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  1. #1

    Default Guildlife State of the Guild for DDO Survey

    Hello All.

    As mentioned in my Guildlife Episode #9 on Jerry Snook's DDOCast, I am trying to get a pulse on the Guilds in DDO. What I would like to do is have everyone (in or out of a guild) answer the following questionnaire and send it back to me in any of the following ways;

    1) E-Mail: You can E-mail me your responses at:
    2) PM. You can PM me your responses via DDO's Forum Private Message Feature
    3) Direct Responses to this Thread.

    All Replies are confidential and I will keep any and all replies under the strictest of confidence. I hope in a couple of weeks I will have enough feedback to generate a report of Guilds in DDO and broken down by server.

    So get your pencils out and participate! Lets all learn about the state of Guilds in DDO.

    Thanks All

    Section A: General

    1. How Long Have You Been Playing DDO ?
    2. What Server do you play on?
    3. Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character?
    4. On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO?
    5. What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild?
    6. Do you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs?
    7. If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded”
    8. Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.
      1. New Friends\Community
      2. Quest Expertise
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site
      5. Raids
      6. Other: (Please Specify)
    9. What is the Worst thing about being in a guild, please rate from worst to least worst
      1. New Friends\Community
      2. Quest Expertise
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site
      5. Raids
      6. Other: (Please Specify)
    10. What is your Age?
      1. 0-18
      2. 19-25
      3. 26-40
      4. 41-60
      5. 60+
    11. What is your Profession?
      1. Professional
      2. Blue Collar
      3. Self Employed
      4. Military
      5. Retired
    12. What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?
      1. 0-5
      2. 6-15
      3. 16-25
      4. 25-50
      5. 50+
    13. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? (Players, not Characters)
    14. Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? If so, please specify how many.
    15. Are you a Guild Officer? If You Answered “yes”, please proceed to Section B: Guild Officer Questionnaire
    16. Are you a Guild Leader? If you answered “yes”, please proceed to Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire

    Section B: Officer Questionnaire

    1. How long have you been an officer in your present Guild?
    2. Have you been an officer before in any other MMO Game?
    3. How long were you a member of the guild (In Weeks) before you became an officer?
    4. How many hours per week do you give to officer tasks outside the game? i.e Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, etc
    5. How many hours per week do you give in game performing your officer duties?
    6. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. Leading by example
      2. Upholding Guild Values
      3. Mentoring
      4. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
      5. Raids
      6. Respect of Peers
      7. Other: (Please Specify)
    7. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild?
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being an officer for you
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being an officer for you

    Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire

    1. How long have you been The Leader for your Guild?
    2. Did you succeed your last leader or are you the original Leader?
    3. Have you been a Guild Leader before in any other MMO Game?
    4. How long has your guild been in existence?
    5. How many hours per week do you give to Guild Leader tasks outside the game? i.e. Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, event planning, etc
    6. How many hours per week do you give in game to the running of your guild?
    7. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. Leading by example
      2. Upholding Guild Values
      3. Mentoring
      4. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
      5. Raids
      6. Respect of Peers
      7. Other: (Please Specify)
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being a Guild Leader for you
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being a Guild Leader for you

    Proud member of the Forgotten Legion
    Forgotten Tales! Slices of Life in and Around Stormreach...

  2. #2
    Relic of the Last War
    Scholar of Adventure
    Kistilan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    WOOT! I've been waiting for this questionaire to show up since it was announced on DDO Cast.

    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzSaw View Post
    Hello All.

    As mentioned in my Guildlife Episode #79 on Jerry Snook's DDOCast, I am trying to get a pulse on the Guilds in DDO. What I would like to do is have everyone (in or out of a guild) answer the following questionnaire and send it back to me in any of the following ways;

    1) E-Mail: You can E-mail me your responses at:
    2) PM. You can PM me your responses via DDO's Forum Private Message Feature
    3) Direct Responses to this Thread.

    All Replies are confidential and I will keep any and all replies under the strictest of confidence. I hope in a couple of weeks I will have enough feedback to generate a report of Guilds in DDO and broken down by server.

    So get your pencils out and participate! Lets all learn about the state of Guilds in DDO.

    Thanks All

    Section A: General
    1. How Long Have You Been Playing DDO ? Nearly 3 Years, Alpha Tester, September 2005.
    2. What Server do you play on? Argonnessen, Land of the Dragons.
    3. Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character? One (Although it has 2 names)
    4. On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO? Played: 15-40 Logged: 140/week.
    5. What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild? 9 Years.
    6. Do you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs? Typically 1 Guild.
    7. If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded” Whenever I am alone I am unguilded. Kreepy, right?
    8. Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance. Teamwork w/out worry. Very little chance of hurting the feelings of the people I play with -- they're all rock solid & tough players.
      1. New Friends\Community
      2. Quest Expertise
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site
      5. Raids
      6. Other: (Please Specify) None of the above matters to us.
    9. What is the Worst thing about being in a guild, please rate from worst to least worst

      1. New Friends\Community
      2. Quest Expertise
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site
      5. Raids
      6. Other: (Please Specify) Know-It-Alls & 1-Uppers.
    10. What is your Age?

      1. 0-18
      2. 19-25
      3. 26-40 I am now a C.
      4. 41-60
      5. 60+
    11. What is your Profession?

      1. Professional
      2. Blue Collar
      3. Self Employed
      4. Military I'm a C again!!!
      5. Retired
    12. What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?

      1. 0-5
      2. 16-25 B!!!
      3. 25-50
      4. 50+
    13. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? (Players, not Characters) Nine.
    14. Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? If so, please specify how many. Five.
    15. Are you a Guild Officer? If You Answered “yes”, please proceed to Section B: Guild Officer Questionnaire Yes.
    16. Are you a Guild Leader? If you answered “yes”, please proceed to Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire Yes
    Section B: Officer Questionnaire
    1. How long have you been an officer in your present Guild? 2.5+ Years.
    2. Have you been an officer before in any other MMO Game? Yes. Head of Bloodfang Syndicates Crafting Sect & Stormrune Monarchy as well as Stormrune Rebellion vs Tal Mah Ra, UO 1999.
    3. How long were you a member of the guild (In Weeks) before you became an officer? Instantly.
    4. How many hours per week do you give to officer tasks outside the game? i.e Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, etc Ten-Twenty.
    5. How many hours per week do you give in game performing your officer duties? Seven.
    6. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. Leading by example 1.
      2. Upholding Guild Values 2.
      3. Mentoring 1.
      4. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives 2.
      5. Raids 9.
      6. Respect of Peers 3.
      7. Other: (Please Specify) 4-8 Classified.
    7. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? Nine
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being an officer for you Flying a Jet in the World's Greatest Air Force.
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being an officer for you Flying in the Jet in the World's Greatest Air Force and then going back to the SiM for punishment.
    Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire
    1. How long have you been The Leader for your Guild? Eons. 2.5+ years DDO. Longer across multi-platforms.
    2. Did you succeed your last leader or are you the original Leader? Yes. In Asheron's Call I took over Dmitri's Monarchy on Harvestgain when he left & many split for AC2 & DaoC.
    3. Have you been a Guild Leader before in any other MMO Game? Yes.
    4. How long has your guild been in existence? Nine + Years.
    5. How many hours per week do you give to Guild Leader tasks outside the game? i.e. Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, event planning, etc Yes.
    6. How many hours per week do you give in game to the running of your guild? About 7-20.
    7. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. Leading by example See above answers in officership.
      2. Upholding Guild Values
      3. Mentoring
      4. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
      5. Raids
      6. Respect of Peers
      7. Other: (Please Specify)
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being a Guild Leader for you Leading expertly.
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being a Guild Leader for you Leading poorly.
    Last edited by Kistilan; 08-05-2008 at 05:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Vengenance's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default Answers:

    Section A: General

    How Long Have You Been Playing DDO: 2.5 Years
    What Server do you play on: Argonessen
    Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character: 4
    On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO: 10-20
    What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild: 1.5 Years
    Do you join all your characters to 1 guild: Yes
    If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded”
    Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.
    3) New Friends\Community
    5) Quest Expertise
    6) Availability of Loot\Gear
    7) Web Site
    4) Raids
    1) Other: Skilled player base
    2) Other: Recruitment Standards

    What is the Worst thing about being in a guild, please rate from worst to least worst
    New Friends\Community
    3) Quest Expertise-not enough
    4) Availability of Loot\Gear
    5) Web Site
    2) Raids-Too Few of them
    1) Other: Recruitment Standards

    What is your Age:35

    What is your Profession:Proffesional (Engineer)

    What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?

    How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? 10ish
    Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? Not really
    Are you a Guild Officer? Not currently, was for over a year with previous guild.
    Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
    Main: Wizards and Healers
    Officer of Unbreakable

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzSaw View Post
    Section A: General

    1. How Long Have You Been Playing DDO ? Since the beginning
    2. What Server do you play on? Argonnessen
    3. Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character? One
    4. On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO? Twenty Hours
    5. What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild? Five Years
    6. Do you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs? All-In-One
    7. If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded”
    8. Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.
      1. New Friends\Community 3
      2. Quest Expertise 2
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear 4
      4. Web Site 5
      5. Raids 1
        (1 Being most important)
    9. What is the Worst thing about being in a guild, please rate from worst to least worst
      1. Other: Can miss out on the experience of playing with OTHER great people as well as your guildies
    10. What is your Age?
      1. 0-18
      2. 19-25
      3. 26-40 36
      4. 41-60
      5. 60+
    11. What is your Profession?
      1. Professional Drug Rep
      2. Blue Collar
      3. Self Employed
      4. Military
      5. Retired
    12. What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?
      1. 0-5
      2. 6-15
      3. 16-25
      4. 25-50
      5. 50+ 110ish
    13. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? (Players, not Characters) 11
    14. Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? If so, please specify how many. None official, but many friend-guilds (8)
    15. Are you a Guild Officer? If You Answered “yes”, please proceed to Section B: Guild Officer Questionnaire
    16. Are you a Guild Leader? If you answered “yes”, please proceed to Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire Yes

    Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire

    1. How long have you been The Leader for your Guild? Since the beginning
    2. Did you succeed your last leader or are you the original Leader? Original
    3. Have you been a Guild Leader before in any other MMO Game? Yes
    4. How long has your guild been in existence? Five Years
    5. How many hours per week do you give to Guild Leader tasks outside the game? i.e. Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, event planning, etc On average - Two Hours
    6. How many hours per week do you give in game to the running of your guild? On average - 4-6
    7. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. To play the game for fun and loot. Lots of both.
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being a Guild Leader for you- Friends
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being a Guild Leader for you - Those friends being judged by people that hold grudges against me
    Responses in blue
    [Founder/Leader of the Bloodlords of Argonnesen]
    [DaveyKhealerAcapellaParlospiGodithGearey Gygax]

  5. #5
    Community Member alchilito's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    PM sent

  6. #6
    Community Member ToyVIP's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    heres mine

    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzSaw View Post

    Section A: General

    1. How Long Have You Been Playing DDO ? Since Release
    2. What Server do you play on? Argonesson/Khyber
    3. Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character? 2 on Khyber, 3 on argo
    4. On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO? 20-30
    5. What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild? 18 months
    6. Do you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs? All to one guild
    7. If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded”
    8. Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.
      1. New Friends\Community
      2. Quest Expertise
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site
      5. Raids
      6. Other: (Please Specify) Mixture of all, depends what mood im in lol
    9. What is the Worst thing about being in a guild, please rate from worst to least worst
      1. New Friends\Community
      2. Quest Expertise
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site
      5. Raids
      6. Other: (Please Specify) Again, depends on my current mood lol (yes im a fricking female, does that explain it???)
    10. What is your Age?
      1. 0-18
      2. 19-25
      3. 26-40 sadly a c now
      4. 41-60
      5. 60+
    11. What is your Profession?
      1. Professional i guess its this one (i drive cars for a living)
      2. Blue Collar
      3. Self Employed
      4. Military
      5. Retired
    12. What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?
      1. 0-5
      2. 6-15
      3. 16-25
      4. 25-50
      5. 50+Honestly, no clue, lost count after the merges
    13. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? (Players, not Characters) again, not entirely sure due to merges
    14. Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? If so, please specify how many.The alliances merged into one guild
    15. Are you a Guild Officer? If You Answered “yes”, please proceed to Section B: Guild Officer Questionnaireno
    16. Are you a Guild Leader? If you answered “yes”, please proceed to Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaireno

    Last edited by ToyVIP; 08-05-2008 at 09:03 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member Rameses's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Section A: General

    1. How Long Have You Been Playing DDO ? Joined two days after release
    2. What Server do you play on? Argonnessen
    3. Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character? 2
    4. On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO? 40+
    5. What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild? 2 years
    6. Do you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs? One guild
    7. If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded” for a bit at the beginning.
    8. Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.
      1. New Friends\Community 3
      2. Quest Expertise 4
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear 2
      4. Web Site 1
      5. Raids 5
      6. Other: (Please Specify)
    9. What is the Worst thing about being in a guild, please rate from worst to least worst Missing out on meeting people/new players.
      1. New Friends\Community
      2. Quest Expertise
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site
      5. Raids
      6. Other: (Please Specify)
    10. What is your Age?
      1. 0-18
      2. 19-25
      3. 26-40 32
      4. 41-60
      5. 60+
    11. What is your Profession?
      1. Professional District Manager for a Personal Finance Corp.
      2. Blue Collar
      3. Self Employed
      4. Military
      5. Retired
    12. What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?
      1. 0-5
      2. 6-15
      3. 16-25 for active players I would guess here.
      4. 25-50
      5. 50+
    13. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? (Players, not Characters) lots
    14. Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? If so, please specify how many.
    15. Are you a Guild Officer? If You Answered “yes”, please proceed to Section B: Guild Officer Questionnaire
    16. Are you a Guild Leader? If you answered “yes”, please proceed to Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire

    Section B: Officer Questionnaire

    1. How long have you been an officer in your present Guild? about 2 years
    2. Have you been an officer before in any other MMO Game? sure
    3. How long were you a member of the guild (In Weeks) before you became an officer? 3 months
    4. How many hours per week do you give to officer tasks outside the game? i.e Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, etc 0
    5. How many hours per week do you give in game performing your officer duties? all of my time.
    6. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. Leading by example 6
      2. Upholding Guild Values 5
      3. Mentoring 5
      4. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives 4
      5. Raids 6
      6. Respect of Peers 4
      7. Other: (Please Specify)
    7. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? 10ish
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being an officer for you
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being an officer for you

    I am, Rameses!
    Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.

  8. #8
    Community Member Ughh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzSaw View Post
    Hello All.

    As mentioned in my Guildlife Episode #9 on Jerry Snook's DDOCast, I am trying to get a pulse on the Guilds in DDO. What I would like to do is have everyone (in or out of a guild) answer the following questionnaire and send it back to me in any of the following ways;

    1) E-Mail: You can E-mail me your responses at:
    2) PM. You can PM me your responses via DDO's Forum Private Message Feature
    3) Direct Responses to this Thread.

    All Replies are confidential and I will keep any and all replies under the strictest of confidence. I hope in a couple of weeks I will have enough feedback to generate a report of Guilds in DDO and broken down by server.

    So get your pencils out and participate! Lets all learn about the state of Guilds in DDO.

    Thanks All

    Section A: General

    1. How Long Have You Been Playing DDO ?since beginning
    2. What Server do you play on?argo
    3. Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character?one
    4. On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO?20
    5. What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild?3 years
    6. Do you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs?one guild
    7. If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded”
    8. Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.
      1. New Friends\Community1
      2. Quest Expertise2
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear5
      4. Web Site3
      5. Raids4
      6. Other: (Please Specify)
    9. What is the Worst thing about being in a guild, please rate from worst to least worst
      1. New Friends\Community
      2. Quest Expertise
      3. Availability of Loot\Gear
      4. Web Site
      5. Raids
      6. Other: (Please Specify)
    10. What is your Age?
      1. 0-18
      2. 19-25
      3. 26-40
      4. 41-60 check
      5. 60+
    11. What is your Profession?
      1. Professional check
      2. Blue Collar
      3. Self Employed
      4. Military
      5. Retired
    12. What is your current Membership of unique players in your guild?
      1. 0-5
      2. 6-15
      3. 16-25
      4. 25-50
      5. 50+ check
    13. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild? (Players, not Characters) 11
    14. Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? If so, please specify how many. 2
    15. Are you a Guild Officer? If You Answered “yes”, please proceed to Section B: Guild Officer Questionnaire yes
    16. Are you a Guild Leader? If you answered “yes”, please proceed to Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire yes

    Section B: Officer Questionnaire

    1. How long have you been an officer in your present Guild? since beginning
    2. Have you been an officer before in any other MMO Game? no
    3. How long were you a member of the guild (In Weeks) before you became an officer? immediately
    4. How many hours per week do you give to officer tasks outside the game? i.e Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, etc 5
    5. How many hours per week do you give in game performing your officer duties? 10
    6. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. Leading by example 1
      2. Upholding Guild Values 2
      3. Mentoring 3
      4. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives4
      5. Raids 6
      6. Respect of Peers5
      7. Other: (Please Specify)
    7. How many Officers are presently appointed in your guild?11
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being an officer for you love working with people
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being an officer for you

    Section C: Guild Leader Questionnaire

    1. How long have you been The Leader for your Guild? since right after beginning
    2. Did you succeed your last leader or are you the original Leader? succeded shortly after forming
    3. Have you been a Guild Leader before in any other MMO Game? no
    4. How long has your guild been in existence? founding guild
    5. How many hours per week do you give to Guild Leader tasks outside the game? i.e. Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, event planning, etc 5
    6. How many hours per week do you give in game to the running of your guild? 20
    7. Please rate the following list from most important to least important
      1. Leading by example1
      2. Upholding Guild Values2
      3. Mentoring3
      4. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives4
      5. Raids6
      6. Respect of Peers5
      7. Other: (Please Specify)
    8. Briefly describe the best thing about being a Guild Leader for you absolutely love this game and my guild
    9. Briefly describe the worst thing about being a Guild Leader for you

    I AM ughh

  9. #9


    Hey Hey All...

    Thanks for all the awesome feedback so far. I will be compiling and looking at everything more closely after I get back from the gencon. So keep those responses coming !!!

    Guildies! Don't think I just want to hear from Officers and Leaders, your opinions and thoughts count too!
    Leaders of Small Guilds! You have just as much to say as the big boys! Let's hear from you!

    Thanks All, and keep up the awesome work!

    Proud member of the Forgotten Legion
    Forgotten Tales! Slices of Life in and Around Stormreach...

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