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  1. #1
    Community Member Mentos3111's Avatar
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    Default (return)Vet mmo player having issues on this game/server.

    I started playing here at launch. These are the main issues I am having currently with this great game. My typing is lacking sorry in advance, these are real issues.

    1. Players and lfm only has 1-2 slots open. Unless you have a crew to run with constantly you are stuck in the barrel that people with crews pluck from. Crew to run with constantly means more than 6h...

    2. If you don't use a mic and are a halfling you are therefore considered a 12 year rambo banzai idiot. Just because you type doesn't make you less of a player. Not every mmo that I played for the past 10 years had voice that you could click on. The habbit of typing and not having to worry about kids, other family members of the player.... I think, is better than me blabbing in mic for 25-45min in a raid. Keep in mind when you speak you not only have 12 people in the raid, you have the frustrated family members of the player getting sick of people blabbing to thier husband.

    3. Unless you kiss up or don't say anything you are not going to get double tier 3 gear in shroud. If I shut my mouth more than I did I would more than likely be sitting with the gear. Not about being elite, I out play a lot of people with more than one tier 3 piece of equipment.

    This leads to the main issue. Game doesn't reward skill, it rewards people that play with the same crew doing the same stuff... As soon as the raid is figured out any forest gump can run it. In other mmo's this is not an issue. There are guilds that raid you get raiding points for being in the raid. Your past raiding allows you to override the people that raid less for the same piece of gear. The raids in these games are longer than 3 hours.... These require the use of an empty bottle that I will not go into depth as to it's purpose.. This is far different than raiding in this game. In this you roll on loot.... or as happens more often than I care to think about, the crew tosses it to thier friend and ignores the others that wanted it... Getting into a raid as a solo player is tough for a lot of raids.... One's require more than dancing ball and debuffs. having the item drop that you need then having another person toss it to thier friend without a roll is wrong.

    Getting a group is not based on your skill it is based on who you know. This is not meant to be office politics outside of the office, it is an mmo.

    I am not trashing people on this server I am just getting worn out from the constant struggle. I want to get one piece of tier 3 gear.. I want to be able to level my characters, and I would like to be able to run with new people... You get to meet them then on to the next group. I Shouldn't be required to brown nose and act dumb to get an edge.

    So what I am asking is to give people a chance, take a risk, meet new people, make a pug where you are only person.. maybe then you will see why this game is losing people, gets the return players(myself) then gets frustrated to the point of ditching it for the 2nd time. I am not black listed, I am not a trouble maker I want to have fun in a game I enjoy. I am sorry for grammar issues...

  2. #2
    Community Member woodrick's Avatar
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    join a guild, guilds do raid together at which point if an item drops you are looking for you are more likely to get it.
    and yes if u join a raid group that is 3/4 full of one guild or friends, and they pull an item of course they are going to give it to a guildy or friend. isn't the idea of making friends and being a member of a guild helping each other out?
    but yeah people in this game the same as any other i have played tend to run with guildies and friends more than other people as u know and can trust guildies and friends.
    as for the double t3 shroud gear, large ingredients everyone is looking for and supreme shards drop often enough that picking two up is easy. the last one i pulled i didn't need and offered to everyone else and no one else wanted it either. having a few toons that u run through the shroud does increase the rate u collect large ingredients and if u r rdy to craft most people are more than willing to give up supreme shards so u can, at least that has been the case in the groups i've been in.
    The woman is a highly socially-practised, Master in body language, dab-handed actress, She's calculating all the mad facts and the figures, While you're pretending to listen staring at her (.)(.).

  3. #3
    Community Member Kurlore's Avatar
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    Thats the way this game is, everyone is usually all about themselves =\
    ~> Leader of Final Brigade on Agronessen <~
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  4. #4
    Community Member Natalae's Avatar
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    Personally Id rather have people I can count on in raids rather than a "random neeewb". Association of inexperience and no guild under name go hand in hand, there are a few to the exception cause they have made a name for themselves thru action.
    Psalm 144:1 Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle

  5. #5
    Community Member Nirvana's Avatar
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    2. If you don't use a mic and are a halfling you are therefore considered a 12 year rambo banzai idiot. Just because you type doesn't make you less of a player. Not every mmo that I played for the past 10 years had voice that you could click on. The habbit of typing and not having to worry about kids, other family members of the player.... I think, is better than me blabbing in mic for 25-45min in a raid. Keep in mind when you speak you not only have 12 people in the raid, you have the frustrated family members of the player getting sick of people blabbing to thier husband.....

    Ummm, I never used mic (maybe once or twice since March 2006), I have a toon named XXX Banzai, I type but not very fast and with tons of typo & grammar errors, and I'm on the phone constantly when I'm playing. People possibly think I'm idiot and less of a player, but that's just their opinion, not fact though. You really should ignore what people think you are. If playing game frustrated your family member, you probably should stop playing or find a new place/time to play? Besides.. you can use headset... 

    Let's be honest, if you are the leader of a raid, do you invite John, Tim, Dan, and Tom who you play with a lot or BigCat SmallCat, dftssaah, MMOBayIsAwesome, Roricon and some random people with random names? Let people know you takes some time, and if you are not in a guild, you have to pug a lot before you are on other people's friend list.

    Last edited by Nirvana; 08-18-2008 at 06:16 AM.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Jondallar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nirvana View Post
    People possibly think I'm idiot and less of a player, but that's just their opinion, not fact though.
    i dont think you are an idiot or less of a player... I know u are busy on the phone with the wimin folks and that in fact u are teh roxxorzz playa with the ladies

  7. #7
    Community Member Opall's Avatar
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    Default My 2 Cents:)

    Responce to #1:
    Alot of Argo is guilty of this. I find it easier to level quickly with my crew. However, I enjoy Pugging. I have met sooo many great players In Pugs.
    Most people need a small reminder of How they met their guildies/friends on Argo. I think Pugs are, for the most part, good.

    Responce to #2:
    Kinda silly. I have encountered lots of players that do not use mics. I dont assume they are children. One of the guys on my guild has never used his mic. He is a great player. We do give him a bit of **** about not using it with us, but It Is all in good fun.
    99% of the children that play on Argo I find have NO issue with using their mic. So It is kinda silly for others to assume you are a child.

    Responce to #3:
    Bit confused on this one. Are you saying you are having issues getting in a Shroud? Are you upset because people dont hand over Ing. to you?

    I agree with your posting for the most part. I enjoy helping others. I will Never claim to know everything about this game. Heck I get lost in the maze in the Crucible If it were not for 2 great guy friends I have made on Argo, I would still have that quest not completed
    I do alot of questing and Raids. Most of the Raids are short manned. 90% of the time there is open spots I would be more than Happy to take you in a group.

    I have taken a small break from the game during the day. Mostly I am on from 7-12 central time. Look me up.
    Jacinda Level 16 Cleric
    Opall Level 7 Bard

    Those 2 are my mains.

    Even if you dont look me up, Have fun and I hope things get better for you in game.
    Proud Leader Of <o>

  8. #8
    Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mentos3111 View Post
    So what I am asking is to give people a chance, take a risk, meet new people, make a pug where you are only person.. maybe then you will see why this game is losing people, gets the return players(myself) then gets frustrated to the point of ditching it for the 2nd time. I am not black listed, I am not a trouble maker I want to have fun in a game I enjoy. I am sorry for grammar issues...
    Sounds to me like you need to take your OWN advice to heart.....

    I have a hard time believeing arrgo is as rude as you describe. Most people could care less if you talk over the mic. as long as you acknowledge what people say in party chat and do your job, it makes little difference.... However, if you refuse to turn voice chat on, thats another story. Many folks, just dont want to type. and having a party member without Voice chat on is a recipie for disaster. If your really worried about bothering family with your audio, get a set of headphones.

    I'm not sure what MMO's you've played besides this one, but EVERY one I've been part of has ALWAYS been about teamwork. What exactly would be the point of having 10 thousand people together if they arent going to work together for a common goal? You sound like someone who's decided to do it "Your Way" and **** everyone else. Just let me in the group and carry me through raids and Give me your loot please.....

    There are a dozen or more Pug Shroud runs every night on my server..... I run them often.... and I'm always willing to give a person I dont know a chance. If that person doesnt listen, doesnt follow directions, and causes problems.. well.. he quickly makes my Exclude list. You sound like you have indeed been on a raid or 2..... like I started this post out with, You need to look between the keyboard and Chair for the source of the issues. Not the Monitor.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  9. #9
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    Sorry you're not enjoying the game. I belong to a great guild of beer and pretzels players but who aren't very interested in raiding. All the raiding I do is in pugs. No one that I know of is entitled to a spot in a pug, it's totally up to the group leader, with perhaps some input from the group. If you don't want to be a part of a raiding guild, then build up a good reputation as a team player and that might enhance your chances, maybe? Or, start your own pug?

    As for tier three shroud items--grind, grind, grind or trade or a.h. that's about it. I play mostly one character and I rolled a second a cleric to help with grinding for the things and helping out other folks in different raids. And as for other raid loot, there's been quite a discussion about that lately...but those threads may be gone. Perhaps just expecting to never get the item you want and then being pleasantly surprised if you do could help? Or not!

    As for the voicechat--head set and typing ftw. There's lots of good players who type. There are also some really great raid leaders who maintain pretty strict voice chat discipline, especially during parallel and concurrent problem solving.

    Hope things turn around for you.

    Best regards,
    Vorn, 30 Fighter

  10. #10
    Relic of the Last War
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    Arrow Le Touche

    I feel that it's situational, OP. Yes, sometimes you're very accurate about what you've said. There are certain channels that prove this -- not that I can blame people for wanting efficiency and a good time. You guys are still cool too, but give the new folk a chance. Maybe certain elite guilds could sponsor a newish player to high-level stuff once in awhile eh?

    Well, Relics of the Last War consistently plays PuGs. If no one else extends the invite, we definitely have an open PuG policy until you prove inept and incapable of civility or ability to learn. In other words, you can take a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink it. We'll give all we can, but at some point you do have to cut your losses once in awhile.

    Anyway, Argonnessen has both types of groups going on. There are some very generous groups, and there are some very closed and tight groups that are hard to enter. It's probably better that the server has both because at some random moment, when stars collide and the planets align one of these great players will run with a group of puggers and teach the group how to be awesome at some quest. This will add inevitably to the quality (or knowledge) of the server.

    So as a plea, maybe, once in awhile we should all run in PuGs with half-staffed parties and take on new players? An Official PuG-ONLY night could be started... by someone... if only that hero were among us.

  11. #11
    Community Member darkrhavyn's Avatar
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    Having played on Argo since before the merger and originally on Mabar...there are alot of powergamers and alot of cliques on Argo/Mabar.

    But as to loot needing to be put up to a roll.....that is just whining. Loot is the property of the person it drops for. IT IS THEIRS, NOT YOURS OR ANYONE ELSES. Noone has any rights to it beyond the person whose name is on it.

    Now, having said that...most of us will pass loot we cant use on to someone else, and I usually do that as a roll among people who can use it. But as it was mine..if I know a friend has been looking for that piece for months I'm prob going to subtly slide it to them and let them decide it they wanna let anyone roll on it.

    As to ingredients....I got my tier 2 helm and have never even seen a large ingredient...and I could care less. I have seen 3 or 4 shards and have given all of them away to whomever said at the beginning they needed. Having a Tier 3 weapon is nice....but honestly people survived and are still surviving without them....I'd personally rather have a good player without a Tier 3 weapon than an a** with one in my groups
    Last edited by darkrhavyn; 08-19-2008 at 08:31 AM.
    "Some things have to be believed to be seen." Ralph Hodgson

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  12. #12
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Just got to say Argo has a non friendly pug rep in comparison to at least a couple other servers. To clarify getting into pug groups for quests and raids is a little bit more difficult then on a few other servers. I don't know first hand if this is accurate or not, but that is just what I have heard from a few people out there.
    Last edited by maddmatt70; 08-19-2008 at 08:40 AM.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  13. #13
    Community Member Grimdiegn's Avatar
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    Not having a mic is not a problem in my experience. Not having speakers and forcing everyone else in the party to type, is.

    But yea, if you're having trouble getting invites, start your own pugs.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Rameses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mentos3111 View Post
    2. If you don't use a mic and are a halfling you are therefore considered a 12 year rambo banzai idiot. Just because you type doesn't make you less of a player. Not every mmo that I played for the past 10 years had voice that you could click on. The habbit of typing and not having to worry about kids, other family members of the player.... I think, is better than me blabbing in mic for 25-45min in a raid. Keep in mind when you speak you not only have 12 people in the raid, you have the frustrated family members of the player getting sick of people blabbing to thier husband.

    We've met haven't we. Cause this has me written all over it.

    I am, Rameses!
    Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.

  15. #15
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    I think the problems that you are describing are due to low player populations compared to other MMO's.

    Reputation goes a long way here in DDO...when we only have so many players everyone gets to know everyone else.
    Its like a small village, everyone knows everyone elses business...

    Now this isn't a problem if you dont go screwing other players. If you do things, and do things consistently, that
    disrupt others play then you will quickly, very quickly, get yerself a reputation.
    Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ Yndrofian
    Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
    At least I'm not on G-Land.

  16. #16
    Community Member Vengenance's Avatar
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    Guilds and crew doesn't matter as much as reputation. If your a good player people will remember you as being a good player and thus get more invites. Leveling up new characters suck regardless of your crew since at any given time its rare to have multiple people in the guild leveling there new toons at the same time and in the same level range.

    Raid Loot: It's your loot, you are free to do whatever you want with it. If your a wizzard and take that +3 str tome then so be it, but your reputation may suffer as result of it and you may get less invites in the future.
    Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
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    Officer of Unbreakable

  17. #17
    Community Member Jondallar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vengenance View Post

    Raid Loot: It's your loot, you are free to do whatever you want with it. If your a wizard and take that +3 str tome then so be it, but your reputation WILL suffer as result of it and you WILL get less invites in the future.

    fixed/changed to my view

  18. #18
    The Hatchery Blackwolfe's Avatar
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    I've been here since about May 06 and love to PUG. I am a member of a great guild but due to playing hours there are times I don't get a chance to play with them.

    That being said, as has been mentioned before...Reputation is VERY important on this server. If you mess people over then you WILL be rememebered and you WILL find it difficult to get into the higher end PUGs/Raids. Most of the higher end PUG players know each other and we will talk about "that bad experience in the Hound that we just had." So even if you were grouping with only one particular guild, your name will get around.

    Nothing will make your reputation sour in the eyes of your peers more than looting without thinking. I am all for the "Its your loot, do with it what you will" but for the love of my sanity PLEASE, if your going to loot a raid item just to sell it for money because you're short please say that before your pull it. That gives the rest of us a chance to buy it from you. I'm looking at you mister fighter who looted the ring from the hound and said that you only going to sell it for cash.

    Oh and by the way, no one ever believes that "I did not know that the item was bound on acquire" EVER. If you find yourself typing that in party chat, or saying that, understand that 11 other people are about to think, "what a dumba**." The only exception to this is the Icy Raiments, that do not display they are bound, but the people puting those runs together are usually pretty good about explaining that before we begin.

    Have fun, and don't **** too many people off.

  19. #19
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    I rolled a new character on Sarlona, and the PuG scene over there seems to be much better than here on Argonnessen. It might also be due to the fact that I'm in the dead zone of level 9 here

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