Hi. First off I am new to the Cleric character but have been a healer in all of the other on-line games I have played. (Everquest, WOW etc.)
I am of the rare breed who thourougly enjoys the healing aspect of the game. My questions are as follows for a drow based cleric:
1. If I am mainly intrested in being a healer and pure support cleric (aka healbot) is it viable to lower my wisdom score. I currently have a 12 in constitution, 18 in wisdom, and a 16 in charisma?
2. Would it be insane to lower my wisdom to 16 for an 18 charisma or even a 14 wisdom for a 20 charisma?
3. How viable is Dh and DV's, or even the fortitude and poison one based on the turn undead ability?
I would really like some input if 16 charisma is enough with my character. I am going to make an attempt at a full wand, scroll, sp healing cleric, who uses DH's. According to the math, if I use DH it is a huge savings in SP and expense from the wands/scrolls, etc.
As far as feats go, I am thinking empower healing, extend for da buffs, mental tough and improved mental tough, turn undead, and possibly toughness for a few more hitpoints so I am not that squishy.
Also, I am thinking about being on of the rarities in a robe based cleric, figuring that if my ac isnt high enough (like around 45-50) then I might as well get some usage out of being able to swap out quickly for diferent buffs, heals on the robes, etc.
Thanks in advance for the advice.