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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Tesyus Build Needs Refresh

    Hi everybody i have a dwarf 13 fighter 1 paladin, TWF which was leveled following the Tesyus build made by Malachi. I can no longer find the thread with the build notes and am looking for some insight on where to go for my last two levels. He plays great at level 14 and once i get my planar gird he will be up to 41 ac unbuffed. Anyone who can help keep me from messing him up would be greatly appreciated.

    Base Stats
    18 STR (26 final)
    19 DEX (22 final)
    12 CON (14 final)
    8 INT
    8 WIS (12 final)
    6 CHA

    Just going off what i remember (it's been a while since i read the build notes). He's based on taking the dwarven armor mastery feats for full advantage of the max dex bonus on armor without mithral full plate (which i just don't have). A splash of paladin got me a +1 AC and +2 to saves (?) from the aura, and also wand use. I've taken every two weapon fighting and slashing feat i could manage and precision for when hitting is more important than damage. I am pretty sure he's a 32 point build, and every skill point has been thrown into jump.

    Two weapon fighting
    Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Two Weapon Defense

    Weapon Focus: Slashing
    Weapon Specialization: Slashing
    Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
    Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing
    Imrpoved Critical: Slashing Weapons

    beyond these i also have iron will, dodge and precision

    my saves turn out to be 13/15/13 i have a 27 to hit bonus and 39 AC

    Dwarven Armor Mastery 3
    Fighters Armor Master 2
    Fighter Critical Accuracy 4
    Fighter Strength 3
    Fighter Flanking Master 1 (needed to spend another AP)
    Dwarven Constitution 2
    Dwarven Spell Defense 3

    recommended equipment includes
    +3 dex item
    invaders ring
    chaosgarde bracers
    planar gird (the item i haven't found)
    +5 full plate
    nightforge helm
    spectacular optics

    I've gotten the impression that taking two extra levels of paladin would not be very useful because my wisdom and charisma are too low to yield a benefit
    I don't know enough about ranger to say anything intelligent, but a favorite enemy might be interesting
    A single level of fighter will give me another bonus feat. i was thinking spring attack here (i like to jump and doge where possible), however i also read that spring attack doesn't work well with two weapons. The build itself had suggested power attack (possibly as opposed to precision) and this might also be a reasonable choice.

    There's clearly a lot of much better loot to play with, and i believe the intention was to get +5 mithral fullplate and get my dex up to 26. Considering it's at 22 now (with just a +3 item) i am guessing that my bonus stat points were being thrown this way. I'd like to raise my saves too, but unless there is a no-brainer one way or another my intention is to boost my DPS as opposed to trying to act like a tank.
    Last edited by RespawnFury; 08-03-2008 at 11:47 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    The problem with using somebody else's build is when they stop playing, it becomes difficult to guess where they would've put their next levels, feats, skills and Enhancements -- and what kind of gear they'd be using.

    Maybe try posting the build you've used for us so we can try to figure out what to do next?
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I have updated the first post with a more detailed description of the character.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    As far as i can tell i only have two options, get two more levels of fighter or two more levels of paladin. This thread hasn't gotten much love but i'm bumping it one more time just in case anyone wants to chime in.

    Fighter (Advantages):
    One More Bonus Feat
    Better BAB - i haven't found any good description of how this works with multi-classing

    Fighter (Disadvantages):
    Very little here, mostly in the missing affects granted by the extra paladin levels

    Fear Immunity
    Disease Immunity
    Potential For Adding (1 - 2) to all saves with divine grace
    Aura Of Courage

    Paladin (Disadvantages):
    Without a +4 charisma item i actually have -2 to saves?
    Reduced BAB (again not clear about this)

    So two important questions come to mind.
    What type of affects does multiclassing have on base attack bonus?
    What is the current affects of divine grace and negative charisma bonuses (what is the future of divine grace and negative charisma bonuses)?

    Given that my base attack bonus is going to be affected significantly it seems like the fighter route is going to be a better choice. Fear and disease immunity can always be supplemented with the correct loot, while attack rolls aren't nearly as forgiving.

    Feedback would still be appreciated.
    Last edited by RespawnFury; 08-07-2008 at 05:39 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    Paladin and fighter are both full BAB classes. You won't lose any BAB for taking levels of either in any order.

    If you go to 3 paladin, you can get +1 AC and +1 more to all saves with 4 action points via two enhancments.

    You will not get a saves penalty, but you should be looking into getting at least a +5 cha item and adding the paladin charisma enhancement for a total of +1 to all saves. Later on you might get a +1 tome and +6 item to add to that for +2 to all saves.

  6. #6
    Community Member Reisz's Avatar
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    Actually Paladin 3 will net you +1 AC and +1 Saves with only 2 action points total.

    Divine Grace will give you a bonus to saves if you can get your modifier into the positives. But it will NEVER give you a negative.

    I would go Paladin since you already have all the feats you seem to needs. (plus you get 1 more at level 15 anyway)

    Your AC is respectable for a TWF, Throw a Mithril Tower shield on (rearrange some enhancements) and you could have a 48 going on 50 AC.
    If you want to focus on DPS, I recommend skipping out on AC and spending your enhancements on other things (like Hit Point)

  7. #7
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Ißd go Paladin 3, too.
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

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