Apologies to the VoD group I was going to serve as intimitank for last night. We had a death and I had to go and tell the bad news to the service member's mother.
Hopefully will catch y'all the next time around.
Best regards,
Apologies to the VoD group I was going to serve as intimitank for last night. We had a death and I had to go and tell the bad news to the service member's mother.
Hopefully will catch y'all the next time around.
Best regards,
Vorn, 30 Fighter
~> Leader of Final Brigade on Agronessen <~Roju-16 Barb, Karnack-16 Clr, Barbowsas 9-Rngr/ 7-Wiz, Vegasi 1-Brd/15 Rngr, Armonias 2 Pali/14 Sorc.