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  1. #61
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    I decided to add another one that has been driving me crazy lately, although it is arguable that it may actualy be "working as intended".

    That is every time I log my fighter or barbarian, power attack is turned off. I have heard this affects some rogue abilities as well, but I don't have any details about those. Since almost all abilities, now including metamagic feats, remain in the state the user left them in, while power attack and a handful of others always get shut off I don't think this is working as intended, and is at least inconsistent, confusing and annoying for the very few abilities that you have to remember to turn on every time you log.

    I added it above - I consider it a well known issue, and not working as intended since having some abilities automatically turn off while most do not is inconsistent and seems like something that should be fixed.


    Last edited by Issip; 09-04-2008 at 04:28 PM.

  2. #62
    Founder Riot's Avatar
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    THere is Presidence int eh game for Items Stacking WIth feat and/or Enhancments.

    There is no presidence for Items Stacking with Items.

    The Title of this thread should be changed to "Game Mechanics that I invented a new concpet for"
    Really, so what's your theory for why the Finger Necklace stacks with Leviks bracers? Item Plus Item.

    Because if you say it's different, well... that would be bad.

    Anyway, we know GS Teirs do Not stack with each other.... Because they are all "GS Types".
    But if Finger necklace and Leviks stack.. then they should also stack with GS.
    Riott Ad Infinitum ~20 Fighter ~ 67 AC unbuffed ~ "Riott, AC Intimi-Tank Build"
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    "Build a man a fire, keep him warm for the rest of the day. Light a man on fire, and he's warm for the rest of his life."

  3. #63
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    Default One More

    FYI- I'm adding the following:

    Collectible, Ingredient and Gem bags disappear when you try to scroll down using the slider bar on the right side of the window. Using the up and down arrows to scroll is a workaround to keep the window from suddenly disappearing.

  4. #64
    Community Member Karters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riot View Post
    Really, so what's your theory for why the Finger Necklace stacks with Leviks bracers? Item Plus Item.
    could be a bug those 2 stacking or it could b that leviks is healing amp and finger necklace is fleshmaker, making it 2 different types

  5. #65
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    Default Shroud Issue Added

    Added: In part II of the shroud, the named devil and named orthon have a tendancy to teleport outside the walls of the maze and "disappear".

    Workaround: The devil or orthon is likely just on the other side of the wall, you ca nfind them using tab to target them, and place a blade barrier as close to them as possible. If they are hit by the blade barrier through the wall they will teleport back within reach. Fighting these particular mobs a good distance from any outside walls usually prevents them from teleporting out of bounds, but limits your options on where and how to deal with the mobs.

  6. #66
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Issip View Post
    That is every time I log my fighter or barbarian, power attack is turned off. I have heard this affects some rogue abilities as well, but I don't have any details about those. Since almost all abilities, now including metamagic feats, remain in the state the user left them in, while power attack and a handful of others always get shut off I don't think this is working as intended, and is at least inconsistent, confusing and annoying for the very few abilities that you have to remember to turn on every time you log.
    this bug seems to be character dependent, I have one character on whom it always stays on, while the other it always turns off upon logging out.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  7. #67
    Founder & Hero DagazUlf's Avatar
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    I've a Level 14 Monk that may or may not actually be getting his Spell Resistance.

    The SR box on the character sheet shows a zero. I need to go into PvP and check the combat log, but have not gotten to it yet. Perhaps someone else has seen this one?

  8. #68
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Issip View Post
    I decided to add another one that has been driving me crazy lately, although it is arguable that it may actualy be "working as intended".

    That is every time I log my fighter or barbarian, power attack is turned off. I have heard this affects some rogue abilities as well, but I don't have any details about those. Since almost all abilities, now including metamagic feats, remain in the state the user left them in, while power attack and a handful of others always get shut off I don't think this is working as intended, and is at least inconsistent, confusing and annoying for the very few abilities that you have to remember to turn on every time you log.

    I added it above - I consider it a well known issue, and not working as intended since having some abilities automatically turn off while most do not is inconsistent and seems like something that should be fixed.


    I have seen this behaviour with the Subtle Backstabber enhancement. And since the times when you want that off is approaching 0 (and many have argued it shouldn't even have been a toggle) it is a PitA

  9. #69
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Default OLD UMD BUg is Back AGAIN....

    When you have an item equipped via Use Magic Device when you log out, when you log back in that item is no longer still equipped. This is an old bug, which was fixed at one point and has now reappeared.

  10. #70
    Community Member archangelspeed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    (yeah, I actually do play DDO)
    from this point forward you are now officially the coolest dev ever.

    I have searched high and low all around stormreach and have yet to find my sacred invisible boulder. Cursed be Tanka who betrayed the sacredness of the boulder! Undaunted I shall continue my search untill the boulder is found!
    -Angel an orginal Skullrider and current guild leader of Neo Skullriders. we're back!

  11. #71
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Default Misplaced Collectors in Collectable Bags

    The Long Awaited Missing House Deneith Collectors (Drow Artifact Collector, Zolor Drexxian; Text Collector, Mayda Yarrowmill; Fungus Collector, Tarbox; and Ritual Paraphernalia Collector, Maxon Dreamwalker) are listed as Marketplace Collectors when you have their collectables in Collectable Bags.

    The descriptions on the collectables themselves are in fact accurate and correctly point out that they are turned in in House Deneith.

  12. #72
    Founder Alexander_Illusioni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    AH may not be a Bug.... Unless You've tracked Items for an hour+ and Verified that the exact same item was listed this is rather hard to prove.
    AH: being able to relist an item with a different buyout (usually done at a higher price), when a bid was on the item, does happen. This also changes the AH time duration when relisted. I have monitored this many times, and reported as a bug at least three times. The same item when relisted for a new buyout still remains in my bids section of the AH panel, but with the new buyout and time.

    haha, no. While a lead designer's job is to balance the game as a whole, each system designer (and each level designer/content guy) is responsible for their own little bit of the game. So as such, I balance spells/enhancements, graal has items and treasure, and Eladrin runs around going "raaar!" a lot. I think he does monsters.

  13. #73
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    The below listing was highly contentious so I backed off on it, but over the weekend I saw it 3 more times, twice on a haste clicky - click on the clicky while starting to run, casting animation goes off, my toon slows to a crawl for a second, spell animation (ring) is seen, clicky charge is consumed, and clickies go into cooldown timer, but no haste on anyone. No uneven terrain, no arcane spell failure (clicky), no reason for the spell to not land. I therefore can't help but conclude there is absolutely some mechanism by which these spells fail - I have seen it repeatedly with a halfling sorc and a halfling bard casting the spell, and with an elf ranger using a clicky.

    This isn't as damaging to gameplay as say the bow not firing arrows issue, but when it's your last charge of clicky haste and you wanted to get somewhere in a hurry, it makes a difference and is noticed.

    From Original Post: AoE buff spells (e.g. Haste) often do not cast even when there is no combat and no obstruction to the casting. Certain AoE buff spells (Good Hope) will randomly affect some group members in the cast range and not others. Revised - I think this is a combination of multiple items including the known terraine (water) issue and the issue that seems to occasionally affect clickies, spells, skills, etc. where animation is involked but spell/ability is not.

    Also, any chance we can get an update on official known issues, or are we just letting that ride until after Mod 8?
    Last edited by Issip; 09-29-2008 at 01:00 PM.

  14. #74
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    I was disappointed to see very little of this list get acknowledged or corrected with the Mod8 effort. I added a few items that came with Mod8 and are still not posted on the known issues list - Prey Issue, Loading Issue, Gem Selling Issue, and the continual Shroud recall error noted 6 months ago, ignored, and made worse with the Korhtos trap.

  15. #75
    Community Member Souless's Avatar
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    Default Omg!!!!

    I have just had a min II raiper disappear from my inventory. Since this thread was talking about know issues I thought i would post here.

    I was in the abbot fighting switching between boulder and dual min2 raipers when under extreem lag my main hand raiper disappeared...GONE!!!!!!

    So like any good addict I called my online support...who once again researched this issue...asking if i had traded my min2 BOUND and ATTUNED raiper to another player.... OMG!!!!! Asked if I was sure that this toon had the item.....then asked to name said item (which I would like to point out if I had only 1 I wouldn't have been able to name it). Then after over an hour worth of wait....

    Said they could find no record of a weapon that I've been using for over a month...was bound and attuned with the force ritual applied.

    My only recourse they say is to fill out a bug report...which is still "buggy"!!!!!! And one more thing they want the /loc function for the location of the bug which happened INSIDE a raid that I can't even get back into for 3 days!!!!!!

    So for all of u gamers out there that know the number of hours logged for generating a GS min 2 raiper with the force ritual applied be warned!!! Your item can disappear on you and online support will do nothing!!!!

    So with this said.....Here is my ultimatum....Turbine: Replace my raiper or cancel my account... I'm done.

    The Bytcher...
    Last edited by Souless; 05-08-2009 at 11:26 PM.

  16. #76
    Founder & Hero Vordax's Avatar
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    Did you check your buy back window?


    Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan

  17. #77
    Community Member Souless's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vordax View Post
    did You Check Your Buy Back Window?

    Absolutly!!!! Nothing there. Also I would like to point out that nothing in my inventory suffered damage of any kind..which was also weird.

    The Bycher~

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Souless View Post
    Absolutly!!!! Nothing there. Also I would like to point out that nothing in my inventory suffered damage of any kind..which was also weird.
    While I would certainly find it annoying, are you sure it's worth quitting over, or are you getting tired of the game anyway and this is the last straw, so to speak?

    Edit: I just thought of something that happened to me once, which was similar. I had something disappear from my backpack, but it showed up the list of things I could sell to a vendor. I sold it and repurchased it and it was OK after that. But I supposed you would have noticed that when you looked to see if you could buy it back (and if it was locked, it wouldn't show up as saleable in any event).
    Last edited by branmakmuffin; 05-09-2009 at 12:04 AM.

  19. #79
    Community Member Souless's Avatar
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    Default 1 last thing

    I have 1 last thing to say....

    Depending upon the game transfer point (which i think was some time ago). The devs could log onto lamania, open up my toon, and see the rapier that they have no record of ever having been on my toon.

    I wouldve done it...but i cant seem to load the *****game onto my machine!!!

    The Bytcher~

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