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  1. #1
    Community Member Valiance's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Default Halfling Survival Sorc

    Hey all. I recently had a baby so my play time has been quite limited. Even when I get to play I have to be ready to drop the game at a moments notice. Thus, I've been thinking of good solo'ing builds lately. This toon started off as a WF but I like the halfling version better I must say.

    Retribution- Jorasco Special Forces
    by Valiance

    Race: Halfling
    Class: Sorc12/Pali2/Monk2
    Alignment: Lawful Good

    12 STR 20 (+6 divine power+2 Favor Tome,)
    16 DEX 26 (2 racial, +2 tome, +6 Item)
    14 CON 22 (+6 Item, +2 tome)
    9 INT 10 (plus 1 tome)
    11 WIS 20 (+6 Item, +1 class, +2 tome)
    16 CHA 34 (3 class, 4 level ups, 2 tome, 3 shroud, 6)

    48 Sorc
    20 Pali
    16 monk
    20 Heroic Durability
    96 Con Mod
    30 Greater False Life
    10 Favor
    5 Enhancement – Patient Tortoise
    45 Greenweave
    18 Toughness Helm

    252 sorc cha
    55 pali wis
    525 shroud item
    110 energy of dragonblood 3
    1812 sp

    9 ranks
    12 cha
    4 shroud item
    4 GH
    3 Cartouche


    10 Base
    8 bracers
    4 Shield spell
    8 Dexterity
    5 Wisdom
    1 Alchemical
    5 Protection
    4 dodge Icy rainments
    3 Dodge (ring)
    3 Natural (Barkskin Potion)
    1 Monk (Level 1)
    4 Insight
    1 Haste
    1 Pali Aura
    1 halfling

    59 dual wielding with shield spell

    +4/4/8 sorc
    +3/3/3 Monk
    +3/0/0 pali
    +12/12/12 div grace
    +6/8/5 Stats
    +3/3/3 Nightshield
    +1/1/1 Alchemical
    +4/4/4 GH (from girds)
    +1/1/1 Aura
    +0/1/0 halfing enhance
    +0/1/0 haste

    37/38/37 2 more on each if i'm wearing my Kardin's Eye or the Head

    1. Maximize
    3. Empower
    6. dragon mark
    9. dragon mark
    12. dragon mark
    15. improv crit pierce?/ maybe heighten
    monk feats:
    1 wpn finesse
    2 toughness/precision/power attack?

    Attack: (baseline)
    +9 BaB
    +8 Dex
    +5 Green Steel Rapier
    +4 Greater Heroism
    +2 Competence (Spectral gloves or Hound ring)
    +1 Haste
    +1 Halfing bonus
    +7 with divine power clickie

    Base Damage:
    5 wpn + 5 str + (5 power attack)= 10-15 plus backstab

    Healing Marks

    9 light- 41/per
    7 med- 130/per
    5 heal- 225/per
    1 LOH- 144/per

    [halfling] - Cunning I (1)
    [halfling] - Cunning II (2)
    [halfling] - Cunning III (3)
    [halfling] - Dexterity (Halfling) I (2)
    [halfling] - Dexterity (Halfling) II (4)
    [halfling] - Extra Dragonmark I (1)
    [halfling] - Extra Dragonmark II (2)
    [halfling] - Extra Dragonmark III (3)
    [halfling] - Extra Dragonmark IV (4)
    [halfling] - Guile I (1)
    [halfling] - Guile II (2)
    [halfling] - Guile III (3)
    [halfling] - Luck (Reflex) I (1)
    [monk] - Disciple of Breezes (1)
    [monk] - Way of the Patient Tortoise I
    [monk] - Wisdom I (2)
    [sorcerer] - Charisma I (2)
    [sorcerer] - Charisma II (4)
    [sorcerer] - Charisma III (6)
    [sorcerer] - Elemental Manipulation I (1)
    [sorcerer] - Elemental Manipulation II (2)
    [sorcerer] - Elemental Manipulation III (3)
    [sorcerer] - Energy of the Dragonblooded I (1)
    [sorcerer] - Energy of the Dragonblooded II (2)
    [sorcerer] - Energy of the Dragonblooded III (3)
    [sorcerer] - Lineage of Deadly Elements I (1)
    [sorcerer] - Lineage of Elements I (1)
    [sorcerer] - Lineage of Elements II (2)
    [sorcerer] - Lineage of Elements III (3)

    Helm: Minos Legions (Toughness, Heavy Fort)->CHA 6 helm once I get greensteel item made and Reaver Napkin
    Armor: Icy Rainments
    Belt: Greater False Life
    Boot: FF of divine power
    Bracer: AC Bracers
    Gloves: Greensteel mineral 2 (protection and fort)
    Neck: +6 Constitution
    Trinket: Kardon’s Eye/Bloodstone/Head of Good Fortune
    Goggle: Sneak Attack goggles (5/8)
    Cloak: reaver napkin
    Ring1: Hound ring (6 dex, +2 hit, tumble)
    Ring2: +6 wis ring

    Summary: Ok so this toon is a near full service sorc with 34 cha. Defense is pretty nice with 60ish AC and almost 40 saves plus evasion. When and
    if I do get hit I have some pretty sweet self healing through use of the dragonmarks. Level 6 spell will probably be flesh to stone. The goal is to be
    able to solo almost anything and I think I should be able to do that. Spell pen will be a bit low but he will be dual wielding vorpal kama's, and probably
    sword and boarding a wounding of puncturing dagger or SS. Let me know what you think.
    Last edited by Valiance; 08-09-2008 at 09:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Remember that you lose your monk wisdom bonus if you equip a shield, or any armour besides robes/outfits.
    Star Firefall
    20 Rogue Assasin
    Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)

  3. #3
    Community Member Valiance's Avatar
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    Sep 2006


    Ya thanks for reminding me. I mentally was just counting on the AC from using the shield spell anyway. I'll make the adjustments.

  4. #4
    Community Member stabbert's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Exclamation Level progression?

    I can get an idea what your level progression is by looking at the feats but would like you to actually post it.

    I am levelling a 2rog/2pal/12sorc now and its been a pain so far. I am level 7 and still no haste because of
    weird level progression. (Daemonis' Diehard build btw).

    I have been getting in some gwylans groups and im 4 sorc, 2 pal, 1 rog now so people see the Sorc icon and think
    OOOOOH!!! HASTE!..

    So when I join and they ask for haste and I tell them I dont have it yet it all goes silent (as I imagine they are throwing a fit by then)


  5. #5
    Community Member Valiance's Avatar
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    Sep 2006


    Unfortunatly would have to take sorc or pali first as the monk feats I want to take require BAB 1 and thus can't be taken at first level. After that I will probably just alternate 2 sorc then 1 more pali/monk to spread out the class skills and make it slightly more efficient.

    To solve your haste problem you need to buy a stack of 99 haste scrolls and just spam those like crazy. I normally hit one before every fight but also one at every chest as everyone is grouped up already. They'll wish they had a slightly longer haste but they won't complain. All these deep multi-classed characters are always slow to blossom but then become very powerful at the end levels. Sometimes it can be a tough road to get there is all.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    I would go straight damage and not even try spells with a sving throw. By the time you get Flesh to stone at level 16, everything has spell resistance, and your DC is already -4 with no room to get the appropriate DC feats. You're going to find that your DC spells will land very rarely if at all. I would take acid fog instead.

    Also, not getting wall of fire until 12 and having low hp on top of that without your max level equipment yet is going to be a serious pain.
    Last edited by richieelias27; 08-15-2008 at 03:25 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by richieelias27 View Post
    I would go straight damage and not even try spells with a sving throw. By the time you get Flesh to stone at level 16, everything has spell resistance, and your DC is already -4 with no room to get the appropriate DC feats. You're going to find that your DC spells will land very rarely if at all. I would take acid fog instead.

    Also, not getting wall of fire until 12 and having low hp on top of that without your max level equipment yet is going to be a serious pain.
    richieelias27 has covered what I am about to say but I wanted to expand on this a little.

    You mention a "full service sorc with 34 cha".I am not sure exactly what you mean, but assume you are talking about landing spells that have a dc save like will, fortitude or reflex. You do not have the heighten feat. Cha helps bypass a mobs dc, the only thing it is really good for except some extra sp, and you are at 34 vs the 36 or 38 you could have, so you are 1 or 2 down on your charisma bonus which is used to determine your dc. (+2 cha= 1 charisma bonus increase which is what the dc formulat uses, cha bonus) Without heighten, a web lvl 2 spell is only a +2 to hit, heightened it is +8. Your web has a dc of 8 less than max possible (two more from 38 + 6 heightened=8). Your dc spells will be there but not working as intended.

    Spell pen is needed to land alot of spells, pk for one and others. You have no spell pen feats or enhancements. Two spell pen feats = +4 plus 3 enhancements = +7 and you are short all these.

    Without your spell list there is no way to know if you are going to be able to use the sorc as you intend. The one spell you did mention was flesh to stone. With a spell pen of 26 (+3 greater spell pen item) I miss fts in gianthold tor all the time due to spell pen. Yours will be 7 less than mine, and then there is still the fortitude save the mob will roll. Sorry, I do not have the spell resistance number in front of me for those different giants. I do know you will have to roll an 18 to bypass the pit fiends spell pen, not that it matters, but its the only one I remember off the top of my head.
    Last edited by Merkinsal; 08-15-2008 at 06:07 PM.

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