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  1. #1
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default In reference to Duummmy

    Because I was serious about not wanting to derail his thread and because I am just irked enough to want to call you out im putting this here. (Note this is the first time anyone has completely made me focus my attention on them so good job)

    What you did was nice editing your post after I called you out, only thing is the forums lets people know a post is edited. So I did not take your post out of context you added more after I posted to look like you werent trying to stir stuff up. That thread is calling for something postive which is why he asked for Filmmakers. Easy or no he asked and if people are gonna help they are going to. If you had nothing to add to the thread save to say you dont know the guy and how hard it is, you came to stirr stuff up quite simple. And you know what people like you make me mad, you try to be diplomatic but it doesnt work. And even at the risk of becoming a troll right now or getting points I think what you did was wrong and I hope to never run with you in any parts of the game. Seriously call me a flamer If anything I even put (I didnt know if it was your intention) but you know what I should go back and do an edit job and call it as I see it. You came to start trouble point blank and your a jerk.

    Im seriously developing a zero tolarance mentality to a lot of people in this game now, it used to be fun being nice to people but there are just some out there that arent worth the time and you sir are one of them. Should have known by your choice of forum name to.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  2. #2
    Community Member Dummmmy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    i edited my last because i had more to say , rather take another peice of space like your doing now to flame me , but go ahead ill keep posting in the orignal one thank you , and i didnt go there to start trouble i went there to make people like you realise people just want to play the game and not drop everything for you like expect them to , pull your head out your butt the game doesnt revolve around just you theres thousands of other players out there making a difference annd they dont expect people to bow before them like you do , that being said im off to actually play the game instead wasting time of you . and btw thank you for making a thread for me i feel special , wanna make a movie for me to , i seem to have touched you in a special way .

    edit was for a spelling mistake and i added a full stop , just so you dont feel the need to start a new thread about me editing my post

  3. #3
    Founder Laggin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Two men enter.....

    I say save the words for the weak, take it to the pit.

    The pit solves all problems.
    Don't be mean to me or my guild leader will kick your ^*&
    13th Circle, been saving your raids since '06

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