Considering trash mobs include the devils who upon death drop a blade barrier wannabe and the spam healing the clerics will be doing, displacement is more or less a waste of sp. Using the sp that would have been spent to displace 12 characters on things like cc (heightened webs for trash or polar ray / ball-chain litnin would be better)
Have Fun and Be Smart
Calladan Frostwinter - Crimson Eagles
Halcyen Frostwinter - Apocalytic Knights
Will casting from scrolls cut it here or do I need to think about changing around spells?
And for the record I take it we're talking -
Ray of Enfeeblement
Ray of Exhaustion?
what about
Waves of Exhaustion
Waves of Fatigue?
Lastly, what about Enervation scrolls?
Many thx
Enervation scrolls only work well against mobs that have no SR, and definitely not bosses or raid bosses, since they are immune to the affect of level drain anyways.
I find that on my caster, if I am not an all damage build, that if I spam "protection fire" whenever I see someone take a significant chunk of damage, it helps protect them from the inevitable followup attack that kills them instantly.
Doing this provides the clerics more time leniency so that they can actually throw the heals out there in time to save people. It's really hard to do (at times, depending on the team), unless you have Quicken Spell.
Hope this helps.
Symp, Symps, Steenky, Sympathy, Catheral, Symptomatic, Sympalicious, Symptom***OFFICER OF SOULLESS***
Ray of Exhaustion, Waves of Exhaustion and Waves of Fatigue do not stack with each other.
You can test this in PvP.
Ray of Enfeeblement+Waves of Exhaustion+Symbol of Weakness are the most strength damage you can do to red named bosses. If the symbol happens to disappear with its effects still applied to the boss, then it remains on him after the symbol is gone.
You can also his Suul with Crushing Despair, but he pretty much has to roll a 1 after you get through his SR.
Chill Touch also does strength damage (that stack with the others), but I've yet to see it work against red named.
Scrolls of the above work, but your SR enhancements won't apply. The symbol has a save, so you want it for a spell if possible.
Last edited by Shagn; 09-25-2008 at 02:30 PM. Reason: typo
I think you mean you want to stack Ray of Enfeeblement with Waves of Exhaustion. I believe Waves of Exhaustion with -6 to Dex and Str overwrites Fatigue with a -2 to Dex and Str. Same effect with waves of negative energy.
Waves of Exhaustion can land on scrolls easily enough without the +3 from three levels of Spell Pen enhancements, all other spell pen maxed, but casting time is slow as with all scrolls. A roll of 13 is needed in the Shroud on normal. I still find too much use for Dancing Ball to replace that spell with Waves of Exhaustion but many speced for end game are doing just that. Strangely enough, I rarely see other casters debuffing in the shroud or any other time for that matter.
"Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it.""--Jack Burton, Big Trouble Little China
Oops, I fixed my post. I still get them mixed up since I recently found a lot of them don't overlap. The lvl7 debuff spell is the one you want. A scroll would have the same debuff effect, but it would be less effective on a group of mobs with SR. For bosses like Arraitrekos or Suul, you would have a high SR failure rate by using scrolls. For a sorc, it would be tough to decide and some people might just go with scroll usage instead. For a wizard you can just switch out as needed. In most of the end game raids, a caster is usually better off mitigating damage to the party with debuffs (fogs, str damage, symbols), and buffs like displacement, haste, and stoneskin rather than nuking. Of course the Suul and Arraitrekos both have true seeing and freedom of movement which negates blur/displace.
One last thing, Suul has Mantle of Invulnerability, which cannot be dispelled contrary to what the developers say. Only Waves of Exhaustion and Symbol of Weakness can be applied to her unless you have the DQ staff.
Last edited by Shagn; 09-25-2008 at 02:32 PM.
Agree with what others say about spells. I have hit the pit fiend with multiple debuffs. Even though they show up, it looks like some are being overwritten so I will have to test again in a tavern.
In between, I use a light repeater (+4 holy burst of PG with silver bolts). If you don't have one, use a bow or crossbow. Or buy a force missile wand. The damage will add up.
Margolie L16 WizardBeaar L16 Fighter14-Rogue2
Beaaar L16 Cleric
Gwynneth L14 Paladin10-Cleric3-Sorc1
Relle L16 Ranger15-Rogue1
Aluzia L7 Bard
Bareskin Rugg L16 Ranger2-Monk2-Fighter2
Manbearpigg L12 Cleric10-Monk2
Well now a days that i purty much juts do speed runs part 4 is buf fas the fuight the trash then put on the glacial set form voD and dump my SP are polar rays, if it looks liek he will die befor i run out of SP toss a few CoC in there as well
Basiacly the same for part 5 but just use polar rays they maby pond a pot or use staf fMM's or FM wands or something![]()
Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3
On your wizard do you still do debuffs on the pit fiend Shagn because if so I am surprised would have figured you now just shoot up the pit fiend with polar rays with a little mana reserved if you have to kill some gnolls in between the 1st and second round. I can't remember the last time I have been stoneskined or displacement in part 4 or part 5 must have been the first month or two the shroud came out - you probably are referring to VOD with that statement..
Last edited by maddmatt70; 09-26-2008 at 05:46 AM.
Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.
I play a lvl 16 sorcerer and what do is:
Acid Cloud, Waves of Exhaustion, Waves of Fatigue, Ray of Exhaustion, Strength Sapping.
Always keep ColdShield (fire shield variant) active so potenial damage from the Metor Swarm (spell name?) is halved. I equip my special Pit Fiend weapons, activate my Divine Power and beat the living **** out of that thing while avoiding the blades. A prayer should also give a +1/-1 buf/debuff (=+2) that should benefit the attackers; destruction weapon gives -4 AC.
I also try to eat a tasty ham immediately after getting my ensemble of debuffs applied before rushing in.
Mind you, this tactic isn't good for a large majority of Sorcerers and I wouldn't advise going melee unless you're well equiped for it.
"Nuke 'm or Die!"
Are you emplying that someone is actually playing the Pit Fiend!?!?
It's easy to test in PVE and it's quite noticible that the effects stack. The question is: Do the -stat- debuffs stack on Raid bosses?
Rays and Waves stack on mobs as well does strength sapping. Haven't you seen mobs do The Running Man?
PVE is not PVP. For that matter, DDO doesn't even have PVP. pfh
"Nuke 'm or Die!"
Yes, Exhaustion (or fatigue), Ray of Enfeeblement, Strength Sapping, and Symbol of Weakness all lower the damage capabilities of raid bosses and stack (at least, that is what Queen Lailat exhibits when her average physical damage on normal goes from 28 per hit to 13 per hit on normal).Originally Posted by Mindspat
Server - Thelanis
If the debuffs do not stack against other players, I am rather doubting they stack in PvE. We have no other way to test them. Using our PvP environment is how I test spells. One other way to check if they stack is to play with the living spells in the subterrain. Once you hit them with ray of enfeeblement, exhaustion, and symbol of weakness they are impotent. The other (non-stacking) debuffs show up on other players' and mobs' inspection sheets, even though (in PvP) they don't really stack. Anyhow, it saved me a lot of debuff spell slots using this knowledge.
My wizard is not built for damage, but I do some nuking if I have lots of reserve mana. I will throw the two debuffs and a symbol of weakening, then start nuking or help reconstruct any WF melee if their health gets low. In part4/5 of Shroud, I will watch the pit fiend's health and if a little extra dps will make the difference between 1 round or two, then I will really lay into him. I usually only refresh fire prot and stoneskin between rounds, or especially during the fight on a Shroud elite run (makes a big difference on healing). If I can save a melee from dying from blast fireball (or two or three in a row), I will effectively be contributing more dps through that melee surviving than a single polar ray.I leave most nuking to the sorcs since they have a lot more spell points.
My comments were more in the general sense of what a caster *can* do to be helpful against the pit fiend.I generally go through 1-2 stoneskin wands in VoD, and 50-70 reconstruct scrolls if the Suul tank is a WF barb.
One thing I have not tried watching is if a fog (acid or solid) actually causes Suul or the pit fiend a miss chance. It does not seem to slow them down either, IMO. In PvP, if the person attacking you has Freedom of Movement, there is no miss chance due to the fog.
ur role is to stay out of the nearby mana pools so the clerics can refill and heal.![]()
No. You find a low-level monster and block with a nice tower shield while watching the damage he does with each hit. For example, Landslide in Sunken Sewer does 20-40 damage. Then cast some debuffs on him and try again, watching if his high and low damage numbers are the same or different.
In my experience, magic or force missile is the best damage-to-mana ratio, especially if you leave the metamagics off. He has no resistance, no shield spell, they never miss, and if you have the damage amplified properly, can do a significant amount of it.
After ensuring I have enough mana for the things A_D mentioned, I spam MM, tuning my metamagic level to the DPS of the group (if it looks like the group will be there 1 round, max and empower on... if it's 2-3 rounds, maximize only... if it's four rounds, no meta at all).
I haven't made an attempt at the math, but I'm pretty sure this is the most effective use of damaging mana on Harry (in terms of damage per point of mana spent) and probably slightly behind other methods in terms of DPS (I think spamming CoC/Disint might put out higher DPS, but MMs will do significantly more cumulative damage).
Not many people have the force damage amplification, so individual mileage may vary. I ran the Shroud with my caster last night and tried to count up the damage I did, I think it was around 7000 - 8000HP of damage total. So it does add up quite a bit.
I find myself more and more frequently (in groups with warforged) taking on a 4th healer role for parts of the fight. And it works wonders. I have a few of the force enhancements. When the fiend gets low enough, I sink my spells into him.
I keep a few buffs on guys like fire-prot too, whenever I get a chance.
Seconded. I have quite a few force enhancements, and these two spells do reasonable damage to the pit fiend. I usually do not bother until he's in the last part of his hp, though. Then, he goes down quickly.
I think the force spells, incidentally, are somewhat underrated spells. The casting time of magic missile, for instance, is almost instantaneous. I use it in a variety of situations still.
Last edited by frugal_gourmet; 09-29-2008 at 03:14 PM.