OK, so last night I finished the 5th needed quest to get flagged for the shroud with my main character, a level 15 pally. I've seen a LOT of posts about the shroud, what to do/not do in the shroud, what classes to bring, what equipment and clickies to bring, and the list goes on.

This thread is for me and any other inquiring Paladin wondering what to do in the raid.
What weapons do I bring?
What spells do I prepare?
Are any clickies needed/helpful?
And most importantly, WHAT IS MY JOB as a Paladin? (with not the highest AC, because I'm assuming one of the other 11 will be another fighter type with higher AC than my non-multiclassed pally)

I hope to take the responses (if I even get any ) into my first Shroud raid and hopefully make it a successful one. Thank you!