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Thread: Monk Build Help

  1. #1
    Founder KuRRuPT's Avatar
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    Default Monk Build Help

    Sup every one ok I have Made about 27 monks all past lv 8 but just can't seem to make one that can do what i am after after dps is what I want. Been playing them sense beta but for the life of me i just can't figure it out. I Asked around read the forums but every thing I tryed ended up a flop I know this has something to do with how I am setting stats up.. So here i am asking every one for build help.

    First off I want a pure Halfling Monk with wind/water and fire and the tier 3 stances can this be done? If so what stats to start out with?

    Next one I am wanting to start is a pure dwarf monk wind and fire wanting to splash water in there if I can but still don't know if i can do this. What stats on this guy?

    Ok next I am going twf and I want cleave on both of these guys. Wanting to slide whirlwind if i can.

    So with this said can any of your very good monk players give me any suggestions about this.

    Thanks in advance.
    § Diligence §

  2. #2
    Community Member feynman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    OK, the only trick to the stances is having a base 16 in the relevant stat; e.g. if you want tier 3 sun stance, you have to have a 16 base + inherent strength.

    Halflings are at a slight disadvantage in acquiring sun stance, but it can be done; ideally, you would start with 14 strength, and eat a +2 tome. Another option is to put level points into the stat, but I really recommend putting all of those into one stat, and since strength really isn't the halfling's metier....

    For TWF, you will want a base 17 dex to get GTWF, but that's not very difficult, especially on the halfling; you get +2 starting dex, and you'll probably be putting level points into it.

    Cleave requires power attack, which requires a minimum base 12 strength. If you are planning on taking sun stance, you will have this.

    Whirlwind attack is going to be tough; it requires dodge, mobility, spring attack, and combat expertise, which requires 13 INT; not really a focus stat for monks. IMO, you would be better off dumping int and taking great cleave, instead.

    DPS is hard to come by for a monk; there are different tactics that work to different degrees in different situations; my monk is STR-built, with high dex and wisdom, but my CON is only 18 (I'm an elf). I tend to use power attack and quarterstaves, although I use TWF often, as well.

    Halflings can take halfling guile (adds sneak attack damage), and unbalancing strike, although you still need some strength and power attack for those situations where it doesn't work; many mobs are immune to sneak attack and/or unbalancing strike.

    All other races really need high strength and power attack to keep up respectable DPS; the weapon selection really kills us.

  3. #3
    Community Member Silverjade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    32point halfling monk stats no tomes
    The con is low on this one i would skip whirlwind and take toughness and set stats as 14con 15wis and take toughness at 9ith and take wep finesse at 3rd and make it dex based puting all lev points in to dex.

    32point dwarf monk stats no tomes
    int:12(will need a plus one tome)
    This one is more work able for combat exp but if you want to skip whirlwind go 16 16 14 8 15 6 puting all but the lev 4 stat point in to str the lv 4 in to dex to get imp twf and take a feat you want at 9ith.

    [monk] dodge mobility
    toughness [wepfin if halfling]
    twf [monk path] dark or light
    stat raise dex one
    spring attack [monk] power attack
    stat raise str or dex[halfing]
    combat expertise
    stat raise str or dex
    imp twf
    stat raise str or dex.
    You should be able to get all the stances you want with the dwarf but im uncerten on the halfling.
    The Undying Court khyber server Liily16rng Starrina 16sor Black,blacker,blackest and cold beyond frozen things.Where is between when there is naught to life but fragile dragons' wings?
    <----lol rerolled long ago.

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