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  1. #21
    Community Member Yagerdude87's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    lol last night made a pug and had 2 +3 dex tomes drop lol no rolls for them just rolls for 2 treasons and the boots were pulled

  2. #22
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Eldun View Post
    +2 Tomes go very quickly at a 300K buyout on the AH so it wouldn't be unreasonable at all to ask for anywhere from 500k-1,000K plat for one out of the box.

    I pulled a +3 Int tome recently and put it up for offers to the two Wizzies in the group. I got offered 200K plat . Thanks but no thanks, at the endgame content I'm grinding for now days being on an even number with a +1 tome I'll bank those extra four skill points at 50K each without a doubt.
    not a lot of people take items into a raid thinking "I'll use this as trade bait in case someone pulls an item, and puts it up for trade/auction"

    also, there is a lot of shady things that can happen, and have been known to happen, when trades like that go down.

    You could have taken the 200kplat, and still kept the tome, what's he gonna say that can prove you didnt have the 200k on yourself? he'd have been out 200k plat, and no one would feel sorry for him, cuz he gambled, and lost. Sure you'd have an enemy for a while but hey, 200k plat!

    personally, I have made those kinds of trades a few times, all with no problems, but I have to have a really good feeling about that player, otherwise I'll back off, or not trade at all.

    I am starting to take trade bait into reaver/shroud runs never know.
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