Over the last couple of days I have been having troubles with not being able to move and then the DDO client losing connection to chat server. When I try to log back in I get stuck on the Data Center part of the load in screen.
I know it is not a connection issue per se as I remain connected to my guild's Ventrilo Server. I also can access the Internet and other games. Interestingly I cannot connect to DDO.com.
I am then unable to connect to game until I completely reboot. Once I reboot it is fine and I can also connect to DDO.com.
It has been an issue only for the last 2-3 days. But has happened at inopportune times - eg. during General raids, etc..
I did notice when I froze out today that the in game characters could still hit and do damage to me even though I could not hit them (no die roll) and I could not move (just tumble in place)
Any insights you might have are greatly appreciated.
Veras Divania
Officer, Legendar Knights of Mabar
Argonessen Server