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  1. #1
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Unbreakable

    I started a pure monk when they came out, but he stalled out at lvl8. I found that I needed something more than the monk class was giving me to retain my interest level in the build.. Eladrins comments in Illuminati's Fuji thread sparked the build here.

    With that, I give you: Unbreakable.. Spring Attack, gTWF, Improved Evasion, full trap abilities, 58 Beholder AC (61 with the Chattering Ring) - 79 potential, 32 intimidate (47 with intimidate ring), 39 UMD, 300 hp, 19/30/19 Beholder saves and a Very Potent Offense via gTWF, Adept of Wind, Tempest and Rogue Haste Boost I

    Update 1/2/09 - PreMod 9 update. Brizavin has really outdone even my expectations of her. She's fast .. very fast! both at running and attacking. At stat-damaging and vorpalling, she's nearly unparalleled and I'm in the process of building out a pair of Lightning II kamas for her (holy/acid-burst/(+4AC and 30% healing amp)) that should be done in the next couple of weeks to augment her DPS for Raid Bosses. I'll include the +4AC in the below updates as that one will be done the next time I go into the shroud with her.

    Drow Male
    Monk 9 / Ranger 6 / Rogue 1

    	Base	Points	Base	Tome	Lvl	Enh	Buff	Stance	Final	mod
    STR	8	6	14		0	0	6	0	22**	6
    DEX	10	10	18	1	3	4	6	2	34	12
    CON	6	5	11	1	0	0	6	-2	16	3
    INT	10	3	13	1	0	0	6*	n/a	20	5
    WIS	8	4	12	1	1	2	6	0	22	6
    CHA	10		10		0	0	6	n/a	16	3
    *Situational Item
    **Rams Might

    Feats and Classes:
    1 Rogue 1 - Dodge
    2 Monk 1 - Mobility
    3 Monk 2 - Weapon Finesse / Combat Expertise
    4 Ranger 1 - Favored Enemy: Undead
    5 Ranger 2
    6 Monk 3 - Spring Attack / Path of Harmonious Balance
    7 Ranger 3
    8 Ranger 4
    9 Monk 4 - Skill Focus: Use Magic Device
    10 Ranger 5 - Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
    11 Ranger 6
    12 Monk 6 - Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons / Toughness
    13 Ranger 6
    14 Monk 7
    15 Monk 8- Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    16 Monk 9
    17 Monk 10
    18 Monk 11 - Power Attack
    19 Monk 12
    20 Monk 13

    Elven Dexterity II
    Elven Perception II
    Adept of Rain
    Adept of Wind
    Disciple of Breezes
    Disciple of Puddles
    Fists of Light
    Monk Improved Recovery II
    Monk Spot I
    Monk Wisdom II
    Way of the Patient Tortoise II
    Ranger Dexterity II
    Ranger Favored Damage II
    Ranger Favored Defense I
    Ranger Item Defense I
    Ranger Search II
    Ranger Skill Boost II
    Ranger Sprint Boost I
    Ranger Tempest I
    Rogue Disable Device I
    Rogue Haste Boost I
    Rogue Open Lock I
    Rogue Search I
    Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
    Racial Toughness II

    Saves:			Fort	Rflx	Will
    			20	31	20
    Monk	9		6	6	6
    Ranger	6		5	5	2
    Rogue	1		0	2	0
    Stat Bonus		4	12	6
    Head of Good Fortune	2	2	2
    Resist Item	+3	3	3	3
    Greater Heroism		4	4	4
    * Resist +3 comes from the Icy Raiments ..

    Hit Points:
    			Bare	Buffed	Max
    Hit Points		300	300	398
    Heroic Durability	20	20	20
    Argonessen Favor	10	10	10
    Constitution Bonus	48	48	48
    Monk	9		72	72	72
    Ranger 6		48	48	48
    Rogue 1			6	6	6
    Toughness x1		18	18	18
    Racial Toughness	20	20	20
    Aid		OFF			22
    Virtue		OFF			20
    Insp Great.	OFF			20
    G Heroism	OFF			16
    False Life (Sp)	OFF			20
    False Life (It)	Grtr	30	30	30
    Shroud Item	I+III	30	30	30
    Minos Legens	ON	18	18	18
    Armor Class:
    			Stndg	Sbuff	Max
    AC			58	66	79
    Base			10	10	10
    Armor			0	0	0
    Shield Spell		0	4	4
    Dex Bonus		12	12	12
    Dodge Feat		1	1	1
    Combat Expertise	5	5	5
    Barkskin Potion			3	5
    Recitation	OFF			2
    Inspire Heroism	OFF			4
    Protection +4	4	4	4
    Paladin Aura				5
    Haste	ON			1	1
    Armor Bracers	7	7	7	7
    Icy Raiment	ON	4	4	4
    Tempest I		2	2	2
    Alchemical Bonus	1	1	1
    Insight Bonus (+4)	4	4	4
    Monk Wisdom 		6	6	6
    Monk AC Bonus		2	2	2
    Attack / Damage:
    Attack			28	28	33	33	33	13
    BAB*			16	16	21	21	21	
    Dex Bonus		12	12	12	12	12	6
    +5 Weapon 		5	5	5	5	5	5
    Combat Expertise	-5	-5	-5	-5	-5	n/a
    Two Weapon Fighting	-2	-2	-2	-2	-2	n/a
    TumbleWeed		2	2	2	2	2	n/a
    * Using Kamas, BAB is full 1/1 - when not centered, BAB is 3/4.

    Skills			DD	OL	Srch	Spot	UMD	Intmd	Bal	Jump	Tmbl	Conc
    			51	46	46	38	39	32	25	20	25	27
    Ranks			14	4	13	5	19	18	4	4	4	10
    Stat Bonus		5	12	5	6	3	3	12	6	12	3
    Racial Bonus				2	2		0	0			
    Feat(s) SF						3					
    Enhancements		1	1	4	3	n/a	0	0	0	0	0
    Item			15	13	13	13	3					
    Thieves Tools	+5	7	7								
    Ranger SB II* 	ON	3	3	3		3					
    Greater Heroism	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	4	4
    Head of Good Fortune	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2	2
    Way of the Tortoise						0				2
    Shroud Item						2	2		1		3
    * Ranger Skill Boost II can only be guaranteed for skills you can plan on using - Intimidate, Spot, etc. do not fit this requirement.

    Potential Equipment:
    Armor	Icy Raiment
    Shield	n/a
    Goggles	existential-stalemate (N/P/P - 10hp/1str skills + 50sp/2cha skills+ 20hp/3con skills)
    Helmet	Minos Legens
    Neck	Con +6
    Trinket	Head of Good Fortune
    Cloak	Charisma / Resist +4
    Belt	Greater False Life
    Gloves	Str +6 / 7Fingered Gloves
    Boots	Striders / FireStorm Greaves
    Ring1	Dex +6
    Ring2	Chattering Ring / Skills (DD / Search / OL)
    Bracers	Armor +7
    - Awesome AC
    - Great Saves
    - Improved Evasion!
    - Incredible Attack Speeds - Haste + Tempest I + Adept of Wind + Rogue Haste Boost I combined with gTWF will be incredible..
    - Decent Intimidate - not in the 50s, but not bad.. Note1: I switched SF: Intimidate to SF: UMD and stopped wearing an intimidate hat in favor of an easier equipment set and the hit points from Minos Legens. The current +32 is usually enough to get most trash mobs that I need to get and even with an item, I wouldn't have enough to reliably intimidate the end-game raid bosses.
    - Built-In Disease Immunity - Frees up a slot
    - Poison Immunity at Lvl18
    - doesn't really have a weak zone for leveling even though the builds potential really comes together after Lvl13..

    - Gear Intensive - have fun farming 3 Items from the Titan and the Icy Vestments..
    - Hit Points are a bit low, but at least they're around 300 and given the positives on this build, this shouldn't be much of an issue ..
    - Attack and Damage are low - but then, with a good AC, good saves and Improved Evasion, it'll just take a bit of time to whittle them down.
    - Limited to Kamas for weapon choices - I recommend finding a pair of weakening kamas of enfeebling, or pair a cursespewing kama of shattermantle with a weakening kama of enfeebling
    - Low Concentration .. just not enough skill points to keep the rogue skills up and maintain a great concentration.
    - Real DPS comes from shroud kamas .. this is an unfortunate fact of life for monks in most cases. I'm currently in the process of building a pair of Lightning II kamas.
    Last edited by binnsr; 01-11-2009 at 11:12 AM. Reason: pre-mod9 update

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