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  1. #1
    Community Member Tresha_D'Artet's Avatar
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    Default +3 w/p heavy pick

    A friend of mine is wondering about what a +3 wounding byeshk heavy pick of puncturing might be worth either in trade or on the AH, ive yet to pull one but i see short swords and rapiers with extremely high prices on the AH alot, so i thought i would post this here and would let him know what i find out.

    thanks in advance for any info

  2. #2
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    I'd say 2 large scales given the post below this one had a similar item and it appears that was what someone out there was willing to pay. I'd take that deal and run.

  3. #3
    Community Member Caine52184's Avatar
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    Wounding Punct. Weapons are Highly sought after as a Rapier and Shortsword. Sadly few people use Picks. There are some but not nearly as many as say Rapier users or Shortsword Users. To the right person this could be worth alot, but probly to most it wont be worth much.

  4. #4
    Community Member darkrune's Avatar
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    The problem with the pick is that the puncturing is only on crit, and with a crit of only a 20 there is little chance for it to go off essentially making this a wounding weapon...

    If a improved crit pierce spec'd barb has it during crit rage II, he would have a 17-20 to crit vs the 13-20 on a rapier and a 15-20 on a shortie/dagger. see the issue with the pick?

    I would agree that 2 scales or 4 larges otherwise is about on par IMO.

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  5. #5
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    A W/P kills quicker than a w/p dagger or shortsword on a barb. It might crit 10% less but it crit for 150 damage.....

  6. #6
    Community Member juniorpfactors's Avatar
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    to a barbarian its still worth 10-15 mil gold easy, to non barbarian its slightly Ghetoo, but to a barbarian the heavy does very nice dps and crits on 17-20,,,, 2 L scales,,,, jrp will buy those all day long


  7. #7
    Community Member Brother_Tuck's Avatar
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    Default Wow

    Just to clarify I am not trying to hijack the thread just wanted to clarify a point:

    I kinda love when all the "experts" weigh in with their assumed value and then thats what something must be worth.

    I would just let some people know that nast night before this post and the other post (about a light pick I think) I traded away a W/P light pick for ALOT more than 2 to 4 large ingredients and neither party felt ripped off (was a guildie of mine). If someone thinks that 2 to 4 larges are worth the price of a very rare drop (W/P on a usable melee weapon is still pretty rare) I will take ALL of those weapons and give you the 2 to 4 larges you are looking for and roll up characters that can use them better (a tempest barbarian duel wielding W/P picks would ROCK!!)....just adding my 2 PLAT to the discussion.

    SO if I get any takers please send me your heavy or light picks and I will mail you the large ingredients. (Please read into this that I really do not expect anyone to take me up on it as I would turn around and trade said picks for ALOT more than what I am giving you)

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  8. #8
    Community Member Arlaq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brother Tuck View Post
    Just to clarify I am not trying to hijack the thread just wanted to clarify a point:

    I kinda love when all the "experts" weigh in with their assumed value and then thats what something must be worth.

    I would just let some people know that nast night before this post and the other post (about a light pick I think) I traded away a W/P light pick for ALOT more than 2 to 4 large ingredients and neither party felt ripped off (was a guildie of mine). If someone thinks that 2 to 4 larges are worth the price of a very rare drop (W/P on a usable melee weapon is still pretty rare) I will take ALL of those weapons and give you the 2 to 4 larges you are looking for and roll up characters that can use them better (a tempest barbarian duel wielding W/P picks would ROCK!!)....just adding my 2 PLAT to the discussion.

    SO if I get any takers please send me your heavy or light picks and I will mail you the large ingredients. (Please read into this that I really do not expect anyone to take me up on it as I would turn around and trade said picks for ALOT more than what I am giving you)

    I didn't see anyoen claim to be an expert and the OP was asking for a price check lol.

    Also 2 large scales isn't exactly the same as 2 large ingredients considering they go for 3x as much as most of the others.

    Since it's a price check thread letting him know what you "think" it's worth rather than "A lot more" would have been constructive .

  9. #9
    Community Member Tresha_D'Artet's Avatar
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    thank you to everyone that has posted here so far!!

  10. #10
    Time Bandit Renegade66's Avatar
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    I sold a +1 W/P Heavy Pick on the AH last week for 1 mil plat. Sold overnight. I wouldn't try to sell it here even though you would avoid the taxes. The people here realize that a puncturing rapier is more powerful than a wounding of puncturing heavy pick. I'd expect you could sell on the AH though for 1.5m plat if you're patient and a bit lucky.
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  11. #11
    Community Member juniorpfactors's Avatar
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    thanx ren that was jrp , its in my W/P vault I paid 9 mil gold and some out... and was happy to do so
    and I am not even using it, i buy what kills, and just vualt them for Trade bait, my trade bait was not jrp standards of late.. and it will sit on the ah for 20mil just for the heck of it

    Last edited by juniorpfactors; 08-26-2008 at 09:49 AM.

  12. #12
    Community Member rawfocat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi36 View Post
    A W/P kills quicker than a w/p dagger or shortsword on a barb. It might crit 10% less but it crit for 150 damage.....

    Not trying to thread jack here, but you do not kill a mob with damage using w/p. You are reducing the CON score to 0 for the kill. For 150 points of damage to kill a high level mob, it's CON would have to be in the 1-4 range. On a barb, a w/p rapier would kill that mob on a 13 or higher and on a 15 or higher for a dagger or ss. The same 13 or 15 on the pick would do 1 CON damage and 20 some points of damage. w/p is about crit range not damage. That being said w/p picks are still nice, but they are less valuable then a rapier, ss or dagger

  13. #13
    Time Bandit Renegade66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juniorpfactors View Post
    thanx ren that was jrp , its in my W/P vault I paid 9 mil gold and some out... and was happy to do so
    and I am not even using it, i buy what kills, and just vualt them for Trade bait, my trade bait was not jrp standards of late.. and it will sit on the ah for 20mil just for the heck of it

    I wasn't trying to gouge anyone. I thought it a reasonable starting bid and buyout amount. The plat came in handy though. I picked Renegade up a +3 GT Rapier of Smiting last night for 650kpp.
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  14. #14
    Founder Xithos's Avatar
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    Talking Heavy Pick W/P


    I've bought daggers off the AH for half the max buyout so I'm guessing you could maybe get 1 million plat for your Heavy Pick from some Barb who is desperate for one Good luck to you.
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  15. #15
    Time Bandit Renegade66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rawfocat View Post
    Not trying to thread jack here, but you do not kill a mob with damage using w/p. You are reducing the CON score to 0 for the kill. For 150 points of damage to kill a high level mob, it's CON would have to be in the 1-4 range. On a barb, a w/p rapier would kill that mob on a 13 or higher and on a 15 or higher for a dagger or ss. The same 13 or 15 on the pick would do 1 CON damage and 20 some points of damage. w/p is about crit range not damage. That being said w/p picks are still nice, but they are less valuable then a rapier, ss or dagger
    That's for certain on high HP/DR mobs like Orthons and Bezikira. On mobs a tier lower though, their HPs go down really fast as their CON is reduced. I think you'd be surprised what percent of those kills have the final hit being a dmg kill vs a CON kill. His point has some merit and if I'm not having trouble hitting, I'll leave my power attack on even with the twin w/ps.
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  16. #16
    Community Member rawfocat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renegade66 View Post
    That's for certain on high HP/DR mobs like Orthons and Bezikira. On mobs a tier lower though, their HPs go down really fast as their CON is reduced. I think you'd be surprised what percent of those kills have the final hit being a dmg kill vs a CON kill. His point has some merit and if I'm not having trouble hitting, I'll leave my power attack on even with the twin w/ps.
    Currently running in Meridia with a drow rapier specced barb, I am using a w/p rapier and a +3 holyburst of punct rapier. I probably get the holy death effect 3% of the time. I will probably be on my barb tonight and I will pay attention to the combat log and try to get a more valid sample than "Because it looks that way to me".
    Last edited by rawfocat; 08-27-2008 at 12:20 PM.

  17. #17
    Community Member Tresha_D'Artet's Avatar
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    thanks everyone for your replies. was able to pick up a w/p longbow off the AH for well, probably over paid by lots of folks standards, but to me, and the ranger i sent it too, it seemed reasonable lol

    i have a dwarf barb, but hes currently specc'ed for slashing, unusual i know not to change the topic of this thread, nah nm lol, ill make a different thread, besids, if i look in the barb or ranger sections im sure one of those will answer my question, has something about respec'ng to make the most out of possibly dual wielding heavy picks instead of hack and slash with a great axe lol.
    ive heard some folks say that a w/p heavy pick combined with death nip is perty good too

    anyway, back to the game and thanks again for all the replies!!

  18. #18
    Community Member juniorpfactors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tresha D'Artet View Post

    thanks everyone for your replies. was able to pick up a w/p longbow off the AH for well, probably over paid by lots of folks standards, but to me, and the ranger i sent it too, it seemed reasonable lol

    i have a dwarf barb, but hes currently specc'ed for slashing, unusual i know not to change the topic of this thread, nah nm lol, ill make a different thread, besids, if i look in the barb or ranger sections im sure one of those will answer my question, has something about respec'ng to make the most out of possibly dual wielding heavy picks instead of hack and slash with a great axe lol.
    ive heard some folks say that a w/p heavy pick combined with death nip is perty good too

    anyway, back to the game and thanks again for all the replies!!
    killers are specd for both


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