This morning when I try to log on I get a General error message Account Information. On both my accounts.
This morning when I try to log on I get a General error message Account Information. On both my accounts.
everyone is having the problem...
hope they do something in game to make up for it but i doubt it.
I'm having the same issue. Though, it will log in and begin the loading screen...and THEN give me the error accessing my account message.
Ghallanda: KaTet|Nuveah-20clrc|Niyowin-12 pali|Zafirah-Xoriat-16 src| Zafyrah-13 Rgr|
Thelanis: Dark Exile|Nakia- 13 clr (RIP)|Niyobi-1-18 clr|Niyobi-8 clr|Yalkara-11 fvs| Nuveah-8 clr|
**Born and raised in Xoriat: Xantara/Nakia/Nuveah**
I KNOW i just bought it today and i cant even get on its making me mad
This Needs To Stop!! Rofl Stick To One Thread About The Danged Message!!
~> Leader of Final Brigade on Agronessen <~Roju-16 Barb, Karnack-16 Clr, Barbowsas 9-Rngr/ 7-Wiz, Vegasi 1-Brd/15 Rngr, Armonias 2 Pali/14 Sorc.
~> Leader of Final Brigade on Agronessen <~Roju-16 Barb, Karnack-16 Clr, Barbowsas 9-Rngr/ 7-Wiz, Vegasi 1-Brd/15 Rngr, Armonias 2 Pali/14 Sorc.
this is making me ANGRY do these kind of problems happen often u guys dont seem very surprised (im new)
this Quickiller guy is newbie and cant spell