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  1. #1

    Default Doggy random running

    I think I finally figured out why dogs have such a wired running around AI bug. They are trying to find more NPCs to alert them to our presence.

    I was blasting through tangleroot hunting for some wood, and one of the wargs takes off all bugged like. Big deal, but about 10 seconds later it comes right back gunning for me but the catch... it brought friends that were no where near where I ever was.

    So it seems as if they were trying to refine man's best friend AI and didn't quite get when to tell the dog to stop looking for a bone.

    Either that or Eladrin coded in fleas without us knowing.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    Yeah, I'd come to the same conclusion a few days after I'd first seen the behavior. The thing is, they do it whether or not they're running into a dead end, and whether or not there are ANY things friendly to them in the area.

    It's a nice attempt at sensible monster reaction. Just needs a bit of tweaking, which I'm hoping is being done quietly along with any other new development.

  3. #3
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Head out into the vale and near where the portal spawns you can get whole packs of fiend-blood lions hunting for you if you noise aggro one of them and then "disapear". Its quite funny to see them mucking about as a pack and looking for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    I think I finally figured out why dogs have such a wired running around AI bug. They are trying to find more NPCs to alert them to our presence.

    I was blasting through tangleroot hunting for some wood, and one of the wargs takes off all bugged like. Big deal, but about 10 seconds later it comes right back gunning for me but the catch... it brought friends that were no where near where I ever was.

    So it seems as if they were trying to refine man's best friend AI and didn't quite get when to tell the dog to stop looking for a bone.

    Either that or Eladrin coded in fleas without us knowing.
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  4. #4
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    Default Dog/Cat/Lion AI

    Is now by far the screwiest AI I have ever seen.

    I personally break out my most powerful bow and hit Manyshot when I see one, because if I let it go, it will stay gone for about half an hour, then suddenly appear from nowhere(literally) and maul me. It typically does so alone, but generally runs up to me, attacks, then flees again... then another 3-5 hit-and-run's later, I am able to actually land a melee hit on the damnable things, and can contest them. It's like they attack while invulnerable, then flee in terror....

    That's right, swing all you like. You will not see one die roll for your weapon. You will certainly see combat feedback about being attacked, however. Grab a bow. That's how to deal with the dogs now. Just grab a freakin' bow. When they get tired of running around like a daydreaming drug addict and finally decide to behave like a wild dog, you can break out your melee weapons.

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