This is just the rough draft broken down per toon that the items are on.
+1 Dex Tome X 2 (V)
+1 Cha Tome (V)
+1 Int Tome (V)
Anathema ML 11(v)
Fanged Gloves [+5 str, -5% arc spell failure ML 13] (V)
+2 Anarchic Returning Throwing Dagger of Greater Undead Bane ML 12 (V)
+15 Diplomacy Ring (V)
Spiked Boots ML 11 (V)
Shield Fragment 1 (Vi)
Shield Fragment 2 (Vi)
Shield Fragment 3 (Vi)
Shield Fragment 5 (Vi)
Shield Fragment 6 x2 (Vi)
Shield Fragment 7 x 2 (Vi)
Breast Plate of Vol Ml 12 (RY)
Charisma +6 Ring ML 13 (RY)
Dex +6 Open Lock +3 Gloves ML 15 (RY)
Bluff +15 Ring (RY)
+1 Cha Tome (RY)
Sacred Necklace of Protection +5 ML 15 (RY)
Dex +6 Gloves ML 13 (RY)
+4 Seeker (+10) Kama ML 16 (RY)
Str +6 heal +3 Bracers ML 15 (RY)
Dex +6 Boots ML 13 (RY)
Armor +6 Bracers (RY)
+1 Thundering Dwarven Axe of Disruption ML 12 (RY)
Belt of the Seven Ideals ML 13 (RY)
Ring of Unknown Origin ML 11 (A)
+1 Int Tome (A)
+1 Scimitar of Smiting ML 10 (A)
Chaos Guard ML 9 (A)
Death Block Outfit of Axeblock ML 10 (A)
+3 Thunder Q-Staff of Greater Undead Bane ML 12 (A)
+1 Transmuting Greatsword of Greater Undead Bane ML 10 (A)
+1 Wounding of Puncturing Heavy X-Bow ML 10 (A)
Health Necklace of Bluffing Con+6 Bluff +3 ML 15 (A)
+1 Ghost Touch Heavy X-Bow of Disruption ML 12 (A)
Ring of Elvenkind +15 (A)
+2 Transmuting Bastard Sword of Lawful Outsider Bane ML 10 (A)
+5 Transmuting Warhammer of Righteousness ML 14 (A)
+1 Anarchic Battle Axe of Disruption ML 14 (A)
Str +6 Bracers 1 point damage ML 13 (JD)
Con +6 Spell Resistance 13 Belt RR elf/drow ML 15 (JD)
Str +6 Belt ML 13 (JD)
Cloak of Elvenkind +15 (JD)
Con +6 Belt ML 13 (JD)
Golden Greaves ML 9 (JD)
Heal Bracers +15 (JD)
Fearsome Robe of Greater Silent Moves ML 14 x 2 (JD)
Underwater action ring of magi ML 13 (JD)
+1 Int Tome (JD)
+4 Heavy Pick of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane ML 12 (JD)
1 Black Dragon Scale (JD)
Heal +15 Gloves (L)
+1 Int Tome (L)
+6 Dex Gloves ML 13 (L)
+3 Fearsome Full Plate of Spell Resistance 13 ML 14 (AWSOME Gold and Purple SKIN) (L)
Spiked Boots ML 11 (L)
+1 Weakening of Enfeebling Bastard Sword ML 10 (L)
Armor +6 Bracers of Charm person ML 15 (L)
+1 Anarchic Cold Iron Heavy Pick of Lesser Lawful Outsider Bane ML 14 (L)
Wis +6 Concentration +3 Helm ML 15 (L)
+5 Heavy Mithral Shield of Light Fort ML 10 (L)
+15 Swim Boots RR Dwarf ML 13 (L)
+3 Holy Silver War Hammer of Vertigo (+4) ML 12 (L)
Str +6 Balance +3 Belt RR Dwarf ML 13 (L)
Str +6 Bracer 1 point damage ML 13 (L)
Dragon Sword of Acid ML 14 (L)
Inferno Bracers (+6 Dex Bracers) ML 13 (L)
+1 Bastard Sword of Disruption ML 10 (L)
Death’s Locket ML 11 (L)
+5 Crippling Adamantine Scimitar of Enfeebling ML 14 (L)
Wis +6 Diplomacy +3 Helm ML 15 (L)
Belt of Tongue ML 13 (L)
Full Tome Page Set !!! - [collor=blue]Traded[/color]
Electric Haze (RO)
Scourge Chocker (RO)
+5 Sacred Mithral Breast Plate of Command ML 12 (RO)
Tumble +15 Boots (RO)
Ring of Shadows (RO)
Chaos Guard hardness 47 (RO)
+5 Acid Greatsword of Pure Good ML 12 (RO)
Reaver Ring ML 9 (RO)
Ethereal Bracers ML 11 (RO)
Chaos Guard (RO)
Kardin’s Eye (RO)
+6 Con Ring of False Life Clickie ML 15 (RO)
Pearl of Power 10 (RO)
+6 Str Gloves (RO)
+2 weakening Falcion of Construct Bane ML 12 (RO)
+15 Disable Device Googles (RO)
Con +6 Belt (RO)
Con +6 of Lesser False Life Belt (RO)
Golden Greaves (RO)
Insurrection (RO)
Looking for
W/P SS or Rapier
Banishing Rapiers
Large Ingredient
+2 Tomes (Str, Con, Dex)
Interesting Rapiers
one hand greater construct banes
Beholder Optic Nerve
GFL Ring
Sun Blade