doh .. i always forget about that one since its not in the Enhancement Builder
Currently at:
19 Base
3 Charisma Bonus
13 Intimidate Ring
2 Head of Good Fortune
3 Skill Focus Intimidate
2 Bull Headed
2 Least Dragonmark of the Sentinel
4 Fighter Intimidate Enhancement
1 Human Denieth Enhancement
3 Shroud Item
52 Total unbuffed
56 Greater Heroism
60 Human Versatility
62 Bard Song
64 Recitation (does this stack)
Still need +15 item and tier 3 shroud
I think we have heard from almost every intimitank builder in the game. I have seen about 3 intimitanks in game. They are more scarce than WF rangers.
Phoenix Crusaders Kobacious Kobs Kobie Anzac-Aundair Testcase Kobdog Inkobnito, #1 source for DDO information.
Current buffed
0 Base
13 Charisma Bonus
11 Emerald Claw necklace
2 Head of Good Fortune
6 Shroud Item
4 GH
36 total
He's a sorc though so he prefers to use firewall
Can intimidate shroud liutenants with that though, scary looking dress wearing drow., #1 source for DDO information.
Did a couple elite hound runs yesterday, and she was somewhere around 69 (57ish after the size penalty). For a long time I was running around with +37 or so, and recently did some moving around to get it up around +50. The trash mobs are still easy, but I do notice that I can get pretty much anything else consistently now. I think the earth ele in part 2 of the Shroud is still one of the highest DCs though on normal.
Its about time people realize how powerful intimidate is in this game on the right tank. Now turbine just needs to keep the pace with 1 raid boss + adds to really hammer it home to some people. I always laugh and die a little bit when I go into the hound and ask who has the highest intimidate and get a number like 20.
Coolest one though was the acrobat 2 rogue who tanked the puppy., #1 source for DDO information.
What about the Maul of Malice?
I know haveing an item with a higher + to your Intimidate Skill will outweigh the weapon, but the 20% incite bonus when attacking (obviously switch to it after you intimidate with your GS weapon).
Also, you may want to include Prayer (+2 to your skill checks) AND Recitation (-1 to your enemies skill checks), that may give you a +3 bump.
May not work, just throwing it out there.... Be gentle
- J
Stercus*Critheus*Okrist*Koffin~ all of Archmagi
since intimidate seems to create "real" aggro (ie. the kind that remains even after 6seconds pass), it might be the case that the Maul of Malice makes this aggro "bigger".
Unfortunately, it's a two-handed weapon (no shield/less AC), that doesn't do much damage compared to other options, so that 20% is just really making up for the deficiency in DPS.
Prayer adds +1 skills, recititation doesn't add skills. If i recall -skills debuffs don't work on mobs (their skill values are static).
Last edited by Laith; 08-25-2008 at 02:31 PM.
Myrrhl ~ Myrak ~ Myriarch ~ Dorkamyr ~ Myrauder
The New WDA-like-thing : DDO Damage Tool
The Path To Enlightenment: learning to heal in stages : Sneaking Tips : Raid Flagging Instructions
Question -
Intimidation of 52 needed for Hound and 54 for Harry/Sally -
Is that on normal?
As you know, intimidate is very useful in MANY quests... I'm amazed more people don't use it...
I use it all the time in Shroud Part 2.... I can keep the devil right where I want him... or any of the other lieutenants as well (last night I kept the troll swinging at me all turtled up, while the other fighter kept him from regenerating too fast - no need for a cleric for either of us, even though we had to wait a while for the other teams to get their guys prepped)
It is a rare build that has it though... I'm still surprised (pleasantly!) when I see it go off on someone else in my party, #1 source for DDO information.
I have it on my barb with the shaken effect. Too bad fighters didn't get that.
I think the tank of tomorrow will be that hybrid DPS guy who can turtle up if necessary but that 'when necessary' is going to be a high intim or it isn't reliable enough.
I would say mid 50's buffed is solid, low 40's for the once in a whiles.
Main: Illuminati (Halfling Iron Monk), Stonewolf (Dwarf Pally), Vyking (TWF Barb), Illuminatrix (Batchick), Illumino (Drow Ranger), Fuji (Human Monk)
Proud Member of the Twilight Avengers
Normal Hound @ +53 (as listed on character sheet, -12 for size on actual rolls) I was failing on a 5, passing on a 6. Haven't had a chance to pinpoint Harry & Sally yet, but from what I recall it was pretty similar. Elite Hound was effectively either DC68 or 69 (failed on 67, passed on 69). Edit: apparently I wasn't paying enough attention, and it's 67 elite.