My barbarian is uber smart, me had an 8 int....then me read book and i gots me a 10 now. Me never solos much on my barbarian, use other toons for that.
The higher my AC the worse my guard items do....
My barbarian is uber smart, me had an 8 int....then me read book and i gots me a 10 now. Me never solos much on my barbarian, use other toons for that.
The higher my AC the worse my guard items do....
this was the point i was waiting to see... if you are going to not focus on AC, don't forget to pile on those guard items. i know a dwarf in robes whose guard items knock the hell out of whatever is attacking him. we were in pvp one night and it was absolutely comical. he just stood there taking hit after hit and his opponents hp went down so fast.
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Yep doing something similar with my barb. Using greensteel shroud guards and piling them on. Not only do you fill in some blanks (+5 saves, resists, bonus saves, disease immunity, etc.) but having items with dust 2, lightning strike guard and haste/knockdown guards becomes very useful for holding aggro as well as adding some serious damage. Those 2-4% guard strikes add up fast at a low ac.
New screenshot with AC![]()
now that Barbs get -1 AC per Power Rage Enhancement AC is useless for us![]()
why would you post an ac screenshot with your chattering ring off? And why is your royal guard mask on? So translation is thats really a 48 ac? I know a barb with a 61 AC (no ring) Unraged and full intimidate and cleave lines and PA and CE. He turn the CE on and doesn't rage for AC/Intimitank with a GS +4 AC DA. When he wants DPS he turn on PA rages and whips out the GS M2 GA. Barbs can have AC.
Last edited by pepsi36; 08-25-2008 at 05:20 AM.
**** you post way too fast, in my experience when i get on my barb they want dps.
18 hp is not a difference in there.
I'm not gonna craft a 1 hander to get 4 more AC, not gonna get the insight bonus from the Levik's Set cause as you can see :P i got the Tharne's Set.
If you plan for AC sure you can get it high, but IMO CE is not worth on a barb. :P just wanted to post a real screenshot instead of the one where i got like 0 AC.
My tempest barb (8/6/2 Barb/rgr/ftr) has a 31 standing ac unbuffed... could be higher if i could be bothered getting my @$$ into gear and actually finding some better gear (aka dodge bonus/better pro item/better armour etc)
only thing is it IS possible to get a decent ac as a barb, but remember that a certain amount will go to waste dependant on what enhancements you take for rage...
Well i decided to give it another tryas you can see i'm missing 3 AC (Barkskin from a ranger, Recitation) and i had -2 from rage spell so you can hit 66 AC without really a problem, 70 AC if i ever craft a +4 insight bonus.