Here's a little thought I had this morning - It would be cool if Paladins could protect from curse, either through aura or spells. This of course after a failed VoD run in which the tank could not be healed . Think about it, it would increase the usefulness of Paladins in the area they are lacking the most (levels 12+), although I perceive this benefit to only come in VoD it may have other uses in future modules; not to mention all those pesky hobgoblin witchdoctors in mid levels! It wouldn't cause the community to rally in anarchy about a class being too powerful because this is simply a minor benefit to having a paladin around, not a game-breaking empowerment. The only downside I see to this is that you can argue it's not strictly following the PnP ruleset. Yes, you're right- it's not. But perhaps minor additions like this to this underwhelming class is just what the doctor ordered to spruce things up a bit.