Item: +1 Wounding Heavy Repeating Crossbow of Puncturing ML:10, RR:None, Damage:None
Reserve: 12 Larges: 4 Stone, 4 Scale, 4 Mix (Arrow, Chain, Shrap)
Buyout: 24 Larges: 4 Each (Scale, Stone, Arrow, Chain, Shrap, Bone)
Auction Ends: Friday 15th, 12:01AM PST (1 minute past midnight, Thursday)
- Please only post legitimate offers over reserve. if you want to dicuss your thoughts and opinions, start another thread somewhere else.
- Buyout offer ends auction immediately
- Please do not contact me in game with offers unless it is a buyout offer.
- Highest (unedited) bid wins. If you want to change a bid, then please make a new post. Edited posts wont be considered. This is to avoid any confusion.
- Only looking for Larges in the resreve amounts above, please no pm's for other items.
Happy bidding!