Just a few quick items. to clear some space
2x holy kamas of greater abberation bane
+1 transmuting kama of greater chaotic outsider bane
+2 weakening kama of enfeebling
+5 wounding kama
+2 ghost touch longbow of disruption
+2 seeker 8 silver scimitar of pure good( good pit beater)
+4 keen silver longsword of pure good
+7 armored bracers RR human
+8 armored bracers rr human( would have to be something really good)
+1 weakening rapier of greater abberation bane
+2 weakening of enfeebling dagger
+3 weakening of puncturing rapier RR human
3 x Sunblades
+1 holy rapier of greater chaotic outsider bane
+4 thundering cold Iron rapier of pure good( bypasses demon DR
+2 holyburst cold iron short sword of puncturing rr warforged( bypasses demon DR)
+2 icyburst rapier of puncturing
+3 flamingburst rapier of puncturing
+4 byeshk true caos rapier of puncturing
+1 holyburst rapier of puncturing
+4 icyburst rapier of pure good
+1 holyburst shortsword of puncturing
lots of greaterbane rapiers and such
looking for Green steele rapier blank (high priority) a "litany of the dead" tome set(high priority) large scales and stones, w/p dagger ss daggers rapiers (of course) and a weakening enfeebling rapier, and kinda looking for a spare bloodstone. hmm if ya have spare greater bane rapiers and are looking for certain monster types let me know I have a very large collection of them and dont mind swapping around