+1 to the DCs to your spells
+1 against Spell resistance
do they achieve the same thing?
If I has Spell Penetration and Spell Focus feats, would they stack?
+1 to the DCs to your spells
+1 against Spell resistance
do they achieve the same thing?
If I has Spell Penetration and Spell Focus feats, would they stack?
If DDO works like PnP, the DC is the number the target has to roll to save vs. the spell. Every target gets a saving throw vs. spells that allow a save. SR is the number the caster has to roll to beat (or I guess equal, to be totally correct) to affect the target (which is still entitled to a saving throw if the spell allows it). SR acts like magic AC. Of player races in DDO, I believe only Drow have natural SR.
If DDO works differently or if my understanding is flawed, I'm sure someone will correct me.
I believe the above poster is correct. However, you are also generally thinking along the right lines. Both +1's would add around a 1 in 20 chance of success (if you were in the right range to begin with). So, in that sense they are equal.
Most low to middle level monsters do not have SR. You cast your spell, they roll to save (which is affected by their attributes), and if they fail your spell succeeds.
The DC they must beat is 10 + spell level cast + your charisma modifier + spell focus feats/items.
High level monsters frequently have SR. BEFORE the monster saves, the caster has to beat that spell resistance much like a fighter beats an AC by rolling higher.
Your spell resistance roll is your caster level + SR feats + SR items.
So, DC is more statistic dependant and SR is more level dependent. In the end game, you probably need to take both into consideration for your spells to land.
DC vs. Saves (Spell Focus adds to DC)
Caster level check vs. SR (Spell Penetration adds to caster level check)
Totally different thing.
A mob can have uber SR with crappy saves. Vice versa.
Last edited by iruka41; 08-02-2008 at 10:14 PM.
Ghallanda: Officer, "A Few Good Men"Alts: Ginseng(WF Sorcerer/1Barbarian), Melee(Dwarven Ranger/1Rogue), Silverlith(Elven FavoredSoul/2Monk/1Fighter) Consilience(WF Wizard), Ooze(Dwarven Monk)
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