In an editorial my wife found on aol
McCain at War With The New York Times
By DEVLIN BARRETT, APposted: 2 HOURS AGOcomments: 1793PrintSharefiled under: Election News, John McCain, Political New
What McCain's campaign spokesman Michael Goldfarb said in response to another New York Times editorial that slams McCain
"If the shareholders of The New York Times ever wonder why the paper's ad revenue is plummeting and its share price tanking, they need look no further than the hysterical reaction of the paper's editors to any slight, real or imagined, against their preferred candidate," said McCain campaign spokesman Michael Goldfarb.
Goldfarb compared the editors to a blogger "sitting at home in his mother's basement and ranting into the ether between games of Dungeons & Dragons."
Now this post is not political in nature. I do not intend to display my political preferances. I would like to point out that Mr. Michael Goldfarb might have picked up on our (DDO players) ranting nature. However being a serious gamer I find it difficult to find time "between games" to rant on issues not related to DDO.