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  1. #1

    Default Guildlife State of the Guild for DDO Survey

    Hello All.

    As mentioned in my Guildlife Episode #9 on Jerry Snook's DDOCast, I am trying to get a pulse on the Guilds in DDO. What I would like to do is have everyone (in or out of a guild) answer the following questionnaire and send it back to me in any of the following ways;

    1) E-Mail: You can E-mail me your responses at:
    2) PM. You can PM me your responses via DDO's Forum Private Message Feature
    3) Direct Responses to this Thread.

    All Replies are confidential and I will keep any and all replies under the strictest of confidence. I hope in a couple of weeks I will have enough feedback to generate a report of Guilds in DDO and broken down by server.

    So get your pencils out and participate! Lets all learn about the state of Guilds in DDO.

    Thanks All

    Section A: General

    1. How Long Have You Been Playing DDO ?
    2. What Server do you play on?
    3. Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character?
    4. On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO?
    5. What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild?
    6. Do you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs?
    7. If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded”
    8. Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.
      1. New Friends\Community
      2. Quest Expertise
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site
      5. Raids
      6. Other: (Please Specify)
    9. What is the Worst thing about being in a guild, please rate from worst to least worst
      1. New Friends\Community
      2. Quest Expertise
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site
      5. Raids
      6. Other: (Please Specify)
    10. What is your Age?
      1. 0-18
      2. 19-25
      3. 26-40
      4. 41-60
      5. 60+
    11. What is your Profession?
      1. Professional
      2. Blue Collar
      3. Self Employed
      4. Military
      5. Retired
    12. What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?
      1. 0-5
      2. 6-15
      3. 16-25
      4. 25-50
      5. 50+
    13. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? (Players, not Characters)
    14. Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? If so, please specify how many.
    15. Are you a Guild Officer? If You Answered “yes”, please proceed to Section B: Guild Officer Questionnaire
    16. Are you a Guild Leader? If you answered “yes”, please proceed to Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire

    Section B: Officer Questionnaire

    1. How long have you been an officer in your present Guild?
    2. Have you been an officer before in any other MMO Game?
    3. How long were you a member of the guild (In Weeks) before you became an officer?
    4. How many hours per week do you give to officer tasks outside the game? i.e Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, etc
    5. How many hours per week do you give in game performing your officer duties?
    6. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. Leading by example
      2. Upholding Guild Values
      3. Mentoring
      4. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
      5. Raids
      6. Respect of Peers
      7. Other: (Please Specify)
    7. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild?
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being an officer for you
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being an officer for you

    Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire

    1. How long have you been The Leader for your Guild?
    2. Did you succeed your last leader or are you the original Leader?
    3. Have you been a Guild Leader before in any other MMO Game?
    4. How long has your guild been in existence?
    5. How many hours per week do you give to Guild Leader tasks outside the game? i.e. Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, event planning, etc
    6. How many hours per week do you give in game to the running of your guild?
    7. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. Leading by example
      2. Upholding Guild Values
      3. Mentoring
      4. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
      5. Raids
      6. Respect of Peers
      7. Other: (Please Specify)
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being a Guild Leader for you
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being a Guild Leader for you

    Proud member of the Forgotten Legion
    Forgotten Tales! Slices of Life in and Around Stormreach...

  2. #2


    Hey Hey All...

    Thanks for all the awesome feedback so far. I will be compiling and looking at everything more closely after I get back from the gencon. So keep those responses coming !!!

    Guildies! Don't think I just want to hear from Officers and Leaders, your opinions and thoughts count too!
    Leaders of Small Guilds! You have just as much to say as the big boys! Let's hear from you!

    Thanks All, and keep up the awesome work!

    Proud member of the Forgotten Legion
    Forgotten Tales! Slices of Life in and Around Stormreach...

  3. #3

    Smile Why isn't anyone posting their replies in the thread?

    Section A
    1. Two years
    2. Adar then Sarlona
    3. One
    4. 20-40
    5. Two years
    6. All in one guild, but I have made exceptions
    7. N/A
    • f. Ability to get groups with people I enjoy
    • a.
    • e.
    • b.
    • c.
    • d. We don't really have a web site. At least not one anyone updates

    • (none of the these items strike me as bad things)
    • f. Other: sometimes I have a goal for the evening but a guildie needs help with something else. Does this count as a bad thing?

    10. D
    11. A
    12. B
    13. Everyone is an officer
    14. No
    15. Yes
    16. Yes

    Section B
    1. Two years
    2. No
    3. Zero
    4. Zero
    5. 10-20
    • c. Mentoring
    • a. Leading by example
    • g. Other: guild grouping for quests
    • e. Raids
    • f. Respect of Peers
    • b. Upholding Guild Values
    • d. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives

    7. Everyone
    8. I can use the Add button?
    9. None really

    Section C
    1. Two years
    2. Original leader
    3. No this is my first and only MMO
    4. Two years
    5. Zero
    6. 10-20 (the same 10-20 I listed earlier for in-game Officer hours)
    • c. Mentoring
    • a. Leading by example
    • f. Respect of Peers
    • e. Raids
    • b. Upholding Guild Values
    • d. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
    • g. Other: recruiting?

    8. Sometimes we succeed at something difficult (for us anyway) and that makes me immensely proud of everyone.
    • Sometimes people assume that because I am the leader, I must have special knowledge or skills, but I am just another casual joe
    • Sometimes non-guild players will assume that because I am the leader, I will have ultimate influence over everything any guildie does. I don't, and wouldn't wield that influence even if I somehow magically acquired it
    • I get more non-guildies providing 'advice' than I really want. I get tells that include lines like "If you want your guild to be welcome in groups they will..." (and then go on to describe that person's opinion on how to play the game). If someone excludes us from a group that is their loss, not ours. Having said that, I think that we are generally welcome in groups, several of our players are actually quite good.
    • We almost had drama once. That would have sucked

  4. #4
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    easy way for me to do it

    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzSaw View Post
    Hello All.

    As mentioned in my Guildlife Episode #9 on Jerry Snook's DDOCast, I am trying to get a pulse on the Guilds in DDO. What I would like to do is have everyone (in or out of a guild) answer the following questionnaire and send it back to me in any of the following ways;

    1) E-Mail: You can E-mail me your responses at:
    2) PM. You can PM me your responses via DDO's Forum Private Message Feature
    3) Direct Responses to this Thread.

    All Replies are confidential and I will keep any and all replies under the strictest of confidence. I hope in a couple of weeks I will have enough feedback to generate a report of Guilds in DDO and broken down by server.

    So get your pencils out and participate! Lets all learn about the state of Guilds in DDO.

    Thanks All

    Section A: General

    1. How Long Have You Been Playing DDO ?
      since beta
    2. What Server do you play on?
    3. Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character?
    4. On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO?
    5. What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild?
    6. Do you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs?
      yes thats a requirement of our guild
    7. If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded”
    8. Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.
      1. New Friends\Community B
      2. Quest Expertise A
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site D
      5. Raids C
      6. Other: (Please Specify)
    9. What is the Worst thing about being in a guild, please rate from worst to least worst
      1. New Friends\Community
      2. Quest Expertise
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site
      5. Raids
      6. Other: (Please Specify) none seem bad but having to do certain things around other ppls schedules can be tiresome sometimes
    10. What is your Age?
      1. 0-18
      2. 19-25
      3. 26-40 <--
      4. 41-60
      5. 60+
    11. What is your Profession?
      1. Professional
      2. Blue Collar <--
      3. Self Employed
      4. Military
      5. Retired
    12. What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?
      1. 0-5
      2. 6-15
      3. 16-25 <--
      4. 25-50
      5. 50+
    13. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? (Players, not Characters) every1 is an officer but internally w have leader and 2 "XO's"
    14. Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? If so, please specify how many.
    15. Are you a Guild Officer? If You Answered “yes”, please proceed to Section B: Guild Officer Questionnaire
    16. Are you a Guild Leader? If you answered “yes”, please proceed to Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire

    Section B: Officer Questionnaire

    1. How long have you been an officer in your present Guild?
    2. Have you been an officer before in any other MMO Game?
    3. How long were you a member of the guild (In Weeks) before you became an officer?
    4. How many hours per week do you give to officer tasks outside the game? i.e Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, etc
    5. How many hours per week do you give in game performing your officer duties?
    6. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. Leading by example
      2. Upholding Guild Values
      3. Mentoring
      4. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
      5. Raids
      6. Respect of Peers
      7. Other: (Please Specify)
    7. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild?
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being an officer for you
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being an officer for you

    Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire

    1. How long have you been The Leader for your Guild?
    2. Did you succeed your last leader or are you the original Leader?
    3. Have you been a Guild Leader before in any other MMO Game?
    4. How long has your guild been in existence?
    5. How many hours per week do you give to Guild Leader tasks outside the game? i.e. Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, event planning, etc
    6. How many hours per week do you give in game to the running of your guild?
    7. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. Leading by example
      2. Upholding Guild Values
      3. Mentoring
      4. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
      5. Raids
      6. Respect of Peers
      7. Other: (Please Specify)
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being a Guild Leader for you
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being a Guild Leader for you
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  5. #5
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Section A: General

    1. How Long Have You Been Playing DDO ? Played on a friend's account back at the launch for a little while, but my own account has been active since the end of January '08 (so about 6 months).
    2. What Server do you play on? Khyber
    3. Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character? 3
    4. On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO? Too many! Heheh. I'd say probably about 15-20 hrs.
    5. What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild? 4 or 5 months.
    6. Do you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs? 1 guild
    7. If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded”
    8. Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.

    1. New Friends\Community -- Number one reason (with the guild I'm in anyway)
    2. Quest Expertise -- (and assistance) number 3
    3. Availability of Loot\Gear -- probably numero dos
    4. Web Site -- 5 they have, but I don't check it as often as I should. Still, many events posted and a guild bank with gear available are big pluses
    5. Raids -- 4: guild-run raids are fun, but I have some prime, uh, suicide artists in my guild which can lead to more than a few failed runs
    6. Other: (Please Specify)

    9. What is the Worst thing about being in a guild, please rate from worst to least worst

    1. New Friends\Community
    2. Quest Expertise
    3. Availability of Loot\Gear
    4. Web Site
    5. Raids
    6. Other: (Please Specify) Having to say, "ehllo," "welcome," and "good night," to EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT LOGS ON!!!

    10. What is your Age?

    1. 0-18
    2. 19-25 CHECK
    3. 26-40
    4. 41-60
    5. 60+

    11. What is your Profession?

    1. Professional
    2. Blue Collar
    3. Self Employed
    4. Military
    5. Retired

    6. Hardly employed currently CHECK

    12. What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?

    1. 0-5
    2. 6-15
    3. 16-25
    4. 25-50
    5. 50+ Not counting every entry right now, but looks to be higher than this.

    13. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? (Players, not Characters) looks like around 20, maybe a bit more
    14. Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? If so, please specify how many. Not familiar with this bit
    15. Are you a Guild Officer? If You Answered “yes”, please proceed to Section B: Guild Officer Questionnaire NO
    16. Are you a Guild Leader? If you answered “yes”, please proceed to Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire NO
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by geoffhanna View Post
    [from post title] Why isn't anyone posting their replies in the thread?
    Maybe because lots of folks don't care all that much. That's why a "survey" like this is very flawed. It only gets responses from those who read the forums regularly (which is probably a very small minority of overall players) and it only gets responses from those who really want to respond, a small minority of a small minority.

    Of course, maybe 100s and 100s have responded privately (though I doubt it).

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