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  1. #1
    Community Member dior10276's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Trades?? Crazy!!

    My 2 cents!!!
    Last edited by dior10276; 08-25-2008 at 08:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Nuckin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    the thing is people roll new chs all the time so they might be lookin for new types of weapons.... and not everyone has a huge stash or vorpals and banishers and such, and yes i have made a few trades involving disruptors and vorpals to gain large ingreedients...... and there are always the most wanted vorpals such as the finesse ones and exotic weapons....... just because YOU have all the vorpals and disruptors YOU need doesnt mean that everyone has all the ones they need for their specific characters...... and there are still many people in this game that dont even have one good vorpal or smiter or nethin.....and i also just throw everything up on my list incase a buddy or guildie sees somethin and is like oh i could use that on my lowbie.... so i give it to em..... have also swapped some of my vorpals to others that have pulled race restricted ones and didn't have the umd to use it......

    And when we say we are looking for larges and plat.... it doesn't always mean that we are looking for an insane amount..... like if someone made me a decently fair offer then id most likely take it.... just have to ask.....

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