The folks that use their computer like you do probobly arent the best to seek advice from.... SPyware.. VIrus'.... HD at Capacity..... bad bad bad......
I'll spare you the details about how I got all those
anyway, throwing in the windows disk and reinstalling certainly will fix your problem... Unfortunatly, Your also going to lose ALL your itunes.... Now I dont know about you, but my friends who are in your boat have pretty large iTune libraries and dont back up.
Yeah, it's about 10 gigs...not huge but still pretty sizeable - I plan to to put the whole itunes music folder onto my external HD
First.. What size HD do you have? How much free space is actualy left?
about 6 gigs are left of my original 200 lol
If your infected with Malware and/or Virus' you might want to try a good online scanner/Removal tool. TrendMicro's Housecall is great for this... Its a Deep Scan offer removal for most infections, and its safe.
Yep, I've known about this for about 5 years now and used to use it regularly until it just stopped midway through the last couple of times. I left it running overnight and it was still in the same spot.
If your on a SIngle Hard drive System, your best bet would be to purchase a Second hard drive (Internal or an External USB/Firewire model) to Backup/Transfer your itunes to before you do your Reformat/Reinstall.
Yeah, that's what I plan to do...only pain in the ass though is that will I have to add all the songs individually or is there a way to move the whole folder?