First off... I have been playing halflings only since launch. They are the superior race... Although when grouped or trying to get a group you get put to the joke pile. That never really bothered me.
What I noticed is that ogres seem to have favored enemy halfling, I am not joking. The reason I say this is I thought it might be that way for awhile, but I just leveled 3 toons over again(two lawful good one chaotic good). When I was leveling them I noticed how even though I had high ac and trolls around them only the ogres landed hits. The people in my group seemed to not get hit nearly as much as my halfling. Not a hp issue, it is thier actual to hit on a halfling. Wondering if anyone else noticed this or if this is already known fact. The only thing I can think of is size bonus. There is halfling size but halfling size gives 1 ac and -1 to dmg before roll. You can try testing it yourself, madstone is perfect as it is higher level ogres and trolls. Thanks