Hi guys,

I want to build a melee capable wizard. I chose Dwarf due to the enhancements to axes, saves, and hps, but I don't feel this character absolutely has to be a dwarf.

This character must be able to fulfill his role as spell caster, with only a small sacrifice in order to be able to melee.

I want this character to be relatively future proof, so would prefer to remain pure wizard. This means that if my experiment fails/the level cap raises, I am left with a Wizard 16 with max int. However, if someone can explain to me the benfits/sacrifices of a splash I may consider it.

This character needs to be able to do content on elite, but will take a long time reaching cap (since he will be 3rd priority and I am a casual player). Cap will take at least 6 months.

Please give me any advice on the following build, remembering this character is to be a wizard 1st, combatant 2nd.

Str: 16 + 6 + 1 tome = 23 (high priority for a +2 tome)
Dex: 8 (will use displacement/stoneskin for armour)
Con: 15 + 6 +2 dwarf enh + 1 tome =24
Int: 18 + 6 + 4 lvls + 3 enh + 1 tome = 32 (would love a +2 tome to play with enh)
Wis: 9 + 6 + 1 = 10 (will try to improve will saves through dwarf enhancements and maybe iron will)
Cha: 6


Level 1: Extend and Skill Focus: UMD
Level 3: Toughness
Level 5: Empower Spell
Level 6: Spell Penetration
Level 9: Greater Spell Penetration
Level 10: Maximise Spell
Level 12: ???????
Level 15: Heighten Spell and ??????

???????? = not sure out of Spell Focus (what do I need for instakill spells?), mental toughness, power attack, and iron will. I am inclined towards Power attack and iron will. I cannot get IC without a splash.

Dwarven Axe masteries
Spell Defense
Improved Empowering and Maximising (can't afford much of this, is it worth it?)
Lineage of Elements and Deadly Elements (I can only afford a bit unfortunately)
Elemental Manipulation
Spell Penetration I (do I need to gun for 3? and make sacrifices elsewhere?)
Energy of the Scholar 3
Wizard Intelligence 3 (ouch - expensive)

Spellcasting Capability:

I am hoping that this build would be a fairly capable spell caster.

Melee Capability:

I was thinking I could wield a great axe through master's touch (or feat I guess), and use divine power clickies (yuck, hate clickies) for small bursts of high BAB combat. I would use my final SP to cast Tensers, so I can remain effective in melee.

What I Envisage:

I love the unusual and variety - I don't necessarily have to be the best at one particular thing. I would like to be able to fulfill my spellcasting duties. I would like to be able to lay down some CC, or a firewall, hit my Divine Power Clicky and wade in with a greataxe. I would like to caster Tenser's when my sp have run out and become a 2nd tier melee combatant.

Other Notes:

I should have quite a chunk of hps (for a wizard), and will hopefully get UMD high enough to heal myself at times. UMD: 17 + 3 SF:UMD +3 Cartouche +4 GH + 2 Command +2 luck from Reaver +1 from Cha = 32 Max

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! and thank you Iruka for advice on my previous thread!

