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  1. #1
    Founder Girevik's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Helpful Suggestions or Modifications for Duo?

    Create a duo of characters that are capable of fully exploring the low- mid- level quests (up to 6th or so) and eventually participating as a contributing part of larger groups for later quests.

    Player A (my friend) is a new player to the game who has 28-point builds and Drow available for play. He has also expressed a desire to play a "Ranger". Player B (myself) is a more experienced player who has both 32-point builds and Drow available. He is willing to play anything that will work, but hasn't tried a "Bard" before and is leaning that way. Both players are going to be very casual about time spent with the characters, so we are looking at a slow level progression.

    Initial Proposal:
    Player A will play a Dwarf Ranger "Scout" (w/ some Fighter). Player B will play a Drow Bard (with an early Rogue level or two for Trap/Lock smithing and Evasion). This will allow the new player to lead the way scouting out the "to him" unfamiliar quests.

    Dwarf Ranger (/Fighter) "Scout"
    Str: 16 + Level-ups + Item + Ftr Enh.
    Int: 8 (dump)
    Wis: 14 + Item
    Con: 14 + Item + Dwf Enhs.
    Dex: 14 + Item + Rng Enhs.
    Cha: 6 (dump)

    Level/Class Progression:
    1-5 Ranger, 6 Fighter, 7 Ranger, 8 Fighter, 9+ Ranger

    6 - 1 = 5 Skill Points per Ranger Level
    2 - 1 = 1 Skill Point per Fighter Level
    At First: +4 to Spot, Hide, Move Silently, Jump, & Concentration
    Progression: Keep Spot at max, spread additional points between Hide, Move Silently, Jump, Balance(cc), & Tumble(cc).

    Character Feats at 1, 3, and 6: Toughness, Dodge, and Mobility
    Fighter Feat at 6: Spring Attack
    Fighter Feat at 8: Improved Critical: Slashing
    Character Feats at 9, 12, and 15: Select to suit playstyle, possibilities include Power Attack, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting, Mental Toughness, Archery Feats, …

    Favored Enemies:
    Undead, Giants, & Evil Outsiders

    Tempest (obviously), Fighter Str 1, Ranger Dex 1&2, Dwarven Toughness 1-4, Dwarven Con 1&2, Dwarven Armor Masteries, Axe Attack, etc. (play by ear based on gear and preferences).

    Drow Bard (/Rogue) "Sapper"
    Str: 10 + Item
    Int: 16 + Item (when Searching or Disabling)
    Wis: 8 + Item
    Con: 12 + Item
    Dex: 16 + Item + Drow & Rog Enhs.
    Cha: 17 + Level-ups + Item + Bard Enhs.

    Level/Class Progression:
    1 Rogue, 2 Bard, 3 Rogue, & 4+ Bard.

    8 + 3 = 11 Skill Points per Rogue Level
    6 + 3 = 9 Skill Point per Bard Level
    At First (Rogue): +4 to Balance, Disable Device, Haggle, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Spot, Tumble & Use Magic Device
    At Second (Bard): +5 to Perform, +4 to Concentration
    At Third (Rogue): +1 to Balance, +2 each to Disable Device, Haggle, Open Lock, Search, & Use Magic Device
    At Fourth (Bard): +2 to Perform, +1 each to Concentration, Disable Device(cc), Haggle, Search(cc), & Use Magic Device
    At Fifth and onwards (Bard): +1 each to Concentration, Disable Device(cc), Open Lock(cc), Perform, Search(cc), & Use Magic Device

    Character Feats at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15: Skill Focus: UMD, Weapon Finesse, Mental Toughness, Spell Focus: Enchantment, Extend?, Force of Personality? (play later feats by ear)

    Spell Singer (& prerequisites), Rogue Dex 1, Bard Char 1&2, Drow Dex 1&2, Wand, Healing, & Spell Point Boosters, ... (play by ear based on gear and preferences).
    Last edited by Girevik; 08-08-2008 at 01:37 PM.

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