I read in a prior post that hirelings will have their own quirks and foibles.
My dream is that Turbine develops a pool of hirelings and you don't know who you'll get - just that it's SOMEBODY. It would be great to see recurring hirelings that pop up randomly when contracted.
Wouldn't it be fun to hire a rogue, and who shows up for work but +Sticky McGee. You remember +Sticky - he's a great rogue, but has a tendency to aggro everything with his bow and then run for cover. Or maybe you'll get +Palias the elf rogue. Not very talkative (maybe even snooty), and seems to be weaker than most at trap finding, but he's never missed a lock or a secret door! And he's killer in a fight with his weapon finesse and elemental rapiers. Or +Stonefingers the dwarven rogue that's usually drunk and chatty...
The possibilities are nigh endless.
Recurring personalities, even coming from a small pool of hireling talent, would really capture the flavor of PnP D&D. Any feedback (DeadlyGazebo? ) on how Turbine plans to implement the quirks?