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  1. #1
    Community Member adamr09's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Looking for static group

    Well all out of character slot on my main server so decided to go over to Sarlona cus i hear there is a lot going on there . So insted of doing pugs, i want to try to get in a static group . i dont mind if it is an rp grp (might even add some more excitement to the game )but i just want to try it out . let me know if you have a static grp starting or are interested in joining one. thnx

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *fist shake* "Back in my day, we had to run the Coalescence Chamber up hill both ways! There wasn't even snow and the only slippery ice you could find was sleet storm! We had to imagine what snow would look like at Festivult time, and we liked it!"

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default A static group?

    Well that is just plain crazy talk, who would do that!

    Let me try and get a status from the Wednesday EST team they are around 3/4 level ATM...
    You might consider taking an ALT position with them, that way you can get a feel for their team and meet some of our Guild members from the more established teams as well and see if it is a good fit.

    We are always looking for new team starts, so perhaps you will find what you seek....
    Dedicated Teams Guild be part of a larger community... and Roleplayers Sarlona RP Channel

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