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  1. #1
    Community Member Alcides's Avatar
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    Default Please consider the following Paladin spells for a future Module.

    Aligned Aura
    Level: Cleric 4, Paladin 4
    Target: Self
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Complete Champion (p116)

    The target of this spell chooses a non-neutral aspect of their alignment(Chaos, Evil, Good, Law). Creatures within a 20 foot radius of the target that have same alignment aspect gain a bonus; creatures within a 20 foot radius of the target that have an opposite alignment aspect gain a penalty as follows.

    Chaos: +1 Attack Bonus; -1 Save Penalty
    Evil: +1 Damage Roll Bonus; -1 AC Penalty
    Good: +1 Save Bonus; -1 Attack Penalty
    Law: +1 AC Bonus; -1 Damage Roll Penalty

    Aura of Cold, Lesser
    Level: Cleric 3, Druid 3, Paladin 4, Ranger 4
    Target: Self
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Frostburn (p88)

    All Opponents within a 5 foot radius of the target take d6 cold damage each round.

    Axiomatic Storm
    Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 3
    Target: Self
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Saving Throw: none
    Source: Spell Compendium (p22)

    A driving rain falls around the paladin. All creatures within a 20 foot radius of the paladin suffer a -4 penalty to Spot, Listen, and Search checks; a -4 penalty to ranged attacks going through the area of the spell; Chaotic creatures take 2d6 damage per round(Chaotic outsiders take double damage). Each round a single chaotic outsider within a 20 foot radius of the paladin is struck by a 5d6 gout of acid.

    Level: Cleric 2, Paladin 2
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 10 minutes/level
    Source: Complete Champion (p116)

    The target of the spell gains a +2 luck bonus to saves. Before the duration of the spell expires the target can choose to reroll a single attack roll or saving throw keeping the second result. Using the reroll option ends this spell.

    Blessed Aim
    Level: Cleric 1, Paladin 1
    Target: Self
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p31)

    The paladin and all allies within a 30 foot radius of the paladin gain a +2 morale bonus on ranged attack rolls.

    Blessing of the Righteous
    Level: Cleric 4, Paladin 4
    Target: Self
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Player's Handbook 2 (p104)

    The target of this spell and all allies within 40 feet of the target gain an extra d6 holy damage with melee and ranged attacks. These attack are also good aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

    Conduit of Life
    Level: Cleric 2, Paladin 2
    Target: Self
    Duration: 10 minutes/level
    Source: Complete Champion (p118)

    The target of this spell heals 2d10 hps plus 1 hp per caster level when subject to a healing effect. This spell expires once it has healed once.

    Level: Cleric 1
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 10 minutes/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p52)

    The target of this spell gains a +2 morale bonus to saving throws plus 1 per every 6 caster levels to a maximum of a +5 bonus at level 18.

    Conviction, Mass
    Level: Cleric 3
    Target: Self, ally
    Duration: 10 minutes/level
    Source: Spell Compendium(p52)

    The target of this spell and all allies within a 20 foot radius of the target gain the effects of the Conviction Spell.

    Deific Bastion
    Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 3
    Target: Shield or Heavy Armor
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Complete Champion (p119)

    The target armor or shield gains and enhancement bonus to AC equal to 1 plus 1 per 3 caster levels above 6. In addition, the armor or shield gains a special ability depending upon the caster's deity.

    Level: Cleric 2, Paladin 2
    Target: Nongood Outsider Opponent
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Source: Fiendish Codex 2: Tyrant's of the Nine Hells (p100)
    Save: Will(negates)

    The target of this spell must successfully make a will save or take a -4 insight penalty to attack rolls, saves, and checks. The target of this spell may spend a full round action to gain another saving throw to negate this spell.

    Level: Paladin 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 3
    Target: Suit of Armor
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p64)

    The suit of Armor grants damage reduction X/adamantine where X is half the armor bonus granted by the armor.

    Divine Presence
    Level: Cleric 2, Druid 2, Paladin 2
    Target: Self
    Duration: 10 minutes/level
    Source: Complete Champion (p119)

    The target of this spell gains a bonus to intimidate checks dependant on alignment. If the target is good or neutral this bonus is a sacred bonus; otherwise, it is a profane bonus. The bonus is +5 if the target uses the inimidate skill on an opponent that does not have the same deity as the target. The bonus is +10 if the opponent has one opposing alignment Component as the target. The bonus is +15 if the opponent's alignment is the exact opposite of the target's alignment.

    Draconic Might
    Level: Paladin 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p72)

    The target of this spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Charisma; a +4 natural armor bonus to AC; and immunity to sleep and paralysis effects. Sorcerers treat their caster level as 1 level higher for purposes of casting this spell.

    Energized Shield, Lesser

    Level: Cleric 2, Paladin 1
    Target: Shield
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p79)

    When casting this spell choose an energy type, the target of this spell grants an extra d6 damage of the chosen elemental type when used to attack and grants Energy Resistance 5 for the chosen energy type.

    Energized Shield
    Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 2
    Target: Shield
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p79)

    When casting this spell choose an energy type, the target of this spell grants an extra 2d6 damage of the chosen elemental type when used to attack and grants Energy Resistance 10 for the chosen energy type.

    Faith Healing
    Level: Paladin 1
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: Permanent
    Source: Spell Compendium (p87)

    The target of this spell gains 8 hps plus 1 hp per caster level. This spell has no effect if the target does not have the same deity as the caster.

    Favor of the Martyr
    Level: Paladin 4
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p89)

    The target of this spell gains immunity to nonlethal damage. In addition the target of this spell also suppresses the following effects: charm, compulsion, pain, daze, exhaustion, fatigue, nausea, sickness, staggered or stunned. The target remains conscious while above -10 hps, and does not lose hit points for acting. If the target has any of the effects that this spell suppresses at the end of this spell then the target is still subject to those effects.

    Fell the Greatest Foe
    Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 2, Ranger 2
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p90)

    The target of this spell deals an extra d6 damage for every size category larger the target's opponent is than the target on a successful melee attack.

    Flame of Faith
    Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 2
    Target: Nonmagical weapon
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p95)

    For the duration of the spell, the target of this spell acts as a +1 flaming burst weapon.

    Freedom of Breath
    Level: Cleric 2, Druid 2, Paladin 2, Ranger 2
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 10 Minutes/level
    Source: Sandstorm (p116)

    For the duration of the spell, the target does not have to make constitution checks to avoid suffocation as long as there is a miniscule amount of air to breath. The target is immune to nausea and gains a +2 bonus to saves and constitution checks to resist poisonous vapors.

    Hand of Divinity
    Level: Cleric 2, Paladin 2
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 1 minute/level

    The target of this spell gains a +2 Sacred bonus to saving throws if they are of good alignment or a +2 Profane bonus to saving throws if they are of evil alignment.

    Healing Spirit
    Level: Bard 4, Cleric 4, Druid 4, Paladin 3
    Target: Any
    Duration: 3 Seconds/level
    Save: Will half(harmless)
    Source: Player's Handbook 2 (p114)

    This spell conjures a 1ft sphere of light(fly 30 feet). Once per round, the healing sphere can move and heal a creature for d8 hps or damage an undead creature for d8 hps.

    Holy Storm
    Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 3
    Target: Self
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Saving Throw: none
    Source: Spell Compendium (p115)

    A driving rain falls around the paladin. All creatures within a 20 foot radius of the paladin suffer a -4 penalty to Spot, Listen, and Search checks; a -4 penalty to ranged attacks going through the area of the spell; Evil creatures take 2d6 damage per round(Evil outsiders take double damage).

    Level: Paladin 1
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p132)

    The target gains immunity to fear effects.

    Meteoric Strike
    Level: Cleric 5, Druid 4, Paladin 4
    Target: Opponent
    Duration: 1 round or until discharged.
    Source: Player's Handbook 2 (p120)
    Save: None or Reflex(half)

    Your next successful melee attack deals and extra d6 fire damage + 1d6 point per four caster levels to the target. The flames do equal damage to all opponents within a five foot radius of the target Reflex(half).

    Righteous Aura
    Level: Paladin 4
    Target: Self
    Duration: 1 hour/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p177)
    Save: Reflex, half.

    The paladin gains a +4 Sacred bonus to Charisma. If the paladin is killed while still under the effect of this spell the paladin's body detonates dealing 2d6 per caster level(maximum 20d6) to all evil creatures within a 20 foot radius of the paladin. Any good creatures within the blast radius are healed for the same amount that evil creatures would be harmed. The paladin cannot be brought back to life with a Raise Dead spell since the paladin's body is destroyed on detonation.

    Righteous Fury
    Level: Paladin 3
    Target: Self
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p177)

    The target of this spell gains a +4 Sacred Bonus to Strength and +5 temporary hit points per caster level (maximum 50).

    Sacred Haven
    Level: Paladin 4
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p178)

    The target of this spell and all allies within a 30' radius of the target gain a +2 Sacred Bonus to AC.

    Seed of Life
    Level: Cleric 4, Druid 5, Paladin 4
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 60 seconds + 6 seconds / level
    Source: Complete Champion (p127)

    The target of this spell gains fast healing 2. If the target wishes to end the spell prematurely, the target gains 1d4 hps per 12 seconds remaining in the spells duration.

    Shield of Warding
    Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 2
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p188)

    While wearing a shield the recipient of this spell gains a +1 sacred bonus to AC and reflex saves plus 1 per every 5 caster levels to a maximum of a +5 bonus at level 20.

    Level: Paladin 1
    Target: Self
    Duration: 1 minute/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p190)

    The target gains a +2 Sacred bonus to AC and a +2 Circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks against dwarves.

    Silvered Weapon
    Level: Paladin 1, Ranger 2
    Target: Weapon
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Book of Exalted Deeds (p88)

    Weapon is silver instead of it's normal material for the duration of the spell.

    Soul of Light
    Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 2
    Target: Self
    Duration: 1 hour
    Source: Dragon Magic (p73)

    whenever the target of Soul of Light gains hps from a conjuration (healing) spell, that target heals an extra 2 hps per level of the conjuration (healing) spell.

    Turn Anathema
    Level: Cleric 2, Paladin 2
    Target: Self
    Duration: 10 minutes / level
    Source: Complete Champion (p129)

    Choose an alignment Component that does not oppose any of the target's alignment components. Opponents with the opposite alignment component as the one you choose can now be affected by your turn undead attempts as though those opponents are undead.

    Undead Bane Weapon
    Level: Cleric 4, Paladin 3
    Target: 1 Weapon or 50 ammunition
    Duration: 1 hour/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p226)

    The target of this spell gains the Undead Bane special ability in addition to any other properties it has.

    Weapon of the Deity
    Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 3
    Target: Weapon that is the favored weapon of the caster's deity.
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Spell Compendium (p237)

    The target of the spell gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls as well as an additional +1 bonus per 3 caster levels to a maximum of a +5 bonus at level 18. In addition, the weapon gains a special ability depending on the deity of the caster.
    Last edited by Alcides; 08-06-2008 at 08:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Djimonte's Avatar
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    Hee once agian folks would cry that pallys are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo overpowered and need to be nerfed once agian whilst singing praise of cookiecutter wf and drawf barbs which take no skill to build and the wonderful ranger who actually got their time in the sun. Face it people hate paladins for one reason. playing a lawful goood character turns their stomachs.
    Yes I am insane whats it to you

  3. #3
    Community Member Alcides's Avatar
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    Yep, I see very few Shroud Raids that want to take Paladins these days. It all boils down to melee DPS these days and paladins bit the dust a long time ago in that department. Until our spell list gets some serious consideration and not these new fluff spells (Lionheart and Zeal) the situation will not improve.

  4. #4
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Axiomatic and Holy Storm would be cool. Not really powerful but holy storm would be a nice spell on Harry.
    Officer - Eternal Wrath
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  5. #5
    Community Member zoltan00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alcides View Post
    Yep, I see very few Shroud Raids that want to take Paladins these days. It all boils down to melee DPS these days and paladins bit the dust a long time ago in that department. Until our spell list gets some serious consideration and not these new fluff spells (Lionheart and Zeal) the situation will not improve.

    I personally think that if zeal gave pally's more than a 20% to attack speed which stacks with evrything....think how ****ed of fighters and rogues would be the get 5 boosts of 20 seconds while pally's would have it on a spell which means you can use it through out the whole quests I know its not going to be better than a rank 4 haste boost but fighters and rogues know how insane damage you do when you use haste boots you can see ticks of life go down for those 20 seconds so I am very happy about this spell and if the dev's ever implement righteos fury wow that would be amazing. Maybe would make pallys best class in the game untill 14 barb/6 ranger hits ddo
    Shake N' Bake

  6. #6
    Community Member Alcides's Avatar
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    My favorite spells out of this list are outlined below.
    1. Righteous Fury - Hands down an awesome spell.
    2. Righteous Aura - +4 Sacred Bonus to Charisma, heals the party on a Paladin's death, does some damage to whatever killed the Paladin.
    3. Draconic Might - +4 Natural Armor Bonus and Immunity to Sleep and Paralysis. Saves needing to use a potion or ranger.
    4. Shield of Warding - Gives awesome defensive bonuses when doing sword and board.
    5. Axiomatic Storm and Holy Storm - Having both of these spells up at the same time can do some decent damage especially when intimitanking.
    6. Divine Presence - Gives a +5 to +15 bonus to intimidate checks depending on target, which closes the gap on intimidate being a cross class skill.
    7. Favor of the Martyr - Suppresses almost every detrimental effect in the game
    Last edited by Alcides; 08-06-2008 at 12:52 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member GhostNull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alcides View Post
    My favorite spells out of this list are outlined below.
    1. Righteous Fury - Hands down an awesome spell.
    2. Righteous Aura - +4 Sacred Bonus to Charisma, heals the party on a Paladin's death, does some damage to whatever killed the Paladin.
    3. Draconic Might - +4 Natural Armor Bonus and Immunity to Sleep and Paralysis. Saves needing to use a potion or ranger.
    4. Shield of Warding - Gives awesome defensive bonuses when doing sword and board.
    5. Axiomatic Storm and Holy Storm - Having both of these spells up at the same time can do some decent damage especially when intimitanking.
    6. Divine Presence - Gives a +5 to +15 bonus to intimidate checks depending on target, which closes the gap on intimidate being a cross class skill.
    7. Favor of the Martyr - Suppresses almost every detrimental effect in the game
    I believe the Devs have stated at one time that the Pally-KABOOM part of Righteous Aura wouldn't play well with their systems. Also, the only thing we've ever heard about Righteous Fury was something about Silthe killing Eladrin.

  8. #8
    Community Member Alcides's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GhostNull View Post
    I believe the Devs have stated at one time that the Pally-KABOOM part of Righteous Aura wouldn't play well with their systems.
    The Kaboom aspect is balanced by the fact that the Paladin cannot be brought back to life by Raise Dead. Also 20d6 damage on death is a drop in the bucket compared to a 1000 damage cone of cold. Coming from a Signal Processing background I fail to see how hard it would be to have the client send out a request to the server to do 20d6 damage to all enemies within Z1 feet of an X, Y, Z coordinate.

    Quote Originally Posted by GhostNull View Post
    Also, the only thing we've ever heard about Righteous Fury was something about Silthe killing Eladrin.
    Sounds like Silthe knows the "Self Righteous Fury" spell.

  9. #9
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    /signed for Righteous Fury

    Rangers got Ram's might, the single most powerful melee spell in history so it's only fair =)
    Main: Illuminati (Halfling Iron Monk), Stonewolf (Dwarf Pally), Vyking (TWF Barb), Illuminatrix (Batchick), Illumino (Drow Ranger), Fuji (Human Monk)
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  10. #10
    Community Member Verdant_Force's Avatar
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    /crosses fingers and hopes some of these get implemented

    maybe then pallys wont be the worst end-game class (speaking from a guy with a pally as his main)

    The spells that amplify healing for the paladin and others is very intriguing...
    "Burl, scurf, and bower; Birth fern and flower."
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  11. #11
    Community Member Alcides's Avatar
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    Look at Soul of Light and Faith Healing

  12. #12
    Community Member Alcides's Avatar
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  13. #13
    Community Member kuro_zero's Avatar
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    Divine Presence
    Level: Cleric 2, Druid 2, Paladin 2
    Target: Self
    Duration: 10 minutes/level
    Source: Complete Champion (p119)

    The target of this spell gains a bonus to intimidate checks dependent on alignment. If the target is good or neutral this bonus is a sacred bonus; otherwise, it is a profane bonus. The bonus is +5 if the target uses the intimidate skill on an opponent that does not have the same deity as the target. The bonus is +10 if the opponent has one opposing alignment Component as the target. The bonus is +15 if the opponent's alignment is the exact opposite of the target's alignment.

    This would be awesome for those pure class Paladins wanting to go the inti-tank route since Intimidate isn't a class skill. I think it would be easiest to implement as a +3 Sacred bonus +3 every 3 caster levels above 6th. This will give you a +15 at 18, but will stack with competence bonuses from items.
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  14. #14
    Community Member SteeleTrueheart's Avatar
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    Holy Necro! These threads come and go quite often don't they. I love them.

    At least 1 of these spells (lionheart) was implemented and quite a few are useless in the DDO setting.

    Some of them look interesting and of note I like:

    Holy Storm
    Level: Cleric 3, Paladin 3
    Target: Self
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Saving Throw: none
    Source: Spell Compendium (p115)

    A driving rain falls around the paladin. All creatures within a 20 foot radius of the paladin suffer a -4 penalty to Spot, Listen, and Search checks; a -4 penalty to ranged attacks going through the area of the spell; Evil creatures take 2d6 damage per round(Evil outsiders take double damage).

    Seed of Life
    Level: Cleric 4, Druid 5, Paladin 4
    Target: Self, Ally
    Duration: 60 seconds + 6 seconds / level
    Source: Complete Champion (p127)

    The target of this spell gains fast healing 2. If the target wishes to end the spell prematurely, the target gains 1d4 hps per 12 seconds remaining in the spells duration.

    Blessing of the Righteous
    Level: Cleric 4, Paladin 4
    Target: Self
    Duration: 6 seconds/level
    Source: Player's Handbook 2 (p104)

    The target of this spell and all allies within 40 feet of the target gain an extra d6 holy damage with melee and ranged attacks. These attack are also good aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

    Now that characters can have weapon buffs (ala monks and mod9 rings) this may now be doable.
    Looking at the shield spells and thinking of maybe something more DDO friendly and to help the S&B people I have been considering something like:

    Holy Shield
    Level: Paladin 3
    Target: Self
    Duration: Permanent until logged out for 5 mins


    Imbues a Blessed Shield with holy power, transforming it into a +5 Good Guard Shield that grants the wielder a continuous Protection from Evil effect. This shield functions only for the Paladin. See the House Jorasco Divine Reagent Vendor for the material component for this spell.

    Obviously with the proviso that the ingredients stack and/or can be cast in public zones.
    Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
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  15. #15
    Community Member manfredshw's Avatar
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    I think it will be best if there is some shield related spells in the future.
    Like diable2, cast this spell and when you hold a shield, you gain bonus, like ac, xxxguard, etc.

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