I've been playing ddo going on two months now and am about 200 rep away from unlocking 32 point build characters on my account. I'm usually grouped up with 3 of my real life friends and we're all planning on rerolling new chars once we get the 32 point builds.
I decided I'd be the tank of the group and go some variant of Fighter.
Originally my goal was to stay as true as I could to pure fighter as possible, however i've been reading most of the discussions on builds the past few weeks and it looks like you pretty much gimp yourself by going that route.
So with that said. I'm looking for a build that is mainly a fighter but with whatever class splashed in that will allow me to perform more effectively.
I've read about the fighter/palys and the fighter/rangers/monks(Don't know if I can afford this one).
I don't have a preference on twf, thf, etc. I just want good ac, saves, good damage(doesn't have to be great since the rest of my team will be helping in that area.)
Post builds please! (End game capable is important to me)