the more important question is how are you exactly going to play this toon? healbot or combat casting type?
Pure healer
your enhancments and the empower healing feat suggests healbot. however, i do not see any empower healing enhancements taken. the enhancements will greatly reduce the sp requirement for large heals
I should have 1400 +/- SP at end game. That's only about 28 empowered full heals. So, each level of enhancement only saves me 28 sp per shrine, right? I think I can get more out of the points elsewhere, such as with the soverign host thing (equivalent to an auto-crit full heal per shrine). What would you give up to get the enhancements to empower heal?
but you do not have the enhancements for crits for the really obscene healing numbers i've seen ie 1k heals
Ya. My other Cleric often heals for 950+ HP. Unfortunately most players only have 450 or so, so it is wasted. I thought I would see how things go without it, and then just reset my enhancements to get it if it turns out that I miss it.
i see a spell pen enhancement but no feat, any thing in vale, esp in shroud is going to give you difficulty in trying to banish or destruct them. if you conc on healbot, i also suggest losing the enhancements.
I'm pretty sure this was at a point in the progression where I couldn't find anything useful to take due to the requirement of number of action points spent. Plus, only on AP for +1 to defeating SR is a pretty good deal.
you took pally devotion, not sure how it is going to stack with the cleric life magic
Ya. I might be hosed when I get to that point in the game. Not sure if the planner is accurate in how it interprets that.
last but not least, if u really want to healbot, u dun need str, dun need dex, dun need int. put all into con
The STR is purely a playability thing... I know it doesn't benefit my character, but as a player I hate getting encumbered and falling behind, or not being able to drag multiple sets of full plate back to town from a dungeon.
One point into Dex is so I can put a +6 item on with MFP and a Madstone Shield, and not have to worry too much about getting plinked with arrows or beaten on when the front line fails. I found on my other cleric that I have a free bracers slot, so I might get Chaosguards, etc, and get my AC up to the low 40s. That helps in 90% of the game.
Int is so I can max out Diplo and concentration, and still build up those half-points of jump. Mostly the jump is a playability thing like STR... Not necessary, but it makes the game more fun.
Between the three stats, it is only 3 points total, and it will let me eat those 3 tomes to get to an even number. So, it's a lot of bang for the buck.