 tome of the auction house, but have no access to +2s other then the favored +2. I would edit your starting stats some to take account of being a dwarf and to fit combat expertise in with a +1 int tome.
Starting stats
16 str
12 int
16 dex
14 wis
12 con
8 cha.
Tomes eaten +2 str (favored tome), +1 int, +1 wis, +1 con, +1 dex. Put all level ups into strength.
Feats swap out one toughness feat for combat expertise. Go slashing with the slashing feat because you will be using axes all the time. Notes on play style: use of combat expertise and power attack depending on situation.
Skill points: have max use magic device start and max intimidate, other skill points into balance and jump. Perhaps spot and up to you with the others.
Edit: one final thing about leveling this character. I would go with the following progression instead of what illumanati lists.
Level 1 ranger
Level 2 monk
Level 3 ranger
Level 4 fighter
Level 5-8 ranger
Level 9 fighter
Level 10 monk
Level 11-16 fighter