Ok clearing out some inventory:
Have marked some large ingredient "prices" on items.
I want:
Bloodstone ( will trade well for this, obviously)
Large Ingedients (scales are precious but will trade for other randoms as well no horns please)
Plat - for the less than uber items.
Here we go:
Power V
+1 Para Cold Iron Short Sword of Shattermantle (20k or 1 large)
+1 Vorpal Great Sword of Tendon Slice (2%- (20k (or one large)
+4 Falchion of Disruption (Elf/Drow) (24 UMD Min level 14) (50k plat, 1 large scale or 3 large randoms)
+2 Crippling Short Sword of Smiting (Dwarf - 22UMD Min Level 12) (1 large scale or 3 large randoms)
+2 Para Dwarven Axe of Vertigo +2 (1 large random)
+2 Seeker (+2) Heavy Xbow of Disruption (7k)
+3 Para Shortbow (25k) (1 large random)
+3 Axiomatic Shortbow of Smiting (Halfling - UMD 26 Min lvl 16) (2 large randoms)
+2 Vorpal Longsword of Righteousness (1 large scale or 2 large randoms)
+1 Keen Battle axe of Disruption (15k)
+2 Banishing Longbow (35k)
+1 True Law Battle Axe of Disruption
+1 Vorpal Falchion of Righteousness
+1 Banishing Heavy Xbow (7k)
+1 Para Light Mace of Backstabbing +1 (12k)
+1 Banishing Light Xbow of Enfeebling (10k)
+3 Darkwood Heavy Xbow of Disruption (7k)
+2 Para Great Axe
+1 Para Shortbow of Precision (Dwarf only - 22 UMD) (12k)
+2 Dwarven Axe of Disruption (25k)
+2 Para longsword of Vert +2
+2 transmuting Dwarven Axe of Greater Evil Outside Bane (2 large scales)
+3 Acid Greataxe of Construct Bane
+2 Axiomatic Burst Maul of Pure Good (15k)
+5 Axiomatic Scimitar of Pure Good (Elf/Drow - 22UMD)
+2 Weakening of Enfeebling Greataxe (2 random larges)
+1 Anarchic Burst Adamantine Warhammer of Pure Good (15k)
+2 Icy Burst Kopesh of Slowburst (10k)
+2 Axiomatic Burst Hand Axe of Enfeebling
+1 Holy Burst Kama of Maiming (1 large random)
+3 Shock Short Sword of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (1 large scale or 3 large randoms)
+1 Frost Kukri of vertigo +10 (5k)
+5 Axiomatic Dwarven Axe of Enfeebling
+1 Axiomatic Burst Warhammer of Maiming (15k)
+3 Weakening Dwarven Axe of Chaotic Outsider Bane (10k)
+3 Axiomatic Shortsword of Puncturing (1 large scale or 3 large randoms)
+1 Holy Burst Short Sword of Lesser Giant Bane
+3 Axiomatic Scimitar of Chaotic Outsider Bane (15k)
+1 Weakening of Enfeebling Heavy Mace
+1 Maladroit flame touched warhammer of Enfeebling
+1 True Law Scimitar of Greater Abberation Bane
+3 Transmuting Dagger of Puncturing (1 large scale or 3 large randoms)
+1 Anarchic burst Falchion of Enfeebling (15k)
+1 Anarchic Burst Warhammer of Enfeebling (10k)
+5 Transmuting Quarterstaff of Vertigo +4
+5 Wounding Longsword
+4 Seeker +4 Shortsword of Puncturing
+1 Weakening of Enfeebling Battleaxe
+4 weaking Battleaxe of Righteousness
Caster Goodies
+3 Greater Potency VII Dagger
+3 Superior Potency VI Dagger (20k)
+3 Superior Fire Lore Dagger of Spell Pen IV (8k)
+3 Greater Potency VII Quarterstaff (10k)
+3 Spell Penetration VII Scepter (8k)
Superior Impulse IV Helm of Concentration +3 (10k)
Wisdom +1 Helm of Wizardry V (15k)
+3 Spell Pen VII Dagger (8k)
+2 anarchic Burst Longbow of Shattermantle (10k)
+2 Axiomatic Burst Longbow of pure good (20k)
+1 Weakening of Enfeebling Longbow (2 large scales)
+5 Ghost touch Longbow of backstabbing +1 (15k)
+1 Holy Burst Longbow of Enfeeebling
+1 Axiomatic Burst Longbow of Puncturing
+1 Anarchic Longbow of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (1 large scale or 3 large randoms)
+4 Axiomatic Burst Darkwood Longbow (10k)
Clothing Etc
Globe of Imperial Blood
+6 Strength Ring of Light Fort (1 large scales)
+6 Wisdom Necklace of Perfom +3
+6 Armor bracers (WF'd - 18 UMD min level 11) (7k)
+6 Strength Belt of lesser False Life (1 large scale)
+1 cha Cloak of Greater Lightning resist (15k)
+6 Armor bracers (10k)
+15 Disable Gloves
+6 Int Goggles (Elf/Drow - UMD 18, Min Level 11) (20k)
+15 Perform Gloves
+6 Dex Ring of Disable Device +5 (Halfling - UMD 22) (2 large scales)
+2 Cha Cloak of Greater Cold Resist (WFD - UMD 20 - Min level 13) (15k)
+5 Ghost Touch Steel Tower Shield of Lesser Lightning resist (WFd) (10k)
Proof of Poison belt of Heavy Fort (1 large scale or 3 random larges)
Fearsome Robe of Heavy Fort (1 random large)
+6 Strength belt of lesser false life
+5 Blueshine Breastplate (6k)
Cloak of Greater Cold Resist (Elf/Drow) UMD 16 - Min level 9) (15k)
+5 Blueshine Breastplate of lesser acid resist (10k)
+6 Strength Ring (1 large scale or 3 random larges)
+6 charisma Cloak of Resist +2 (Elf Drow) (UMD 22) (1 large scale)
+2 dex tome (3 large scales)
+1 int
+1 Cha
+1 Str
+1 Wis
+1 Dex