Sitting at 1740 spell points with potential to reach 1790 (Wiz VII = 25 and +3 Wis tome = 25 for 50 more).
Anyone managed to break 1800 (other than for a few minutes with a Pot)? If so, how?
Sitting at 1740 spell points with potential to reach 1790 (Wiz VII = 25 and +3 Wis tome = 25 for 50 more).
Anyone managed to break 1800 (other than for a few minutes with a Pot)? If so, how?
Officer, Black Knights of Templar Fernia
Bloucross Lvl 16 Cleric
Montero Lvl 16 Ranger
my dwarven cleric is using a wiz6 tier2 shroud item and sitting ant 1675 sp. 50 more sp for archmagi, 100 more for tier3 for a total of 1825 sp
If you want to know why...
That actually adds up to 1815, which I'm pretty sure is the current max for Wizards/Clerics. Hrmm, then again, I guess a drow wizard with all of the plus a Litany (and a +3 tome) could hit 40 int, which would give 1840.
Edit: I forgot about dwarven faith sp enhancements, my numbers for dwarf clerics (and proly high elf wizzies) are off.
1740 + Archmagi (50) + Wis +3 Tome (25) = 1815. That would help me bust the 1800.
I appreciate the responses all.
Officer, Black Knights of Templar Fernia
Bloucross Lvl 16 Cleric
Montero Lvl 16 Ranger
spell point for CLE16:
755 Base for CLE16
80 Magical Training
85 Mental Toughness
85 Improved Mental Toughness
110 Cleric Energy of the Zealot IV
200 Arch Magi
150 Elemental Spell Point (Shroud tier 2/3)
350 Wisdom 38 for cleric 16
1815 for non-dwarf straight cleric
60 Dwarf Faith line enhancement rank 4
CLE15/PAL1 or CLE15/RGR1
675 Base for CLE15 (-80)
80 Magical Training
85 Mental Toughness
85 Improved Mental Toughness
110 Cleric Energy of the Zealot IV
200 Arch Magi
150 Elemental Spell Point (Shroud tier 2/3)
336 Wisdom 38 for cleric 15
140 Wisdom 38 for paladin/ranger 1
60 Dwarf Faith line enhancement rank 4
675 Base for CLE15 (-80)
100 Base for SOR1
80 Magical Training
85 Mental Toughness
85 Improved Mental Toughness
110 Cleric Energy of the Zealot IV
212 Arch Magi (+12)
150 Elemental Spell Point (Shroud tier 2/3 -- not quite sure was sor get extra spell point via shroud sp item like arch magi or wizardy thing or not)
336 Wisdom 38 for cleric 15
120 CHA 34 for sor 1 (drow or human with abbot loot)
100 CHA 30 for sor 1 (-20)
60 Dwarven Faith IV
Subtract 25 sp from wisdom 36-37 for cle16 (for non-human cleric without abbot loot)
Subtract 34 sp from wisdom 36-37 for cle15/pal1 or cle15/rgr1 (for non-human cleric without abbot loot)
Subtract 24 sp from wisdom 36-37 for cle15/sor1 (for non-human cleric without abbot loot)
In theory, the maximize spell point for cleric at current system was 1993 from 32 point version of Dwarf CLE15/SOR1 with wisdom 38 / charisma 30 plus double shroud weapon (for exceptional +3 wisdom and charisma), shroud item with elemental spell point tier 1+2, arch magi item, and abbot trinket.
[ Fernia / Ghallanda ]Divine Initiate: Samho, Hammerhead, Stonespeaker, Dreadedblade, Pryan, Nightward (build), Stonewill . ---- Arcane apprentice: Graybone, Grayblade, Ironspeaker, Ironthought.-- Role of the Combat Cleric : We fight for our party's survival --
i guess i'm missing something.. my lvl 16 cleric has 22 base wisdom, +2 tome, improved mental toughness, +2 cleric wisdom enhancements, +6 wisdom item/wizardry VI item (for a wisdom of 32), +150 sp shroud item, 4 cleric energy of the zealot enhancements and the first three dwarven faith enhancements and is sitting at 1735 sp.
my clerics got 1820 right now , 15 cleric 1 sorc will get higher when i make his +9 charisma item and eat a +2 cha tome which will bring it up to 1870 with arch magi it will be 1899 ish get extra mana cuz of the one level of sorc on it. Also with a +3 wisdom tome it will go up even more.
If you want to know why...
I currently have 1864 on my cleric and plan on getting a bit closer to 1900 soon. My cleric is a 15/1 cleric/sorc human. I currently have a 34 wis and a 22 chr. So you can definately break the 1800 barrier. I am using arch magi bracers, Exceptional 3 Wis weapon, Exceptional Chr 1 weapon, Tier 3 SP goggles for another 150. I believe as a dwarf I could just about break 2000 SP with this same equipment and levelling Scheme but it would be tough on the AP usage to get that extra Dwarf SP. Who knows maybe I will try it some day. Well just wanted to let you know you can do it.
Last edited by tinyjf; 10-04-2008 at 08:17 PM.
I should have emphasized that I am talking about a pure cleric. I realize I could take (when the lvl cap goes up) levels of Sorc just for the spell points.I currently have 1838 on my cleric and plan on getting a bit closer to 1900 soon. My cleric is a 15/1 cleric/sorc human. I currently have a 34 wis and a 22 chr. So you can definately break the 1800 barrier.
Now at Wis 38 (picked up +3 Tome on Reaver #40) and 1765 spell points. Looking to pull either an Arch Magi item or the VoD bracers. Yes, Skiver would be awesome, but I just can not force myself to grind the Tome Pages, esp as most these days are simply skipping the requirements to get Abbot ready.
Officer, Black Knights of Templar Fernia
Bloucross Lvl 16 Cleric
Montero Lvl 16 Ranger
Bronko Lawbringer
Founder, Guild Leader, & Official Meat Shield™ of THAC0 on Ghallanda
Yes, it was pure luck. No Tomes came up for run #20 on ANY of my characters. Now that Blou got his for his 40th he is officially retired from Reaver runs. I hope more folks will start doing this now that they can rotate between Shroud, Hound and VoD for better raid loot and a better chance to pull a +3 Tome. Although I am sure it happens, I have never seen a +3 Tome not offered after a 20th of the above raids.You got a +3 Wisdom tome as an end reward choice on your 40th Reaver? I'm jealous. At 20 and 40 I just go the regular list of el crapo to choose from on my Cleric.
Officer, Black Knights of Templar Fernia
Bloucross Lvl 16 Cleric
Montero Lvl 16 Ranger
Nubless on Khyber who is in the Free Companions has over 1800 spell points and is a pure cleric. I am not sure exactly what he did to get his totall but as a pure cleric there is proof that it can be done. Taking a level of Sorc after you have already taken levels of cleric won't help anywhere near as much as it would if you took it at Lvl 1. I would definately not recomend taking a lvl of Sorc once the cap goes up unless you were gonna reroll and go from the beginning starting with one level of Sorc at that time. Still the point is it can be and has already been done.
my human cleric 15 - 1 sorc has 1864 sp without a shroud weapon. she does have a shroud item though. only a +2 wis tome atm too. so 34 wis and 24 cha for the sp. wearing the bracers from vod also.
My clr is sitting at 1825 no Archmagi item but 3rd Tier sp gogs and 3rd Tier Wis 9 morningstar.So im sitting at 37 wis which is the cappd amount for a dwarf would be higher if human.
As a human with 38Wis (Tier III Mace) and Tier III SP goggles I am at 1765. Human could get you the 38 Wis, but I think your overall spell points would drop significantly since you would lose the Dwarven Faith Spell Point line of Enhancements.My clr is sitting at 1825 no Archmagi item but 3rd Tier sp gogs and 3rd Tier Wis 9 morningstar.So im sitting at 37 wis which is the cappd amount for a dwarf would be higher if human.
The difference between 37 and 38 Wis is only 25 spell points. Dwarven Faith line of Enhancements is 15 + 30 + 45 +60 = 150. All things being equal, the Dwarf will always have 125 more spell points. Max pure cleric Human spell points are 1805 and Dwarf 1930.
Officer, Black Knights of Templar Fernia
Bloucross Lvl 16 Cleric
Montero Lvl 16 Ranger