minimum level 15
minimum level 15
Wayneg the Great One-5 pali 12 fighter 2 rogue, Choklit Thunda 16 Wiz 1 Sorc (b4 they messed up enhancements), Jimm 17 Bard, Patrickro 17 Cleric, Staypuff 17 Monk,
Ragnahr 18 Sorc, Styk 15 wiz 2 rogue, Lviss 15 cleric 2 monk, repsol 5 pali 2 rogue, jackiemoon 4 fvs, roachies 6 rgr 1 rogue
If it were supah-ubah, I would be keeping it, but I would just like some ideas of how much it's worth (in plat not twigs or masterwork longswords)
Wayneg the Great One-5 pali 12 fighter 2 rogue, Choklit Thunda 16 Wiz 1 Sorc (b4 they messed up enhancements), Jimm 17 Bard, Patrickro 17 Cleric, Staypuff 17 Monk,
Ragnahr 18 Sorc, Styk 15 wiz 2 rogue, Lviss 15 cleric 2 monk, repsol 5 pali 2 rogue, jackiemoon 4 fvs, roachies 6 rgr 1 rogue
I'll give ya 400k for it.
take it and run
find me in game pls vizzini
Wayneg the Great One-5 pali 12 fighter 2 rogue, Choklit Thunda 16 Wiz 1 Sorc (b4 they messed up enhancements), Jimm 17 Bard, Patrickro 17 Cleric, Staypuff 17 Monk,
Ragnahr 18 Sorc, Styk 15 wiz 2 rogue, Lviss 15 cleric 2 monk, repsol 5 pali 2 rogue, jackiemoon 4 fvs, roachies 6 rgr 1 rogue
Is there a place to post names of deadbeat bidders and traders who don't follow through on their offers and actually go as far as ignoring the OP? I guess some people have nothing better to do than screw with posts, but I was trying to be helpful to the community and possibly prosper as well.....LAME.
Wayneg the Great One-5 pali 12 fighter 2 rogue, Choklit Thunda 16 Wiz 1 Sorc (b4 they messed up enhancements), Jimm 17 Bard, Patrickro 17 Cleric, Staypuff 17 Monk,
Ragnahr 18 Sorc, Styk 15 wiz 2 rogue, Lviss 15 cleric 2 monk, repsol 5 pali 2 rogue, jackiemoon 4 fvs, roachies 6 rgr 1 rogue