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  1. #1
    Community Member DaggomaticDwarf's Avatar
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    Default Level 15 n 16 Clerics???

    I just got my cleric to level 9, Yeah I can res ur dead lazy Arse now. I was wondering what typeof Enhancement I get as a human Lawful Good Cleric the Compendium show none. Would it be best to multi class or sumtin or is it just an oversight on the Dev ?? Could use a tip or 3. thx in advance
    If A Dwarf falls in the forest does he make a sound? YES! Ah Gawd Dang Sons of a *BEEP*
    Guild leader of the "Order of the Never Empty Mug"-Khyber Server-Varda, Daggummet, Xotika, Angelheart, Annaleeza, Keirza, Gearszin, Iluvatar, Sindeamon, and Pippsqueek

  2. #2
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    no enhancements go off of alignment, but you have a few spells that do. Orders wrath is a large AoE stun agaisnt anything chaotic, and theres an AoE smite that blinds everything as well.

    I wouldnt suggest multiclassing unless your stats support it, or if you have the equipment to make it worthwhile. Fighter level does no good if you dont have decent str; pally or sorc splash is no good w/o high charisma. And monk really limits what equipment you can use. You cant go wrong with a pure cleric build, splashing a class into it this late would be hard to recommend unless you originally built your character to accommodate it.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    no enhancements go off of alignment, but you have a few spells that do. Orders wrath is a large AoE stun agaisnt anything chaotic, and theres an AoE smite that blinds everything as well.

    smite blinds mobs if they fail a save

    I wouldnt suggest multiclassing unless your stats support it, or if you have the equipment to make it worthwhile.


    Fighter level does no good if you dont have decent str;

    people splash fighter to be able to use tower shields, use all weapons and for extra feat

    pally or sorc splash is no good w/o high charisma.

    pally splash for weapon use as well as to have access to supposedly higher sp from wisdom. for the sorc, splash is usually for arcane wand use but a better idea would be to splash wiz to get arcane wand use as well as extra metamagic feat

    And monk really limits what equipment you can use.

    people splash monk for the ac or evasion (2 levels). the ac from wis bonus is usually the driving force

    You cant go wrong with a pure cleric build, splashing a class into it this late would be hard to recommend unless you originally built your character to accommodate it.
    its never too late to splash, most clerics splash not because their stats allow but because of how they play their clerics
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  4. #4
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    The biggest drawback to splashing is that at current endgame, most foes have Spell Resistance, and having 1 less point of Spell Penetration hurts a lot against those foes. A second consideration is that when the next level cap increase occurs (assuming 18 and not 20), the Mass Heal spell will heal 5-6% more when cast by a Clr18 than when cast by a Clr17/Xxx1.

    The benefits to splashing have been covered already.

    My suggestion: If your goal is to be a hybrid healbot/offensive caster cleric (a traditional cleric), do not splash under any circumstances. If your goal is to be a hybrid melee/healbot, splash one level of a martial class (there are benefits to both Pal and Ftr). If you plan to be a self-healing melee, consider splashing multiple (up to 5) non-Clr levels, but make sure that when you join a group the group is aware that you are built as a melee, not as a traditional cleric.
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  5. #5
    Community Member DaggomaticDwarf's Avatar
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    Default Sound Advice. 1 more question

    Ok so splash will take away from a lil of my SP, is there a way to compensate for that ? say metas or SP items. I'm not sayin I want to splash I reall want to stay 100% Pure healbot. Want I really would luv to know is what r the best Feats or Enhancement a Pure Healbot should have?? And which of the Metas work best with Heal ( Max, Emp, Height, ) ?? ne advice I will gladly welcome. Once again tyvm in advance.
    If A Dwarf falls in the forest does he make a sound? YES! Ah Gawd Dang Sons of a *BEEP*
    Guild leader of the "Order of the Never Empty Mug"-Khyber Server-Varda, Daggummet, Xotika, Angelheart, Annaleeza, Keirza, Gearszin, Iluvatar, Sindeamon, and Pippsqueek

  6. #6
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Empower Healing and occasionally Quicken are the best used feats for a main healer. Taking Mental Toughness can help offset the sp lost to multiclassing. I've taken both MT feats on my cleric/monk, but am considering dumping one once I finish his shroud sp item in favor of Heighten.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by DaggomaticDwarf View Post
    Ok so splash will take away from a lil of my SP, is there a way to compensate for that ? say metas or SP items. I'm not sayin I want to splash I reall want to stay 100% Pure healbot. Want I really would luv to know is what r the best Feats or Enhancement a Pure Healbot should have?? And which of the Metas work best with Heal ( Max, Emp, Height, ) ?? ne advice I will gladly welcome. Once again tyvm in advance.
    feat: empower healing

    enhancement: 1. healing line, 2. item use line, 3. healing crit % line, 4. healing crit multiplier line, 5. DV/DH line (depending on cha)

    for heal spell, only empower healing work, the other types of cure spells are affected by emp healing, emp, max

    to be honest, the time of the healbot has long passed. to be able to function well as a cleric, you need your offensive spells. sometimes is more efficient to kill the mob than to heal the party
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  8. #8
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    its never too late to splash, most clerics splash not because their stats allow but because of how they play their clerics
    what you could splash has alot to do with stats, 2 pally would be nice for a high charisma cleric, not so good for a 6 charisma dwarf or wf. Monk splash for AC (lvl 1) or evasion (lvl 2) doesnt help at all if you neglected your dex. Fighter or Wizard is ok for the Feat, but Fighter benefits are limited at a 8 str, divine power/favor only does so much. Tower shields can be used just fine w/o prof. the only penalty is to ur to-hit. A no str cleric isnt going to care about using martial weapons in the first place.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  9. #9
    Community Member jmonty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    its never too late to splash, most clerics splash not because their stats allow but because of how they play their clerics
    u don't need to multiclass to melee. for example you could use the longsword enhancement or take a weapon proficiency as a feat if you wanted. also the cleric spells will work better as a straight cleric in the long run. i'd rather have all the cleric spells i can get when the cap increases than be a half assed tank that can heal myself.

  10. #10
    Community Member Lymnus's Avatar
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    You Will Lose the Following.
    Spell Penetration: -1 to all Spell Pen checks. Spell Pen checks can get pretty high in elite level content. Every bit of bonus in Spell pen can show benefits for the Offensive Caster/Crowd Control Cleric.
    The Spells that are Subject to SR Checks are: Destruction, Slay living, Blindness, Harm, Soundburst, Dismissal, Banishment, Curse, Doom, Bane, Command/Greater Command, Hold Person,
    Spell Points: -70 Spell Points Base. This can be made up however depending on what class you splash into your build.
    Spell Slots: You Lose One Level 7 Spell Slot and 1 Level 6 Spell Slot
    Spell DC's: Poison, Banishment, Dismissal, and Break Enchantment, Greater Dispel Magic loses 1 to each of their DC's. SR:Mass losses 1 Pt of Spell Resistance.
    -1 Fort Save
    -1 Will Save
    -1 BAB (Which may not seem like much, but can be the difference between having a 4th Attack without Divine Power up)
    -8 Hit Points
    Spell damage - almost always level dependant.

    So what happens too Your Cleric when you Splash One level of another class?

    Fighter: Fighter Splash's are most common in Melee focused Builds.
    +1 BAB
    +10 Hit Points
    Martial Weapons Proficiency
    Tower Shield Proficiency
    Fighter Bonus Feat
    +2 Fort Save
    Fighter toughness 1: 5 hit points (Requires Toughness Feat)
    Fighter Critical accuracy 1: +2 seeker (Stacks with Weapons/Items seeker effects)
    Fighter Item defense 1: 25% item defense

    Paladin: Paladin Splashes are suited for melee/Caster focused build.
    +1 BAB
    +10 Hit Points
    Martial Weapons Proficiency
    Paladin Aura (+1 to AC and Saves for you and close by party Members)
    Spell Point Bonus based on Wisdom Modifier. (i.e. if you have a 30 Wisdom a Paly level will give you 100 Spell points where a Cleric level would of given you just 80 (10Bonus+70Base=80))
    +2 Fort Save
    Paladin toughness 1: 5 hit points (Requires Toughness Feat)
    Aura of Good Concentration (+1 Concentration)

    Ranger: Ranger Splashes are suited for melee/Caster focused build.
    +1 BAB
    +8 Hit Points
    Martial Weapons Proficiency
    Favorite Enemy (+1 Bonus to Hit and Ac against the mob of your choice)
    Spell Point Bonus based on Wisdom Modifier. (i.e. if you have a 30 Wisdom a ranger level will give you 100 Spell points where a Cleric level would of given you just 80 (10Bonus+70Base=80))
    +2 Fort Save
    +2 Reflex Save
    Bow Strength: (Add Str Damage Bonus to Ranged Attacks)
    Favorite Enemy Damage and Defense (+1 Damage or +1 AC against)
    Action Boost Skills (+2 to all Skills for 20 Seconds)

    Barbarian: Barbarian Splashes are suited for a melee focused build.
    +1 BAB
    +12 Hit Points
    Martial Weapons Proficiency
    10% Increased Movement Rate
    Rage (Cant Cast while raged.... Cleric are pretty useless to the rest of the party when they are raged......)
    (However, With the Introduction of Mod5, You can dispel your own Rage at any time. This may make Barbarian Splashes a lot more viable)
    +2 Fort Save
    Barbarian toughness 1: 5 hit points (Requires Toughness Feat)
    Resist Disease (+1 Saves against Disease)
    Resist Poison (+1 Save against Poison)

    Wizard: Wizard Splashes can be suited for Healer/Buffer Type Builds
    0 BAB
    +4 Hit Points
    Extra MetaMagic Feat
    50 Base Spell Points + (10xINT Modifier)
    Arcane Wand Usage
    3 1st Levels Arcane Spells
    +2 Will Save
    No Viable Enhancements for L1

    Sorcerer: Sorcerer Splashes can bee suited for Healer/Buffer Type Builds
    0 BAB
    +4 Hit Points
    100 Base Spell Points + (10xCHR Modifier)
    Arcane Wand Usage
    2 1st Levels Arcane Spells
    +2 Will Save
    No Viable Enhancements for L1

    Bard: Bard Splashes can be suited for Healer/Buffer Type Builds
    0 BAB
    +6 Hit Points
    50 Base Spell Points + (10xCHR Modifier)
    1 Bard Song (Inspire Confidence +1 Attack)
    +2 Reflex Save
    +1 Will Save
    Access to UMD as a Class Skill
    Access to Many Arcane Wands (Any Spell that is in the Bards Spell list Via Wand)
    Extra Song

    Rogue: Rogue Splashes Can enhance survivability for Healer Type Builds
    0 BAB
    +6 Hit Points
    +1d6 Sneak Attack Damage
    Access to Open Lock and Disable Device as Class Skills
    Access to UMD as a Class Skill
    +2 Reflex Save
    Faster Sneaking (10% Faster Sneak Rate)
    Sneak Attack Damage (+2 Damage to any Attack that Qualifies as a Sneak Attack)
    Trap Sense (+1 Saves against all Traps)
    Last edited by Lymnus; 08-08-2008 at 07:46 AM. Reason: Out of laziness, did not type myself. Credit to Impaqt.

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