Hello its Sachel and heres my trade list, if your interested in anything pm me in game or here on forums
+ 4 Icy Burst Repeatin light Crossbow of shattermantle
+ 3 Holy Burst Repeatin Light Crossbow of Shattermantle
+ 1 True Choas Greataxe of Disruption
+ 1 True Chaos Light Mace of Disruption
+ 4 Mithral Full Plate
+ 4 Mithral Tower Shield
+ 2 Mithral Full Plate
+ 1 Vorpal Basty Sword of lesser ele bane
+ 5 Icy Burst Falchion of Shattermantle
+ 5 Mithral Breastplate of Axeblock
+ 5 Keen Greataxe of Maiming
+ 1 Weakining Shortsword of Enfeebling
Planar Gird
Tome Pages
Good Heavy Picks and Kheopeshes
Trade list isnt complete, Will finish when I get back on game.