ok i have a new wf barb with wfpa and barbpa and they dont seem to be applying anything at all no extra damage and no extra penalties also if they were to work cause they seem broken would the two stack with each other? any help really appreciated
ok i have a new wf barb with wfpa and barbpa and they dont seem to be applying anything at all no extra damage and no extra penalties also if they were to work cause they seem broken would the two stack with each other? any help really appreciated
Originally Posted by LoKi5811 View Post
every wife holds high favor with the coinlords and starts the game as a lvl 9 rogue
Do you have Power Attack (feat) turned on?
[Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
[Davey•Khealer•Acapella•Parlospi•Godith•Gearey Gygax]
yes im getting the minus 5 but i should have -7 if they stack if not then i should have -6 either way im only getting -5 and reicieving +5
Originally Posted by LoKi5811 View Post
every wife holds high favor with the coinlords and starts the game as a lvl 9 rogue
Are you 16th level?
What level is the character? You can only exchange so much of your to-hit for extra damage depending on what level you are.Originally Posted by derja
Server - Thelanis
im level 5 but i dont see why that should hinnder it if i still have a positive number afterwords
Originally Posted by LoKi5811 View Post
every wife holds high favor with the coinlords and starts the game as a lvl 9 rogue